Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940



To Preced~- Drive . .

Adults, Childern No ena Announced By Bishop Thr dates fixpd by His Excel- ticn sermon an l t "'tlcy. Ute MosL Rev Cfiar!es Fran- f Lhe 'novent one a r:e :Jray~rs of Uw

Recollection Day, Clergy Conference Set For Wednesday First Clerical Conference in Diocese To Be at Nazareth House; Diocesan Curia To Take Oath of Office; Bishop Buddy to Preside The first clerical conference and Day of Recollection for the priests of the Diocese of San Diego will be held Wednesday, February 16, at Nazareth House, Mission Valley. .., His Excellency, tbc MosL Rev. Charles Francis Buddy,

be awarded to the writers of the

daily Mass and drive which His Excellency h

will consist of_

protection ~; two best essays in both schools in


da:l~ Comi_numon for nine days; placed under :.1 vices d_a1ly at 7: 30 p. :n., which Our Lady of Perpetual Help will each deanery. 111 consi st of Rosary, Benedic-be conducted in every parish in

The moneys raised through this campaign will be known as the Little Flower Fund of the Diocese of San Diego, and will be used for such as needs as the establish- ment of a home for the aged, a home for working girls, convents for Catechists, reduction of paro- chial debts, rehabilitation of rec- tories in the poor parishes and issions of the diocese.


will celebrate a Pontifical Mass in the Old Mission at 10 o'clock, Immediately thereafter the mem- bers of the Diocesan Curia will take the oath of office. A theolo- gical conference will then be held at which the Very Rev. Laurence Forristal, Chancellor of the dio- cese, and the Rev. Daniel Ryan, Auditor of the Matrimoni:3.1 Court, will read papers and lead the dis- I The Very Rev. Vincent Shep- 1 herd will preside at the confer- Luncheon will be served at 12. There will be a meeting of the Diocesan Consultors at l. The spiritual exercises of the cussions. encc. afternoon will consist of -tation for the priests given by the Rev. David P. McAstoclrnr, S .J.. ::i medi-

CLERICAL CHANGES MADE IN DIOCESE BY BISHOP BUDDY Very Rev. F. A. Wekenman, pastor'of St. Vincent's to chap- lain, Mercy hospital. Rev. Francis Ott, paS t or of st · Mary's, National City, to paS t0 r of · 8t · Vincent's, San Rev. Francis Dillon, charge of Indian missions to pastorate of St. Mary's, Nation- from Rev. John Gallagher, from assistant at Our Lady of the Angels parish ,to Indian mis- Diego. nl City.

gels' Church, San Diego, aud De- fensor Vinculi of the Diocesan Matrimonial Court. Father Gal- lagher is also chaplain of the San Diego council, Knights of Colum- bus, and Diocesan Director of Boy Scouts. The Rev. John Power. former chaplain of Mercy hospital, has been granted leave of absence on the recommendation of his psy- sician and will depart soon to at- tend the ordination of his nephew, the Rev. Percival Leahy of Os- cott College, Birmingham, Eng- land.

ImportanL changes in Dlocesan clergy were announced this week by His Excellency, Bishop Charles The Very Rev. F. A. Wekenman, former pastor of st. Vincent de Paul parish, San Diego, has been appointed Senior chaplain, Mercy Hospital, San Diego. After many years of successful work in par- ishes throughout Southern Cali- fornia, Father Wekenman will undertake, at the request of His Excellency, not only the duties of Chaplain at the hospital, but a of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Father Wekenman is also Vicar General for religious in the diocese. The Rev. Francis Ott 0 has been transferred from the pastorate of St. Mary's Church, National City, to pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Church, succeeding Father Wek- enman. The work for which Father Ott was placed in the suburban parish four years ago has been successfully completed, and his promotion to the larger field, will still -leave him sufficient time to continue his directorship of Ca- tholic Youth in the diocese. l\fissiona1·y Changed 'I11e missionary work of the Rev. Francis Dillon among the In- dians for the past five years has merited for him the appointment as pastor of St. Mary's, National City. Replacing Father Dillon in the difficult._,charge of the Indian mis- sions, is the Rev. John Gallagher, assidant at om- Lady of the An~ Francis Buddy.


leave of

Rev. John Power,

author of the and popular treatises on Christian 1 ·--------------· Mercy College of Nursing. Dortrine. He will teach psychology, eth- Boly Hour will be conducted by I ics and apologetics and continue I in the office of Diocesan Director several ascetic works absence. professional assignment at

th<' Rev. John Gegan. s. J .. from 3 lo 4 p m. at the Old Mission, I and will bring to a close the ex- 1 of the day.



-- -=--~ .... chism since 1930, being ho~~d in ;t poor dwelling, unfit f()r· their oe- cupa11cy. The new residence io be blessed by His Excellency, as shown in the architect's sketch above, has a chapel, eommunlt.y room, dining mom, kitchen, service-room and dcrmitory. The simply building .is of frame and i:tucco construction.

Con111Jetio11 of the first unit of the diocesan building progr!l..m i.n 1 the Imperial Deanery will be /marked Saturday, Febmary 12, al 14 :00 !J, m .• when His Excellency, / Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, will bless the newly constructed home for the Missionary Cate- chists at Brawley, where the good Sisters, have been teaching Cate-

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