Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

Site Chosen At La Mesa

Community Chest Some GOO citizens of San Diego, representatfre of the churches, charitable. philanthropic and fraternal .::ocieties. are now engaged in an effort to rai::-e the Community Che ·t's quota of $241,792 for the city and county's poor and unfortunate. Our cooperation with them, evidenced by the kindly receptions of them a our doors and by donations as generous as our means will allow, is the be t form of appreciation for their unselfish work.

To Be Haven

The cause at stake, ho,,·ever, is the higher moth'e to I influence us to make the Chest's campaign a success. Home for Aged Given Name of "Little Flower Haven," The fortunate amongst us, particularly those blessed with PurchRsed With Funds of Little Flower Drive; To an abundance of thi world's goods, should, for charity's Open )ct. 15 Under Carrnelite Sisters; Will Build sake, give cheerfully and generously. To put it in the Beautiful Chapel. I p~t.ronage of St. Joseph w:-11 be opened ur~d~r the super- weary, amongst our fellow travelers, will be recorded to vision of th e Carmehte Sist: 1 ·s or the ~1~me Heart of our credit in the Book of Life ... every failure to be Jesus O~t. 15, when o¥mership of the Ahern apartments k . } '11 d' · on El CaJon ave., recently pur- mc Wl be recorded to our 1scred1t. chased by the diocese with funds sidered best suited for the purpose. "With a population of well-nigh 300,000, San Diego raised in the financial campaign, The Sisters in charge belong to should not find it difficult to meet the needs of its poor will be transferred to His Excel- th e same order of Carmelites as and it is estimated that less than $300,000 will suffice for lency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy. th05 e who co nd uct st · Joseph's Home of St. Teresa at 4525 Vic- words of M gr. John 1\1. Hegarty, V.G., \Yho spoke to the officers and workers of the campaign last Tuesday night: , "In this journey (of life) we are, indeed, our broth- er's keeper ... every kindness done to the weak and LA_ MESA-A. home !, 0 r the aged to be knovm as 'The Little Flowe1 Haven_ and to- be placed under the

toria Ave., Riverside.

this year's quota. He who has nothing of him nothing

A'rrangements for supervision of the home by the Carmelite Sisters






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1s r~qmre ; 1e w 10 ms 1tt e,. of him only little 1s were made last May at a confer- reqmred; he who has much, of him much also the cause I ence between His Excellency and of charity requires." the provincial of the order at their Bishop's Letter Read His Excellency's letter, pub- hardly be expected to make an lished here, was read by the re- additional donation to the Chest. cipient, Right Rev. John M. Heg- 6. On account of the extensive motherhouse in Milwaukee. Sis- ter Cecelia has been appointed su- pe1ior of the group as well as head of the Little Flower Haven.

The Little Flower Haven will be the ninth home for the aged con- ducted by the Carmelites in the United States. The home is not for destitute but for people whose means will permit them to give a monthly offe1ing for their support. It is conveniently located at 8585 El Cajon ave., near Lookout st., one block from the city library here. To Build Chapel A chapel will be constructed for the Sisters and those in theil· care on the vacant site adjacent to the : tions will be also made to the pres- ent apartments as the need arises.

SOCIAl SERVICE SISTERS COMING TO WORK IN CITY Bayside Social Center, located :1t 1725 Union st., close to the Church of Our Lady of the Ros- ary and heretofore conducted by Miss Florence Fry, a member of the Catholic Welfare Bureau, will pass into the hands of the Sisters of Social Service Dec. 1, the pro- vincial superior of which has ar- ranged with His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, to es- tablish a branch of the order in San Diego for charitable and edu- cational work. The Sisters will supervise the work of the center, conduct classes in domestic science, crochetin~ and knitting, clay modeling, as wel1 ttS .'.,rt C]i!SSC.> it W >Oli, S,d. and paper. At the suggestion of His Excel- lency, clubs for underp1ivileged boys and girls and for children will be established and supervised by the Sisters. The center is a two-story frame house and is maintained by funds provided by the Community Chest thrQugh the agency of the Cath- olic Welfare Bureau. Living quar- ters for the Sisters will be ar- ranged at the center.

arty, to the officers and workers charities and this unusually large of the Community Chest at the contribution to the city, it is hoped dinner at which the campaign that for future years the Commu- was opened last Tuesday night: nity Chest may consider admitting The Right Rev. John M. Hegarty, Mercy Hospital as a Chest Agency V.G., as is done in St. Mary's, San Fran- 346 Beech street, cisco, and other cities throughout San Diego, California. the country. IJ€ar Monsignor Hegarty: 7. If it should be objected that To put our esteemed institution, the Hospital shows a profit (even the Mercy Hospital, in the proper though a comparatively small and true light with the Commu- one), let it be said that in view of respectfully their enormous debt of $600,000 nity Chest, let me

APPOINTMENTS GAll BISHOP rn sau]l EAST His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, entrained at San Ber- nardino Monday at 10:00 a.m. for the east on a trip that will take him to the national capitol for the annual meeting of the Arch- bishops and Bishops of the U-nited ' States. Bishop Buddy \'l'ill represent his diocese at the annual Conference of Catholic Charities at Richmond, Va., Oct. 8, 9. Together with three priests of I his diocese. the Bishop will attend / the National Eucharistic Congress at New Orleans Oct. 16-20. In additioa to t.bese official functions, His Excellency will de- liver the 11ermon at the golden ju- bilee of Regis College, Denver, Colo., Monday, Oct. 24. '

that some kind of profit is neces-

submit the following points: 1. Mercy Hospital heartily en-

sary, if not altogether for the debt, home in the near future. Addi-

The Sisters of Mercy, who con- I

dorses the Community Chest as certainly for new equipment.


2. As an evidence of good will, duct the Hospital, donate their Upwards of 30 residents can be the Hospital will permit posters to services to the cause of suffering I presently accommodated and a be placed in the lobby. humanity. Their lives are conse- large number of applications have 3. Moreover, the Hospital au- crated to this work. I already been received. thorities will give a list of the 8. Finally, it should not be for- I Although several sites were of- names and address_es of all em- gotten that Mercy Hospital, one of fered to the Bishop, the one lo- ployes to the solicitors. the best equipped and largest hos- cated on El Cajon ave. was con-

4. On the other hand, however, pitals in the United States, is mak-1 the Hospital cannot permit any ing the most far-reaching contri- solicitors to approach the patients, bution to San Diego and the wel- nurses or employes while they are fare of its citizens, to say nothing ' on duty in the Hospital. This of the surrounding counties. would disturb the order of the in- The above facts, in writing, are stitution and cannot be reasonably intended to clarify the situation. , expected. Nor does the Hospital With renewed esteem and wish- feel justified in faxing the salaries ing you every success and in token I of nurses and other employes for of appreciation of the splendid the Community Chest. achievements of our Community 5. Inasmuch as Mercy Hospital Chest inclosed, herewith, please contributes to the community in fl d our own check for $100. service to the community's poor Very cordially yours, and destitute, to borderline cases, CHARLES F. BUDDY, over $68,000 a year, they could Bishop of San Diego.

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