Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
EW ORG ~I AT MONASHRf rn BE BL£ ssrn A series of religious events, ar- ·anged by the Carmelite Si£ters, 1.•ill be closed when His Excel- lency, Bishop Ch:.trles F. Buddy, will bless the new orgatron re- cently installed at the Carmelite Monastery, Hawley Boulevard, one week from next Sunday, No- vember 27, 7:30 p.m. Bishop Buddy will also preach the ser- mon. Liturgical music suitable to the occasion will be rendered by the newly organized choir of male voices hereafter to be known as 1 1 the Monastery Choir. M. Florian 1 Reuter has been selected as di- rector of the new choir and Mrs. H. Engler as accompanist. Rev Michael Day, chaplain of Carmel, will be the speaker at the special services in honor of the Infant of Prague to be held FTiday, November 25. The recent- . ly organized children's Confrater- nity under the patronage of the Divine Infant will attend. Benediction of the Blessed Sac- rament will be given at the Mon- astery at 4:00 p.m. on the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin. Monday, November 21 and on Thanksgiving, Feast of st. John of the Cross, Thursday, Nov- I ember 24.
Confirmation Tour to Take His Excellency to Northeast Section of Diocese; Will Also Bless New Rectory at Redlands and Address Civic Group at Needles. A swing over the northeast corner of the diocese dur- ing the last days of this week and the first of next, will take His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, to Red- lands, Victorville, Barstow, Needles and Blythe to ad- minister Confirmation to the classes of candidates pre- pared in these parishes by the priests and sisters.
This Saturday, November 19, Confirmation will be administered to 100 Mexican children at st. Mary's church, Redlands, and the Bishop will bless the home for the pastor, Rev. Onesimo Sansol, built from proceeds of the Little Flower fund. · His Excellency will celebrate the 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Joan of Arc church, Victorville, and confirm a class of candidates at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, November 20. Confirma- tion will be administered to a large group including many Mexi- cans, at St. Joseph's church Bar- stow, on the same day at 8:00 p.m. On Monday. November 21, Bishop Buddy will be entertained at luncheon by a civic club at Needles, to the members of which he will deliver an address. Confirmation at St. Joan of Arc church, Blythe, Tuesday, Nov- ember .22, 7:30 p.m., will bring to a close his tour of this portion of his jurisdiction.
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