Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
Friday, August 4, 1939
e man Bi hop Addresses German Catholics AtSanFrancisco NationalConclave
Bishop Ad resses Ca tholics At Conve t ion High prai e was pa id the Catholic l entral Verein and its auxiliary union fo r its eighty-four ye2rs of Cath- olic Action and ou t::--tandinp.· cha1 i ab](' o kl': bv the ::VIo~t Rev. Bishop in adclre , m · th m , 1 01 n n 1, of their national convention in San Fra ci cu • unday. The Mass, attended by hundreds of delegates and German Catholics of thP B Y r ... , c lebrated by Archbishop John J. Mitty. Speal:ing of the record of the Verein. Bishop Buddy said: I
SANCTIFY LIVES ''To stress the beauty of your Religion, sanctify your own lives. 'This is the will of God-your sanctification.' You will never be content• to rest on the laurels of those who have gone before you. Jesus Christ i5 the Way, the Truth and the Light. The closest and most effective union with Him is obtained through frequent Holy Communion. Thus the life of the spirit is quickened in us. Only the sanctification of the individ- ual members can perpetuate the life of your organization. In vain will your various committees elab- orate a workable program unless your faith and charity are nour- ished by the Bread of Angels. Let the light of Jesus Christ dwelling in you shine before man. "The late Holy Father, of bless- ed memory, appealed to all people for a 'sincere renewal of private and public life according to the principles of the gospels ... that they may be in truth the salt of the earth to preserve human so- ciety from total corruption.' UNFAILING SOURCE "Jesu/:; Christ came that you might have life- and have it more abundantly.'' You are well aware that the Most Blessed Sacrament is the unfailing Source of all the supernatural vitality in the world. Remove the Altar of Sacrifice and the Prisoner of the Tabernacle from this cathedral and what have you? An empty hall. A mere building shorn of its animating principle. The Blessed Sacrament is God with us, the life of the Church. From the Altar Throne no,.'. rivers of Divine Grace which enlighten the mind while strength- ening the soul. ,''Weekly participation by the entire family - stimulates your best energies, makes you a com- pelling proof before your fellow man. The family-not the Verein -is the unit in both Church and State. The family then should first be spiritualized, especially by example of parents. Let the Fa- thers and Mothers lead their Chil- dren every single Sunday to the Banquet ,Table of Christ-offer Him their hearts' affection in a loving welcome, be fortified by the tide of His Precious Blood and feel in their souls the influence of His life words. Central Vereiners you have a great work on hand. May you never let down." ''Your union r ises like an 'im- pregnable wall a'"'ain t th e fierce violence of ti1e nPmks of God.' In our own day. vou witness the diaLolic· 1 h< r th r enrrenders fierce violen "; he f::. lse philoso- *----- -------* I Other excC'rpts from the Most Rev. Bishop's sermon to the Catholic German organization l in convention at San Francisco will be founcl in the column, "F rcm A Mission Tower." *------ ---* phy of many "isms·• that defy God anq would ct.stray both Church and Stri. ; that use every foul means to exploit the depres- sion and the unemployed; that h ave deluged the country with subversive and sordid literature libeling religion as the opiate of the people. Beware of the social wolf in sheep's clothing going about to blight and despoil white homes that enshrine the clean of heart. COUNTERACT EVILS "In the face of imminent dan- dangers it must be evident to you that the CentralVerein v:as provi- dentially called into being to coun- ter::.c th 0 evil effects of athiestic pr · nda. to champion the C"'I of th<> I«i·m r, the laboring I man tl!e poor and the oppressed. i Tocl:w, then witl1 fully realizing that 'unle,s the Lord built the house, they labor in · vain who build it,' you b gin the delibera- tions of this ei hty-fourth annual (C'on• inned on p e 3) ~ I •
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