Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
, FRIDAY. TO 7 E. fBER 25, 192__,-- Grow
<:·~:·"~ North Of Di~~ese Calls For New Parishes Many ~lasses Confirmed TWO PARISHES ?,~~ FOR MEXICANS by His Excellency, Bishop Charles his people. F. Buddy, to the priests, religious At the close of the ceremonies ARE APPROVED and lay catechists of the two the parishioners requested His northern deaneries for the thor- Excellency's permission to con- ough knowledge of Christian Doc- struct a parochial hall which was trine displayed by the candidates readily granted provided they foi: Confirmation at Redlands. would continue their zeal for the Victorville, Barstow, Blythe and development of their' parish and Needles. their generous support of their REDLANDS-The first Confir- pastor, Fr. Sansol. miition hPld in new St. Mary's VICTORVILLE-Bishop Buddy C'hurrh. here, w:is administerPd to commended the Rev. John W. q Bishop Buddy Gives Permis- sion for New Parishes in West Riverside and East San Bernardino
Catholicity's progress in the north renorted to His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, at a conference with the Vicars Forane, the Very Rev. Patrick Dunne and the Very Rev. Peter Lynch, and the Rev. Thomas A. Matthews. mem- ber of the Diocesan Building Commission, led to the formation of two new parishes this week in the deaneries of Riverside and San Bernardino. BELLTOWN, WEST RIVER- SIDE-Formerly a mission of St. Brigid's parish, Riverside. under the care of the Rev. J. R. Nunez, pastor, the new parish erected here comprises 150 families and will be served by the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe already in use. The marked increase in the number of people who attend st. Brigid's Church, Riverside, calls for two Ma~ses there every Sun- day and will engage all of the time and attE.ntion of tho '""t 0 .,. Father Nunez. It is chiefly for this reason that His Excellency decided to assign a resident Pits- tor to Our Lady of Guadalupe at Belltown to whom, also, will be given charge of the mission at Highgrove with its 46 families. The latter mission was hitherto in the jurisdiction of the Rev. James Linahan, pastor of Casa Blanca. Two Masses will also be celebrated every Sunday for Father Linohan's rapidly growing congregation.
cla"'S of 72 Mexican children McDonagh, pastor of St. Joan of prsPnted by the pastor, the Rev. Arc Church, here, for his zealous Onesimo Sansol, and Missionary administration of the parish and Catechists last Saturday, Nov. 19. particularly for his religious in- in an elaborately decorated struction of the class of 52 candi- church filled with parochial soci- dates presented for Confirmation eties, those of Santa Teresita and last Sunday, Nov. 20. Children of Mary, and relatives Bishop Buddy celebrated the and friends of the candidates. 8:00 p.m. Mass assisted by the Bishop Buddy was escorted by Rev. John McDonagh and the flower girls, people and priests Rev. Kenneth G. Stack. His Ex- under an arch of palms and flow- cellency was assisted at Confirma- ers from the new rectory, which tion by the dean, the Very Rev. the Bishop later blessed, to the Patrick Dunne, and the Rev. church where, upon his entrance, Fathers Thomas Matthews, John a choir of trained voices rendered McDonagh and Kenneth Stack. "Ecce Sacerdos Magnus" and the Last Sunday's class was the Mexican hymn, "Viva Christo first confirmed in st. Joan of Arc Rey." church since 1931. The parochial Solemn Benediction of the choir sang the hymns of Benedic- Blessed Sacrament followed Con- tion which closed the ceremonies. firmation at which His Excellency BARSTOW -Fifty candidates was assisted by the Very Rev. ( for Confirmation trained by the Patrick Dunne, V.F., and the Rev. I Lay Confraternity of Catechists, Thomas A. Matthewf, pastor of here, gave the reasons for the Holy Rosary parish, San Bernar- faith that is in them when exam- dino. ' ined by His Excellency prior to Master of ceremonies ,vas thD ...:niniE~ration thP sa<::ra- Rev. Kenneth G. Stack, Bishop's I ment in St. Joseph's Church last secretary. Also present were the Sunday at 8:00 p.m. Rev. Onesimo Sansol and the Rev. Priests present were the Very Michael O'Duignan. 1 Rev. Patrick Dunne, V.F., and the Bishop Buddy was presented i Rev. Fathers Michael Flahive, with a spiritual bouquet nicely set John W. McDonagh, Thomas I in a basket of flowers by the chil- Keirnan,. William Calvin and dren and their teachers and also Kenneth G. Stack.
Under the supervision of Father Nunez, St. Brigid's Church is now being remodeled and the erection of a new parochial hall is under way. MEADOWBROOK. EAST SAN BERNARDINO - One hundrect and fifty Mexican families com- ' prise the newly-formed parish of Christ the King, here, to which a resident priest will be immediately assigned who will also have charge of the 40 families of the mission at Del Rosa, formerly under the care of the Rev. I Thomas A. Matthews, pastor of Holy Rosary Church, San Bernar- 1dino. The new name of the mis- sion is St. Rose of Lima. The Missionary Catechists have for many years given religious in- struction to the children and pro- moted the religious faith of the people in these districts.
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