Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
sent Father McAstocker to us. He has strengthened our weakness, consoled us, too, in sorrow, and wielded an eternal influence in his newly formed Diocese. AERE PERENNIUS Endeared to us by so many ties of self- sacrifice, co-operation, and loyalty, we, with his beloved Provincial and brother Jesuits, claim Father McAstocker as our very own. He was not content with reproducing Christ in himself, but in everyone else who con- tacted him. How often have we been uplifted with the warmth of his zeal, the ideals of the Order, and the nobility of the man. Scholars there have been whom the world acclaimed as great, but many of them were scholars for themselves and when they perished their studies perished with them and the world was no better than before. Father McAstocker has sent forth the fruits of his meditations in the very readable and comforting volumes that are known and read throughout the English-speaking world. His brilliant talents reaped not for himself but for the great 12
masses of humanity, the poor, the lame, and the halt. You understand, my dear friends, that beyond the immortality of the soul, there is the immortality of influence. The unseen spark, enkindled by every good thought and deed, illumined by Divine Grace, moves silently across the ages enlightening each soul it passes. While we treasure the published works of this valiant author, it is at even closer range that we come to cherish his example of rising above the most discourag- ing physical drawbacks; indeed his presence here would seem a divine plan, to teach us the truth that "power is made perfect in in- firmity." Well could today's Jubilarian cry out with Horace: "Exegi monumentum aere perennius." Dear Father McAstocker, with priests and people, we salute and bless you and the So- ciety of Jesus. We are grateful that God has vouchsafed your versatile genius to shine forth unto the edification of all, that you have set us a high norm of faith, hope, and charity; that you have been content to be humbled under the Mighty Hand of God. JJ
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