Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
ARY 24 1939
:Ui8hop ~nnounce8 .-1an • Diocesan Paper To Be Placed In Every Home A plan to place The Southern*His Excellency has announced an*nent and generous space. Short. Cross, San Diego's diocesan Cath- essay contest on either of the two pithy articles each week unrayel olic weekly, in every Catholic subjects, "The Advantages of Our in the light of eternal truth prob- home in the four counties of the Catholic Weekly" or "Why I !ems of a social, economical and diocese as a move to stem the Red Should Read The Southern Cross:• educational as well as those of a wave that menaces unenlightened The Most Reverend Bishop has religious and moral nature. Catholics everywhere is proposed also announced that he will offer It is a general assumption by the Most Reverend Bishop this prizes for the best essay in th·~ among thinking people that '.i week in letters to the pastors and first four grades and in the four well-edited weekly paper has pro- through them to the laity. higher grades of parochial schools portionately more influence than Because of general confusion as well as prizes for th0 se u nd e:. the daily. It is read more care-- created by vicious propaganda in the catechetical instruction of th-, fully. It centers more intimately the secular press, His Excellency Si st ers. into the life of the people. The proposed this method of enlight- Prizes are also offered for the Southern Cross being such a ening the Catholics of San Dieg0 best essay in the high schools and paper, it is the expressed purpose diocese, saying, "This is not the for the best essay by any member of the Most Reverend Bishop to time for any bait-hearted efforts. of the C.Y.O. make it better known and regu- Acute conditions call for drastic Through the educational cam- larly read by every Catholic in measures." paign prior to the work of solici- the diocese. "The enemies of religion," tation Catholics will be acquainted writes the Bishop, " . fight us with the value of their diocesan principally 'through the press-we publication. must use a like weapon." It is for Each week news gathered from
Campaign to Place Diocesan Paper in Every Home Launched in Each Parish; Is Part of National Drive Organized by Bishops of United States. The campaign to place The Southern Croi:;s in every Catholic home in the diocese of San Diego was launched last Sunday when from every pulpit was read the Most Reverend Bishop's letter about the dangers of secular literature and the importance of decent literature in thP hands of our people. Pastors*.--.------------- made timely comments on the mdicate th at such progi-ess has need of the Catholic paper and already been made by the Rev- a pealed for the cooperation of erend Pastors as to warrant the P . . . hope that the actual work of so- thell' par1sh10ners to extend and . . . . . . f t •ts - 1 t· . th . llc1tat1on will be launched w1thm per ec I circu a ion m e1r re- the week, Feb. 26-March 4. spective parishes. This campaign for the place- The organization of the cam- ment of Catholic literature and paign consists of the pastor in his particularly the diocesan newspa- parish, a committee of regular · per in every Catholic home is part subscribers and enthusiastic read- f t· 1 d . - d b . . . o a na 10na nve orgamze y ers sel~cted by h~ to VlSlt every the Bishops of the United States home m th e p~rIB_h a nd procu~e to rid Catholic homes of indecent or renew s~bsc~·iptions to th e di- literature and to place in its stead ocesan. publl~ation, a nd th ~ h~ads I the Church's official publications. of various diocesan orgamzat1ons whose duty it is to urge their - - - members to become subscribers. TO DEI.IVER SERMONS
this reason, principally, that His lthe four corners of the earth, a.; Excellency has launched a cam- well as news of parochial and di- paign to make every Catholic in ocesan activities are found in it. the diocese a reader of The South- National and international events ern Cross. TO ANNOUNCE PLAN of unusual importance and inter- est to Catholics are given promi- ------------ 1
The plan to reach this objective was formulated this week by His Excellency and the staff of priests and will be adopted in each par- ish in the diocese by the pastor and a committee appointed by him. Announcement of the plan will be made in all the pulpits this Sunday, Feb. 19, and will be fol- lowed next Sunday, Feb. 26, b:r' addresses on the Catholic Pre&; at all the Masses in every church of the diocese. The actual work of the campaign will then begin. According to His Excellency, homes in which English is not usually spoken are not exempt. for, as he explains, in most cases there are young people in those homes who have attended, or are at present in, schools of this country, and they, too, need their Catholic paper each week. ESSAY CONTESTS To stimulate the work and to further the interest of the people in general in the Catholic Press,
Sermons will be delivered at all the Masses in every church in the diocese this Sunday. Feb. 26, in accordance with the Bishop's in- structions, on the Catholic Press and the essential weapon it has become in this modern age to combat the evils of poisonous lit- erature, .subversive propaganda. salacious magazines and sensa- tional newspapers. To enlist the support of the children and students in the schools of the diocese and to awaken their interest in the vital importance of the Catholic Press to them, the M.ost Reverend l Bishop has directed that essays be written either on "The Advan- tages of Our Catholic Weekly" or "Why I Should Read The South- ern Cross." Prizes for the best essays in the first four grades and prizes for the best in the four higher grades of parochial school as well as prizes for those under catechetical instruction by the Sisters have been offered by His Excellency. Prizes will also be given for the best essay submitted by the high schools of the diocese and the best from any member of the C.Y.O. PROGRESS MADE Reports received at this office
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