Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

El Centro Parish Marks Anniversary Of Its First Mass Bishop Buddy Presides at Two:~ay Cerc~1011ies,_ T~n- 1 dered Courtesies bv Valley Cities; Requiem Said for First Pastor. EL CENTRO.-El Centro's two- Mary's church, the Rev. J. A. C. I day celebration of the Silver Ju- I Van Veggel with His_ "f!xcellency, bilee of St. Mary's parish was fea- Bishop Buddy. pres1dmg and tured by the presence of His Ex- preaching the sermon. The Very cellency, Bishop Charles Francis Rev. Laurence Forristal of San Di– Buddy, who with the · Very Rev. ego and the Very Rev. Joseph Laurence Forristal, Chancellor of Clarkin of Brawley acted as dea– the Diocese, arrived in Imperial cons of honor to the bishop. As– Valley Satmday morning and were sisting at the Mass was the Rev. guesti:, at a one o'clock civic lunch- Philip Watz as deacon, Rev. Mich– eon tendered Bishop Buddy by the ael O'Connor, as sub-deacon, and Shippers, Packers and Producers Rev. Matthew Thompson. as mas– of El Centro at the Barbara Worth ter of ceremonies. Fat.her Layton, Hotel. o. s. B., was in the Sanctuary. One hundred-flfl,y prominent Jn

Priests Attend I Clergy Conference, First In Diocese Bi hop Buddy Received Oath of Office of Curia; Entire roup Take Oath Against Modernism· Paper Read b Rev. Daniel Ryan, Discussed. clerical Conference reth House, conducted by the .Poor and Day of Recollection for the Sisters of Nazareth, sang hymns priests of the Diocese of San Diego throughout the Mass. were opened :Ve_cinesday, Feb. 16, Three boys from the Home 10 a.m., at '.M:iSS1on San Diego de ·served as acolytes. Acala, Mission Valley, with a Pon- . tiflcal Mass celebrated by His Ex_.; Upw_a1ds of 80 priests, including cellency, the Most Rev. Charle ;the Diocesan Curia, pastors and Francis Buddy. The first

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 193 .. PEOPLE \V ARNED AGAINST "FAKE" SOLICITORS HERE No one is permitted to solicit subscriptions for Catholic mag– azines in the diocese without the written p rmission of His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charle Francis Buddy. This permission must also have the imprint of the Diocesan Seal. The Catholic people are ,varned I that unless the Bishop's letter bears also the signature of their Pastor the solicitor is to be ignored. Reports indicate that there are several unauthorized solici– tors now in the diocese whose : activities His Excellency desires, Y with the cooperation of the : priests and people, to stop. .LY.&.lr,J.&..1\lay morning, His Excellency celebrat– ed Solen n Pontifical Requiem Ma!>s at 7:;:s0 o ". ,c-,,. for the late Rev. Joseph O'Hara, organizer and builder of St. Mary's church in 1913. Parishioners and all mem– bers of the clergy in Imperial Val– ley were present at the Requiem. Going· to Holtville from El Cen– tro, Bishop Buddy and his party were met at 11 o'clock by the Rev. Philip Watz. pastor of St. Joseph's church and a large number of par– ishioners, whom he ~ddressed. Another affair graced by the presence of His Excellency was the Saturday evening Jamaica at Cal– exico, given as a benefit for the Sisters' school. There were a great many of the parishioners present to greet the Bishop, who expressed himself as being pleased with the spirit of cooperation manifested by the people of Calexico. -•-...................••c, '-' ~ .._,..,

ssistants, and the representatives of religious Orders in the dioces~, attendetj.

Deacons of Honor to His E ·cel– le11cy were the Very Rev. F. A. Wekenman and Lhe R v. Joseph C. Mesny. The Masters of Cei-emonles were the Revs. M. J, O'Connor and Wil- l Ilam J. Casey, Present in the sanctuary ,vas 1 the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Heg– arty, V.G., attended by the Rev. Thomas Phtlan and the Rev. John Grady_ The children's choir oI Naza-

