Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Iliorese of ~an Iliego 15:!.S Jfourlq l\uemu ;§an Ilicgo, Ofj'icial No . 7 . In re~ a) Conference b) Little Flower Fund - .f·'eb . 10, 1938 Dear Reverend Father : I -- ' You are hereby requested to attend the First Diocesan Conference , next Wednes~ay , February 1 6 - ten o'clock, at Nazareth Home, Old Mission , San Diego . Order of Exercises . 10:00 A. M. - Mass in honor of the Holy Ghost -- Old Mi ssion Church , San Die50 de Alcala . 10:30 A. M. - Profession of Faith fo r al l pries t s in the Diocese ; Oath of Fidelity by ,ner.1be r s of Diocesan Curia . ( Jusjurandum de officio fideliter exscquendo) 11 : 00 A. M. - Conference: Auditorium. 12 : 1 5 P . M. - Luncheon: Main dining room . 12 : 45 P . M. - Visit to Bl essed Sacrament--Nazare t h Chapel Recrea t ion . 1 : 15 P . M. - Mee t ing of Diocesan Consultors :- Library . Meeting of Di ocesan t tees: 2:15 P . M. - Meditation : Nazareth Chapel . 2 : 45 P . M. - Recreation . 3 : 00 P. Tvt . - Holy Hour : Old rl.ission Church, San Diego de Alcala Pl ease arrance your appointments to reserve February 1 6 for this Conference . Those con~0mplating buildin 6 , will kindl y submit plans to Chairman of the Buildine; Commi t tee before February 16 . Little Flower F'und . 1) You are earnestly requested to send to the Chancery Office , within onis week, a list of' tho names and addresses of ev1:.,ry wage earner in your parish . Also sub1;1it a preferred list of those parishioners who could make a substantial donation. Priests Relief Society - Boys ' Dining Room Bui l dint; Commit t ee - Girl s' Dining Room Indian Cor.nnission - Auditorium.
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