Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940


Bishop Buddy To Dedicate Newest Church Dedicatory ceremonies will be performed by the Most Rev. Charles Francis Bu'.idy, bishop of the San Diego Catholic diocese, Thursday, 10:30 a. m., for the new Church of the Blessed Sacrament in San Diego·s newest Catholic parish. Bishop Buddy, in addition to dedicating the church, which is on El Cerrito dr. near El Cajon blvd., will preside at the ceremonies and preach at the solemn high mass to follow. Celebrant of the mass will be Hie Rev. Joseph A. Lynn, who headed organization of the new parish. As- sisting will be +i...- Very Rev. Laur- ence Forristal, chancellor, as dea- con, and the Rev. Owen Hannon, pastor of Our Lady of Sacred Heart parish, acting as sub-deacon. The priests' choir directed by the Rev. Francis C. Ott will chant the liturgical music of the mass. Luncheon will be served by women of the parish to the bishop and the clergy in the new parochial auditorium after the ceremonies. The new church has acco;nmoda- tions for more than 300 persons. The dedication date falls on the I feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. -------

Blessed Sacrament, San Diego's newest Catholic church and rectory, on El Cerrito dr. near El Cajon blvd., will be dedicated by the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, bishop of the San Diego Catholic diocese, Thursday, 10:30 a. m.

C Rites Set At Mausoleum His Excellency to Preside at Corner-Stone Blessing in Holy Cross Cemetery Sunday Afternoon; Structure Now Half Completed. The corner-stone of the new mausoleum in Holy Cross Cemetery, an edifice now almost completed, ,vill be blessed by the Most Rev. Bishop Sunday, Feb. 12, at 3:00 p.m. The new edifice, built on a prominent knoll in the cemetery, is constructed in the*-------------- form of a cross and is therefore A chapel of liturgical design, suggestive rather of a ci 1 urch tha~ with an Altar made of marble a mausoleum. The entrance and surmounted by a baldachino, in


which are placed many of the crypts is also on its way toward completion. A tower, 50 feet in height. rises above the building and the dome is surmounted by a golden cross. The present construction forms the chapel and center of the fu- ture larger mausoleum. Priests of the city will assist His Excellency at the ceremonies next Sunday afternoon and the public is invited.

chapel form the main stem and the two wings the horizontal stem of the cruciform building. Four hundred crypts have been constructed in this Romanesque structure. The crypts when fin- ished will be faced with marble and each will have its own sup- port and roof, so that each will be a separate unit and will be indi- vidually ventilated.

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