Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
(I/~ I~- . ry-e )~. Bishop C. F. Buddy a Priest Twenty-Five Years.
:' BISHOP'S JUBllEE 1Sf PTEMBER 1~ . / Next Tuesday the Most Rev. I Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of San I Diego, will quietly observe his Silver Sacerdotal Jubilee. When several months ago a committee of priests approached the Bishop with well laid plans for an elab- orate celebration, His Excellency made known his wishes that any- thing of a public or formal char- acter be omitted and that instead, both priests and people offer, privately, prayers to thank God for the blessings of the years. Our Most Revered Bishop was ordained in the Basilica of st. John Laternn, the Cathedral of Rome, Sept. 19, 1914, and read his first Mass on the Tomb of St. Peter the following day. He was appointed first Bishop of San Diego by the late Pope Pius XI, on Oct. 31, 1936. The Bishop, assisted by Dioces- an clergy, will chant a Solemn Pop.tifical Mass of Thanksgiving next Tuesday morning at 11: 00 a.m. There will be no sermon. A clerical choir under the direction of the Very Rev. Francis c. Ott, V.F. , will sing the Gregorian Mass of the Angels. No formal invitations have been issued but all are welcome to the church ceremony,
On Tuesday the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D. D., bishop of the Catholic diocese of San Diego, Cal., formerly pastor of St. Joseph's Cathedral here, will observe the twenty-fifth anniver- sary of his ordination to the priesthood. The occasion will be observed with a pontifical high mass tn St. Joseph's Cathedral in San Diego. Bishop Buddy was ordained Sept. 19, 1914, at the cathe- dral of St. John Lateran in Rome. A year later he returned to St. Joseph to serve at the cathedral of which he was appointed rector in 1926. He was eleYated to the bishopric in December of 1936. The above photo was taken a few weeks ago in the garden of the episcopal residence in San Diego, Inion SECOND SECTION Financial, Classified s....r, . 20, 1939 SECTION B BISHOP BUDDY CELEBRATES SILVER JUBILEE AS PRIEST . i ,, . ! . ::,:-:•,•W -~-
-THE SAN DIEGO SUN_ Bishop Buddy Celebrates 25 Years Of Ordination The Most_ Rev. Charles F. Bud- Basil O'Dermatt, o. s. B., who as- dy, D. D., bishop of the San Di- · t · . - . ego diocese, yesterday was cele- sis ed m ordammg BLShop Buddy brant at a solemn pontifical mass a quarter of a century a.go. The I of t_han~sgiying, :05 years after his bishop's sister, Sister Mary Mag- ' ordmat10n m Rome 1 r th st · , da en, C. S. C., mother superior. n e · Josephs ca th edral of St. Catherine's Academy Ven- the mass was attended by the Rev. tura, also was a witness. '
· After the ceremony Bishop Bud- 1 dy was host at a luncheon for San Diego and visiting priests in the new Ubach hall under St. Jo- seph's church. Assisting at the mass were the Very Revs. F. A. 1 Wenkenman, D. Gallardo, E. A. • Maunch and T. J . McNamara I and the Revs. Damian Gobea: Kenneth G. Stack and M. J . . O'Connor. / : Seated in the sanctuary with ' the Rev. O'Dermatt were the Rt. I Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, vice general of the diocese; the Rt. Rev. 1 Laurence For r is ta!, chancellor, I and Sir Albert V. Mayrhofer, K. C. H. S. A clorical choir, under the direction of the Very Rev. F. t C. Ott sang the Gregorian Mass i of the Angels.
The Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy (center) D. D., bishop of San Diego Catholic diocese, celebrated his silver jubilee as a priest at a mass of thanksgiving yesterday morning in St. Joseph's cathedral, which was filled. There were 125 visiting priests of various orders, several of them assisting the bishop at mass. One of the visitors, the Rev. Basil O'Dermatt, O. s. B., 82, came from Benedictine monastery in Mis• souri for the occasion. It was he who baptized Bishop Buddy 51 years ago and he was present when the bishop was ordained a priese 25 years ago. Among the 100 visiting nuns was a sister of Bishop Buddy, Sister Mary Magdalen, C. S. C., mother superior of St. Catherine's academy, Ventura. The bishop enter- tained the ,·isiting clergy at luncheon in Ubach hall after mass. There was a luncheon for the nuns at El Cortez hotel.
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