G bY ClOSE DAY'S MEETING AT H ~ l YHOUR Priest-Author Discourses on "Mercy of Christ," Bene" diction Given. The spiritual exercises of the Day of Recollection were con– ducted from 3:30-4:30 p.m., by the Rev. David P. McAstocker, S.J., and the Rev. John Regan, S.J. Father McAstocker discoursed 011 "The· Mercy of Christ" and exem-, plified its qualities by the life of Magdalen-Sinner and Saint. The Holy Hour, conducted by Father Regan, was featured by medi tatio11s and hymns sung by the priests' choir under the direc– tio11 of the Rev. Francis C. Ott. Benediction of the Blessed Sac" rament was given by the Rt. Rev. (Continued on paQ'e 2) lEA

llis sermon, Bishop Buddy comnatulated Father Van Veggel and 0 the· people of the parish for their whole-hearted support in planning the jubilee and for the improvements made in St. Mary's church. Bringing home the homely truth of a point in his sermon on the "Unnatural C1imes That strike at the Very Foundation of the Home," His Excellency paused as an embanassed father attempted to take his child from the church, saying, "Please do not go. The child does not disturb me. Chil– dren preach sermons. I do IJ.Ot fear the things of which everyone was speaks, Communism and the rest, st. but I do fear the unnatural crimes I that strike at the foundation of · I the home.''

citizens of Imperial Valley were present at a second testimonial dinner given by St. Mary's parish– ioners Sunday evening, including Mayor Womack of El Centro ar d Mr. Holt, one of the first ciUzens of the valley, for whom Holtville is named. His Excellency spoke on the conditions of the world to– day, drawing attention to the at– tack upon civilization by the Com– munistic influences at work at home and abroad. He paid high compliment to the spirit of good– fellowship manifested by the citi– zen of Imperial Valley. Jubilee M.ass The solemn Jubilee Mass celebrated by the pastor of

Conference Speaker

Bishop Stresses Parish Organization I

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The question. of a quota was dis- cussed and it was agreed that the sum of $200,000 is required to meet A motion by the Rev. Albert Dean Shepherd, who presided at the present diocesan needs. the clerical Conference of the priests at Nazareth House Wed- Dontanvville. Ontario, nesday, His Excellency, th e Mo st Bishops write a letter to be Tead Sunday in all the cussed questwns pertinent to th e churches of the diocese was also needs of the diocese. approved. 1 8peaking upon the financial His Excellency finally urged the I campaign to be conducted soon_ -- 1 the Bishop stressed the importance priests to see that all the chidren, of an organization in each parish as well as grown people, attend formed and directed by the pastor, :Mass and receive Holy Commun– him.self, in accordance with his ion daily, during the novenas to be own methods, and emphasized the ,held February 21-27 and March fact that 25 % of the amount 6-13, in preparation f01· the finan– raised in each parish will be em- 1 cial campaign. ployed to reduce its debt. Rev. Charles_Francis. Buddy, dis- on a given Intrnduced by the Ve1·y Rev.

that the B


The Rev. Daniel J. Ryan, dioce– san auditor of the matrimonial court, who read a, scholarly paper Wednesday at the priest's confer– ence on the subject, "Matrimonial j Procedure.'' Bishop Will Confirm

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BRAWLEY.-Large numbers of Brawley residents were present Saturday afternoon for the 4 o'clock dedication ceremony of the home of the Mi'ssionary Catechists by His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, who was accom– panied by the Very Rev. Laurence Forristal, the Very Rev. Joseph V. Cla_rkin, the Rev. Father Layton, O. S. B.. and other priests of Im– perial Valley. Vested in CapJlD. Magna, Bishop Buddy marched in procession from St. Margaret Mary's Church to the newly constructed building that has t>. chapel in addition to the ac– commodations for 12 Catechists. A scene to thrill the heart was the number of Mexican children who marched in the procession guided by the Catechists, who teach them Religion. The pure voices of the children added a new beauty to many of the Church's hymns and reached a thrilling cli– max in their soaring salvos of


Class At Arlington At Close Of Mission Week ARLINGTON-A week's mission o'clock, with the evenil1g devo– conducted by the Rev. Father Fer- tions at 7:30 o'clock. Four o'clock dinand, C.P., of Sierra Madre, will mission devotions will be held each be held at St. Thomas' church aflernoon for the children of the /from Sunday, March 6, to Sunday, pai-isl1. , March 13, according to an an- l nouncement by the pastor. the Rev. John McHale.

Calling attention to the need of instruction for hundreds of chil– dren in the diocese, he stated that unless we find Catechists for them soon and the means to suppo t these Catechists the children will be lost to the Church. The Bishop ~lso briefly enumen.t,, t.he other needs for which funds are to be I found , such as a Home for the Aged. a Sanitarium for tubercular 1 patients, accommodations for or- phans, etc.

Marking the close of the mis– sion March 13, His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, will administer the sacrament of Confirmation to a class of chil– dren and adults. Daily Masses during the mission J week will be celebrated at 6 and 8

I After the blessin~ of the home, I the Bishop gave Ben1;;diction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

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