Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940


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Bishop Riddles Durant Philosophy Introduces Series Of Broadcasts EXPOSES FALLACIES UNDER CLOAK OF STYLE Since many attending early Ma~s last Sunday were unable to hear the Most Rev. Bishop speak over Station KGB in introducing a six months series of weekly broad- casts featuring fundamental truths of the Catholic re- ligion, we are pleased to print the address. Sponsored

r The subject matter of Religion I and all that relates to 1t, is God - the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth-Who reveals truths be- yond our poor little finite intel- lects. The excellence of a science depends upon the importance of its object. Religion follows th,= noblest of all pursuits, to en- lighten, purify. strengthen, sancti- fy and lead man to the Beatific Vision, eternal happiness, the pos- session of everlasting love. This sublime objective alone honors man-God's masterpiece of crea- tion. GO FORTH AND TEACH . "Now the Catholic Church, the pillar and ground of truth, bas al- ways fostered the prcgress of sci- ence, because as the divinely com- missioned teacher and representa- tive of Jesus Christ she possesses all truth. Still animated by th~ Paraclete, the Spirit of truth, she lives and acts and speaks through Him. "In vain do the heathen rage and the peoples plot vaiu things." Even amid the storms of persecution and the noisy formu- las of assorted isms, the Church never forgets her divine mission. In season and out of season she harkens to the command of· Jesus Christ, "Going therefore, teach ye all nations, baptizing them in the of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com- manded you : and behold I am with ycu, all days, even to the consummation of the world.'• Ayf! more, go forth into the highways and byways, and transform mcm from the bondage of sin into the "liberty and glcry of the children of God." DOCTRINE OF DESPAIR "This very charge of our Saviour challenges the pessimism of Will Durant. In his STORY OF PHIL- OSOPHY he preaches a doctrine of despair and total disregard for human dignity. The prescription of such quackery result in insan- ity or suicide or both. His flippant drivel ignores the constructive. He puts the word "truth" in quota- tion marks This bit of irony re- flects ·his own intellectual help- lessness. It's the backward drag of a high-sounding cymbalist. In the same trend he continues . . . "Life has become in that total perspective which is philosophy, a fitful pullation of insects on the earth, a planetary eczema that may soon be cured; nothing is cer- tain in it except defeat -and death in a sleep from which, it seems,' there is no awakening. "We 6re driven to conclude that the greatest mistake in human I history was a discovery of t111th." Does anyone get the point in the , foregoing paragraph? In this preamble to despair he de- scribes man as "a forked radish of no more concern to nature than a flea.'' "Man,'' in the words of Durant. "is to the dog probably an in-ational prater. to the mos- quito merely another meal." ... "Once the child had an immortal soul-now it has glands.'' Sense- less jargon and to what purpose? Does anyone get it? This cynic , doubts everything By the same token. we doubt him.

by the Holy Name Union of San I Diego county, the series ·will open this Sunday and will be known as the Catholic Truth Series. The quarter-hour ·program, which opens with a musical selection, was written by the Rev. Richard Felix, O.S.B., and enacted by Hol- lywood artists. Last Sunday morning's address follows: FRIENDS OF THE RADIO AUDIENCE: "We thank you, the manage- ment of KGB for your uniform courtesies. Sincere congratula- tions to Doctor Joseph M. Cun- ningham, president. to the other officers and members of the Holy 1 Name Union whose faith and de- votion to a great cause become articulate in this far-reaching Catholic action. TO ENACT DRAMA "Because a yearning for God stirs millions of people in the world today, WP. are grateful for the opportunity to broadcast. fun- damental truths. The drama un- folding religion's part in solving life's problems will start next Sun- day over K.G.B. at 8:15. There is nothing new in the strip. nothing sensational. The candid charac- ters portrayed in this clear-cut sketch will construct-not destroy. But truth unadorned shall play the center of the stage and attract the open-minded. In the real rnuare deal American spirit to promote mutual interest, better understanding, we ask a hearing. Our purpose is to help not hurt. So muon falsehood and old stuff from the backwoods are persist- ently rehashed that weary hungry souls along the highway crave a u.-hnle.<:om~. palatable portion of plain facts. l-'URPOSE OF LIFE "Is there a God? Did He speak? What did H.e say? Has life a def- I inite purpose? Could you give an intelligent answer to these vital questions? Every rational being should know the purpose of exist- I enoe - should firmly anchor to I something outside himself and grasp the simple truth that man was made to know. love and serve God in this life so as to be happy with Him forever in Heaven.

IS THERE A CRISIS? "The leading article in the SAT- URDAY EVENING POST of Au- gust 5 is the cry of a drowning man engulfed in his own fallacies -THE CRISIS IN CHRISTIAN- ITY by Will Durant, popular writ- er, confused thinker and fallen- away Catholic. Obscured by clouds of verbiage, the writer fails to clarify the alleged crisis. He can- not. There is no crisis in Chris- tianity; but the same old fight of truth against falsehood, light against darkness, generosity as op- posed to greed and selfishness. > e a c e against war, humility igainst pride and vanity, love and orgiveness against hatred and re- enge, a subtle, bloodless conflict > continue as long as the effects ' original sin afflict our wounded iture. WIN DAUGHTERS "Will Durant rates as a clever •list. Under the cloak of style, wever hides shallow and faulty soning. The author makes the le minnows of his muddled ln speak like whales-and in name of mankind. The search- of logic shows up this sloppy king. He refers to "ensuing .ict between religion and sci- " Could Mr. Durant specify onflict? There is no conflict en religion and science be- these two are .the twin ters of the same heavenly ·. They move in parallel

SUPERB FOP "Stylist? Rather a confilmed and unbearable egoist, a clever smart aleck in love with his own cleverness. After all language should ccin and convey thought, But like the peacock in fine rai- ment, Durant struts about the lit- erary world-a superb fop-in a trance, unconscious of his own harmful folly. "And, oh, the moan from the depths when he admits. "Scienc•.• 1 offers not consolation but death." The reference must be to his own brand of Science. And he con- cludes with a statement that con- tradicts his premises, "the great question of our time is whethe1· man can bear to live without God." To prove that man cannot afford to live without God, is lhe role of these broadcasts. Truth carries conviction. Why fear it? May we beg our radio audience to pray for the light of Faith and the courage to embrace it. You have often heard that "Chimes are sweet when the metal is sound.'' Listen then to the ring of truth.

between them the zone of 1.ysics, friendly to both and to neither. To be sure, Re- and science often treat of ne object but always under 1t aspects. Indeed Religion highest science. Evidently ..:ellence of a science de- upon the certainty with it establishes its conclu- :>r certainty alone can sat- mind of man. CE OBJECTIVE ::ience of Religion affords ainty of the wisdom and, 1ess of God H.imself. The I e of a science rests upon 't .. -f 1t, ;;,1.1t,1c. ,.. l'lati:er·

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