Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Co11vent Dedieated
After twenty-one years In Riverside teaching children of St. Francis de Sales parish, this beautiful convent and chapel. blessed Sunday by the Most Rev. Bishop, has been built for the Dominican Sisters in charge of the school.
1 NEW CONVENT IS DEDICATED U RIVERSl □ E (Continued from Page 1) Saint Francis de Sales School ha s now passed its twenty-first milestone. In th(' summer of 1918. the Very Rev . J. M. Hegarty petitioned Mother M. Pauline. Mother General of the Dominican Sisters of Gal'✓eston , Texas. to send Sisters to establish a school in the picturesque city of River– side, and in response to this urg– ent appeal Mother Pauline sent three Sisters. Sister Dolorosa. Sis– ter Mary Agnes Sister Callista– all three of whom were present for the dedication ceremonies. On Sept. 29. 1918. school was opened in temporary quarters with thirty– five pupils registered. Six grades were taught the first year, and each succeeding year a grade was added until 1925 full four years of high school were complited. The hardships of the early days I were lessened by the extreme kindness of Father Hegarty who is now Monsignor Hegarty and Vicar General of the Diocese of San Diego, also by the succeeding pastors, Msgr. Keating. Fathers Roger O'Shea, Carville, O'Ma– honey, Dee and by the present pastor, Father Lynch. The pres– ent community of nine Sisters are happily rejoicing in the beauty of their new convent home and are most grateful to all who co-oper– ated in making it a reality. G. Stanley Wilson, Riverside Al'chitect. drew the plans for the Dominican convent. while L. P. Scherer was the builder. Other firms assisting in the building and furnishing of the beautiful home included R A. Klamt. T. H. Rountree, W. P Fuller & Co., Hammond Lumber Company. T. V. Davenport, Quality Mill Com– pany, Floyd Todd, Knoll and Oldendorf. the Crane Company, Warren Electric Company. M. A. Shrode. Rawlings Company, Ceco Steel Products Corp.
Bishop Officiates At Riverside On Sunday afternoon at four o'clock the dedicatior of the new convent home for the Dominican SisterE marked a great event in the history of Saint Francis de Sales parish. The Most Reverend Bishop Charles F. Buddy, assisted by several of the clergy, arriving at the convent entrance, proceeded to the Chapel, thence to the various rooms, blessing each as they passed through. dieus and stained glass windowi of beautiful design lend to thi harmonious wllole of the chapel. (Continued on paire 2) Altar boys, 35 priests, His Ex– cellency and several Sisters then BEAUTIFUL PAINTING formed a procession to the Outstanding in the chapel is painting hanging over the liturgi– tio,1 of the Rosary, Solemn Bene- ' cal Altar, which is a copy of a diction of the Blessed Sacrament painting of the Blessed Virgin and an inspiring talk by His Ex- / presenting St. Dominic witli a cellency the Bishop, commending rosary, which is hung in a con– the great work accomplished by vent in Prague. The Riverside the zealous pastor, Very Rev. picture was painted by Sister Peter Lynch, and congratulating Mary A~~s, a gifte~ artist of the architect, G. Stanley Wilson, th e Dominican Order m Houston, on his beautiful design, and the Texas, who was one of the first contractor, L. P. Scherer, on the three nuns of the order sent to splendid construction of the build- Riverside in 1918 to open St. ing. The inspiring and appro- Francis de Sales school. Prie– p14ate music was rendered by the children's choir. SPANISH ARCffiTECTURE Church where the ceremonies "The Rosary Group", a large were concluded with th~ recita-
His Excellency was assisted at the Benediction by the Rev. John Power as deacon and the Rev. Malachy O'Sullivan as sub-dea- con. The new convent and chapel is a two-story structure of Spanish– California architecture of white stucco with a red tile roof. In addition to the usual accommo– dations the structure has the de– lightful feature of an entirely in– closed patio where the Sisters may find complete seclusion. l Centered by a lily pond and dot– ted with small plantings, the in– closed garden will be a real beauty spot in a few months.
His Excellency offered Mass of Thanksgiving in the little chapel · Monday morning for the Sisters, among whom was the Mother General and her secretary.
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