Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Though no sermon was given at the Most Rev. Bishop's anni- versary Mass Tuesday. His Excel- lecy spoke a few words at the close of the Mass. as follows: "It would seem lacking in gra- cious appreciation if some little word of profound gratitude were not expressed to all those who have made this jubilee day im- pressive and joyful- first to our devoted priests who have cele- brated so many Masses for the unworthy Bishop of San Diego; to the Venerable Sisters who, with the children, have offered count- less prayers and spiritual bou- quets; to all the beloved people of the Diocese who received Holy Communion for me. For this, in- deed . is my greatest need-this is the one link of prayer that binds us all together with "golden chain about the feet of God." "Looking back through the rush of years the memory of that great day is still fresh when , for the first time. the chasuble fell over my trembling shoulders and when one compares all the aspirations of mind and heart and soul with the failures and the unfulfilled hopes, mine is just the old simple story of life with human frailty on one side and the strength of God on the other. "My brother priests know what 'ecclesia supplet' means. There is encouragement in the thought that the infinite mercy of God supplies for my infirmities. Al- most three years ago we met in this Cathedral and pledged each other mutual aid. So far there is nothing in the record that shows that pledge was brnken. "Vividly before me today are many who are not present bul, through these 25 years have en- deared themselves by many acts of kindness and cooperation. "One of the greatest joys and a complete surprise was when the beloved priest who baptized me 51 years ago came here to San Diego, over 2000 miles - Father Basil, who is a priest 56 years, the presbyter assistant at this morning's Mass- 82 years young and to whom a jubilee of 25 years must seem lilrn baby stuff. Fifty- six years at the altar of God and he comes here , 2000 miles, to see that infant of 51 years is still living up to the promises he made through his sponsors at baptism. Thanks be to God for this be- loved son of St. Benedict who has
been my inspiration for so many years and who stood at my side the day of my consecration. "Let me say this to the young priests, that after 25 years, 'the sight of a white host uplifted, the gleam of a golden chalice. the sil- xer sound of a bell is even sweeter than 25 years agu. "In spite of all our failures and shortcomings may we not be con- soled with the thought that al- though the Church has many great and fervent priests, of there is only one perfect priest- Jesus Christ. While there have been valiant, noble and saintly women , there is only one Immacu- lata. "Somehow this morning my mind went back 43 years to the day of my First Communion, of Lhe one who had planned every- thig so beautifully for me - my mother. And were she living to- day, she would be entitled by every right to the center of thi, celebration because it must b; the mother from the very first who writes on her heart the plans and specifications for the future life of every priest. "There was deep consolation in chanting the Solemn Mass of the Blessed Sacrament and including the prayer for peace an<;i thanks- giying to God for all the bless- ings He, in His mercy, has grant- ed me during a quarter century. We also asked pardon for the sins and transg1:essions. Above all. we are most grateful for the outstanding and zealous pried;- hood of San Diego - for those fe.rvent ambassadors of Christ wbo endure all things and suffe1:
all things that the Saviour may be known and loved. "May we never be forgetfu l of those consecrated virgins - the hundreds of Sisters who do a heroic work in this vast mission- ary field. You can see the artis- tic touch of some of them s0 beautifully evident in the exqui- site decorations of this altar ancl the altar of my private chapel- the Sisters of the Holy Family. had May we also welcome the Sister::, make their first public appearance in the Cathedral They have come to help us instruct and to lead in word and example the children of St. Didacus' new school. "And though my heart is filled too deeply for utterance, let me assure you of my everlasting gratitude and the joy of serving you in San Diego. The generous tokens of your affection will strengthen me through the years that are left. Your prayers and the Holy Cross who today
Buddy Says Mass - On SilverJubilee Catholic priests of the San Diego diocese gathered today at St. Joseph's cathedral to honor B.ev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of the diocese, by participating in a sol- emn pontifical mass of thanksgiv- ing in observance of Buddy's silver jubilee as a priest. Attending the mass, at which the bishop was celebrant, was Rev. Basil O'Dermatt, 0.S.B., who also attended the bishop's ordJnation in the basilica of St. John Lateran, the cathedral of Rome, Sept. 19, 1914. O'Dermatt, now 82, already had served the church as priest more than a quarter of a century when Buddy was ordail]sed. He came to San Diego for the jubilee observance from the Benedictine monastery at Conception, .Mo. Sister in Attendance Another spectator at today's mass was Sister Mary Magdalen, C.S.C., mother superior of St. Catherine's academy, Ventura, a sister of the bishop. Assisting the bishop at mass were Msgr. John M. Hegarty, Rev. Laurence Forristal and Sir Al- bert V. Mayrhofer, K.C.H.S. A clerical choir, under direction of Rev. F. C. Ott, sang the Grgorian "Mass of •the Angels." Following the mass, Buddy was host at a luncheon for local and visiting priests at Ubach hall, beneath St. Joseph's church, while another luncheon was goven the nuns at El Cortez hotel. Buddy was appointed the first bishop of San Diego diocese, Oct. 31, 1936, by the late Pope Pius XI. Parochial schools throughout the diocese were given a vacation to- day in order to enable priests and nuns to attend the jubilee mas.s.
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