Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
The Year In R~V~ The year 19" 1 , chievement in e\·e1-y field of endeavor. onfronted, at i , r: thr ·hold, problem~ tha pre - d urgen+ly for that mu t be met, the • fo t Reverend Bi hop announced in January hi program of development and, in order t find fund: to finance it, appealed through th me- dium of a dioce an campaign for ·2 ),, 00. 'l hl' }, ople'~ an wer wa · 31,000. ·carce]y had the campaign been clo ed \\ hen the movement to organize thi "r.e v unit of the Kingdom of Chri t on earth' -t c dioce,:;e of an Diego \\a launched. Religiou · and charitable foundation· were in titut cl. Homes for the aged and young women were e::.tablished. Churche-:, chapel and rectorie for priests in the poor mi::; ·ions were rehabili- tated or built. Orphanage and ._ocial <:enter were aided. haplain.· for municipal ho ·pital were provided. Recreational program for lhe helples~ urchin· of the street were inaugur- ated. Parochial debt. were reduced. Hi: b:l\- cellency's program, in fine. i::i now well on il::; way toward completion. H01 JES J,'OR YOU. "G WOMEN AND AGED ESTABLISHED A hotel for employed young CaLholic women, under the direction of the Si ters of Je.sus and Mary, known as the Joan of Arc Club, at Third avenue and Beech street, San Diego, and a home for the aged " a haven of peace for tho~e who have borne the burden of the clay"-The Little Flower Haven, under the ::;upcrvision of the Carmelite Sisters of the Di- vine Heart of Jesus, at La Me:,;a, were arnon the first fruits of the financial campaign. I A commodious convent for the Mi ·:ionan C:,itechi~ · of •jc ,.. ·l n 1 i\\1 o '.r~ tl • I Bread of Life to 5000 children, mo3tly .. Tc.xi~ can, in the leaneries of San Bernardino, Tih- er:sicle and Imperial, "as built to house their ten representatives at Bra\vley. CONVENTS, AUTOMOBILES PROVIDED RELIGIOUS TEACHERS A religious foundation directed by thP Sis- ters of the Third Order of St. Francis who in lhe short space of three months have enrolled 600 Mexican, Italian and American children in their religious classe, was established at Co- rona and blessed by the BiBhop in September. Arrangements were also made for another Franciscan foundation at Perris to be the 1 headquarters of additional sisters ,vho will I catechize the children at Elsinore, Alberhill, , Temecula, San Jacinto, Hemet, March Field and Perris, the headquarters. Means of transportation from their co11- vents to the far-flung catechetical centers in Lheir charge have been provided the Carmcli le Sisters of Riverside, the Sisters of J eL u: and Mary who instruct the children of ... Tational City and Chula Vi ta, and the :;.v1.i sionary Catechists at Brav:;ley, Redlands and Ontario. Other religious teachers, ·who school 2,716 children in their religion at 13 different cen- ters and three institutions in and around San Diego are the Sisters of the Holy Family. CHARITABLE AND SOCIAL WORKS ACHIEVED The orphanage at Banning where home- less children enjoy the comforts of home at the hands of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Caron- delet received financial aid and plans are }Jro- jected for additions to increase its capacity. The Sisters of Social Se1Tice arrived in San 1 Diego early in December at the imitation of Hi Excellency to take charge of Bayside So- cial Center ·where they conduct classe- in do- mestic science as well as clubs for under-privi- leged boys and girls. l\Iention must be mude here also of the recreational program inaugurated in San Diego for unfortunate youngster~ when in August the Catholic Cubs were organized by order of Hi Excellency who placed John C. Galvin in charge: of the Yery successful camp conducted by Father Felix, O.F.l\L, for boys and girls of Imperial Valley in Jacumba throughout the months of ummer; of the ::::cholarships at St. Augustine's High School, founded by the Knights of Columbu · for worthy boys of the diocese in September a well as of the immense charities done by hos- pitals and by Vincentian and other parochial and diocesan societies in the course of the year. ill be recorded in the dio- an Diego a one of uniqu ce, an an'iial.:: of ith olution and "ith need
e Year In Review c nn trn e 11
t F rt ruma new hall also financed by monie ·t le Ii lo er Fund near~ completion for the e1.ican and Indian chil- dren and for the ocial ac ivitie~ of the Rev. Father Felix' ari hio1 A mobile chapel, completely equipped for the cele- bration of ,. Ia~~, for the admini:::tration of the Sacra- men of BaptLm, Penance and E>..-treme Unction was purchaLed by the dioce-e for u:::e among the nomadic Indian tribe in the va jurLdiction of the FrancLcan Father.: at Fort Yuma. Other project financed by the diocesan fund are the ::chool, convent and recreational ground~ at San Ysidro; the prie:t-' home: ind. ~fargaret fary's pari h, Brawley and t. Jo~eph' parLh, Holtville. Fund: to repair St. Mary' church, El entro, were also given the pastor. PL. IN RE PROVIDED FOR TY HO PIT LS Chaplain- o mini~ter to the "poor afflicted ones" in county ho~pital- were appointed early in October. The Rev. John ... L Regan, S.J., was assigned to the Vauclain H~~e and the County hospital, San Diego. The Rev. ,vill:am J. Casey was appointed chaplain to the State h?~pital, Patton, and the County hospital, San Bernar- dmo. Other municipal hospitals in the diocese are at- tended by the pastors of the parishes in which these in- stitutions are located. NEW PARISHES ESTABLISHED - Seven new parishes were formed in the course of the year. Of these four ,vere organized for the benefit of the Mexican people in various parts of the diocese, one for the colored of San Diego and the others for American congregations. At Redlands St. Mary's nuss1on was raised to the status of a parish with the Rev. Onesimo Sansol in charge. The church was remodeled and a new priests' home blessed by His Excellency in November. A parish for the 150 families at Belltown, West Riverside was erected in November under the patronage of Our'Lady of Guadalupe. At the same time was formed the new parish of Christ the King for the 150 families at Mea- dowbrook, East San Bernardino. Two weeks ago the site for a new church for the ~exican people of_ South Fontana was blessed by the Bishop. Construction of the new church is now under way under the supervision of the Rev. Thomas King and ·will be completed in the very near future. Vista's new church, an elegant edifice built under the direction of the pastor, the Rev. Dominic Gallardo, 0.F.M., was placed under the patronage of St. Francis of Assisi _and dedicated last Sunday, Dec. 18, by His Excel- lency m the presence of the 70 families which comprise its congregation. L~rgest of the new churches to be built in the ,naf!t year 1s Blessed Sacrament church on El Cerrito a,~ dedicated on the feast of the Immaculate Conce11,; from The catechetical in truction of the
HIS EXGHlENGY TO OFFICIATE AT THE GATHEDRAl Feast of Circumcision to Be Observed in Each Parish Throughout the Diocese. ' l\1a ::es on New Year's Day, a Holiday of Obliga- tion, will be held through- Jut the diocese a.t the regu- larly schedule
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