Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940

0, CALIFOR L , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 193 Bishop Buddy to De ... -Jte S-7 City's Fourteenth ~hurch New Blessed Sacrament Church and Rectory



OPEN EDIFICE Rev. Joseph Lynn, Pastor, to C e I e b r a t e Dedicatory Mass, Priests to Assist. Dedication of the new Church of the Blessed Sac– rament on El Cerrito dr. near El Cajon blvd., on Thursday, Dec. 8, 10 :30 a.m., feast of the Immaculate Concep– tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary. will crown with success the initial efforts of the Rev. Joseph A. Lynn and his parishioners who only a 0 were ...chosen by His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, to organize a new parish in East San Diego. The dedicatory ceremonies will be performed by Bishop Buddy, who also will preside and preach at the Solemn High Mass to follow. Celebrant of the. Mass will be the pastor, Father Lynn, assisted by the Very Rev. Laurence For– ristal, chancellor, as deacon. and the Rev. Owen Hannon, pastor of Our Lady of Sacred Heart parish, as subdeacon. The far-eastetn section of Father Hannon's par– ish now forms the new parish of the Blessed Sacrament. The priests' choir under the di– rection of the Rev. Francis C. Ott will chant the liturgical music of the Mass. The church. designed in th Spanish Gothic style, is built on a foundation of reinforced con– crete with walls of frame and plaster and a roof finished in slate-colored composition. Stained glass windows add to the attrac– tiveness of the interior. few mou.tbs ..,ag.0 The church has two confession– als, p , ws of Philippine mahogany with upholstered kneelers and with accommodations for more than 300 persons and altars of li– turgical design. Also completed and fully fur– l nished is the new parochial audi– torium where luncheon will be ' served by the ladies of the parish to the Bishop and the clergy after the ceremonies. The site for the new church was blessed and the cornerstone laid I by Bishop Buddy on Sunday, SPpt. 4.

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--BlessedSacrament Church, erected in the city's newest par.ish, will be dedicated on the feast of the Immac:.1ate Conception by His Excellency, Bishop Chzrles F. Buddy. The sketch, drawn by the I rchitect, Frank L. Hone, Jr., :ilso shows the rectory and the ambula1fry which joins the two.

Bishop Asks Holiday Crib, Midnight Mass ~'Allowed by His Excellency, as regards Christmas states: "Per- 1will be permitted on Sundays or mission is hereby given for Mid- Holy Days of Obhgat10n later di::".~::!=.~ :!:,,r,:;:!:~ {~=;::;::,:;,,~; I BIBHOP nBUoaY TO Bishop Charles F. Buddy, to th, ~::::u::. th ,:, theological c~nference, midni~ht I sacredness of the occasion last An official memorandum sent His Excellency's officia.l notice After Sunday, Dec. 11, no Mass this week


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Mass at Christmas,

the Chnst- 1year.





mas crib and the pledge of the parishes,





I should be on hand to deny admit-

Legion of Decency.

I [.

On Friday, Dec. 9. 10:30 a.m. tance

to anyone

intoxicated or

"Impressions of the Eighth Na-




fer near intoxicated.

tional Eucharistic Congress


both San Bernardino and River-

"Wherever practical, it is rec- New Orleans" will be the subjecc

side deaneries will be held at St. ommended


the Christmas of the lecture to be delivered by

Bernardine's rectory, San Ber- Crib be erected outside on the His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. nardino. The Very Rev. Patrick church grounds, within view of Buddy, to the parochial branches Dunne, V.F., pastor of St. Ber- all who pass-an open and illu- of the Holy Name Union at the nardine's church, will preside. TI:e minating profession of faith.'' Roosevelt Junior High Schooi Very Rev. Peter Lynch, V.F.. pas- SET MASS HOUR auditorium next Monday, Dec. 5 tor of St. Francis de Sales church, Copies of the pledge of the 8:00 p.m. Riverside, will act as secretary. Legion of Decency have also been George W. Ryan, Jr., announces Priests of San Diego and Im- sent to the prirnts with insh·uc- that not only the members of the perial deaneries will convene for tions to have the people renew union but the public generally ar0 the conference at St. Joseph's Ca- the pledge at all Masses on Sun- invited to hear His Excellency's thedral hall, San Diego, on Tues- day, Dec 11. lecture. day, Dec. 13, 10:30 a .m. The


Very Rev Vincent Shepherd, V.F.. pastor of Our Lady of Angele$ church, San Diego, will preside and the Very Rev. Joseph V. Clarkin, V.F., pastor of Sacred Heart church, Brawley will act I as secretary. 1 Both conferences will include papers and discussions on sub- jects pertinent to the priests' life and work in the diocese and will be concluded with the deYotion 1 of the Holy Hour.

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