Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
A 1 T DIEGO, c. LIFOR. ·rA, FRIDAY :~EPTE11BER 29, 1939
Haven Chapel To Be Dedicated At La Mesa Tuesday His Excellency to Conse~..'. ate Altar Preceeding Day; Elaborate Addition to Be Blessed; Solemn Mass of Dedication Is Scheduled. Completion of the ne\V addition and chapel at the Little Flower Haven, La Mesa, is being affected this week for the formal dedication of the chapel by the Most I Rev. Bishop on Tuesday, October 3, when His Excellency I will dedicate the jewel-like chapel and bless the home
1Cittle jf lol\ler ltlanen A REST HAVEN FOR ELDERLY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Situated in La Mesa, California, near San Diego, whose climate is unsurpassed in the United States. All modern accommodations, furnishings and equipment. Flowers and trees abound. Beautiful and spacious chapel. Address: Sister Superior, Little Flower Haven, La Mesa, California, Telephone La Mesa 2163
conducted by the Sisters of the I Congregation of Carmel. D.C.J., for the aged , both men and wo- men. who will make it their home in the future. Solemn Mass of dedication will be celebrated by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V. G .. at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday in the new chapel. the Altar of which will be consecrated at an 8: 00 a.m. cere- mony by the Most Rev Bishop on the preceding day. The dedica- tory Mass at which the Most Rev. Bishop will preside and preach. will be open to the pub- lic. Priests of the diocese will as- sist. The new chapel itself will seat 80 persons and has a marble Al- tar of liturgical design. The Com- munion rail is of wrought iron with marble top. The new struc- ture is built of reinforced con- crete and roofed with red tile. Besides the chapel it consists of two stories and has 25 rooms, re- plete with all modern accc!"'l.oda- tions, furnishings and equipment necessary to make it a real home for aged men and women. In ad- ' dition to living quarters are libraries, parlors. spacious kit- chen and refectories. An elevator will take guests from the first floor to their rooms on the sec- , ond. VISITORS WELCOME I The Little Flower Haven will be 1 I open to visitors after the dedica- tion and in the afternoon from 3 :00 to 5:00 pm. Benediction of the Blessed Sac- rament will be given during the month of October each afternoon at 5:00 p.m. *-----------*
HIS EXCELLENCY MOST REV. CHARLES F. BUDDY, D. D. will dedicate the LITTLE FLOWER CHAPEL on El Cajon Boulevapd Tuesday, OdobeP th Pee, ninefeeen thipfy-nine, ten o'clock a. m. The Hiqh Mass will be su nq b4 lh e RI. Rev Msqe, John M. Heqarl4, V. G. The Seeman ol Ma ss will be preached by His Excell ency Most Rev. Bishop Budd4 Assislanl peiests lo !he Bishop: Yee4 Rev. f eedeeickA. Wekenman V. f . ond Rev. Rudolfo A. f orli ee Deacon of the Mass: Yer4 Rev. f rancis C, Ott, V. f . Sub-deacon: Rev. Thamos Lehane
The CaPmelite SistePs, D. C. J. invite you to be pPesent on this occas ion Rev. Chaples NoPman Raley, Chaplain
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