Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
lower cost. The Bishop suggested that a building committee be ap- pointed by the pastor t-0 consider plans, cost and other things in·• cident to the erection of both edi- fices. ASK PERRIS CONVENT CORONA-Early this week the Bishop visited St. Edward's church, here, where he conferred with the pastor, the Rev. Michael J. Bryne, the Rev. David P. Mc- Astocker, S.J., member of the I Board of Diocesan Consultors, and the Provincial Superior of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, several. of whose snbject;; are now stationed at Corona, and her secretary, relative to a new Franciscan fow1dation at Perris--- a convent for sisters sufficient in number to take care of the re- ligious instructicn of the children in seven newly-established centers at Elsinore, Alberhill, Temecula, San Jacinto, Hemet, March Field and Perris, the headquarters. From headquarters these centers are not more than 15 mile.~ distant. It was agreed that the new convent should be built on the present diocesan property ad- jacent to the church in Perris I which will be used as the Sisters' chapel as well as a place of w01·• ship for the people of the parish. CORONA HALL CITED It was also agreed to build a parochial hall at Corona, a need which the parish has felt for many years and which now has become quite urgent in view of the fact the Franciscan Sis- ters are at the disposal of St. Ed- ward's church to teach catchism, music and other subjects to the children. The hall will also be used for the C.Y.O. of the parish, for monthly meetings of the other parochial societies and for paro- chial entertainment and evcnt,5. The Sisters, who now live in a rented home here, made it known at the conference that in time they would build their own con- vent. BISHOP BUDDY PLEASED His Excellency states that all of the requirements for that section of the diocese will be fairly met when these churches, halls, rec- tories and centers are built and when another catechetical center is established at Arlington for tho instruction of the 800 pupils of the Indian school there and tho many Mexican children of Casa Blanca.
Complete Parish Plant to Be Built at Indio; Residence for Franciscan Sisters to Be Established at Perris, Will Serve Seven Centers; Corona Parish Hall Plans Aprpoved by Bishop. Upon his return from the Bishops' Annual Confer- ence at Washington, D. C.; the Eighth National Eucha- ristic Congress at New Orleans, and the Convention of Catholic Charities at Richmond, Va., His Excellency, Bishop Chq,rles F. Buddy, made a tour of the desert and
i1-n,-. I 1 !, f' HUNDAEOS HEAR OPEN AIR M~S~ fOR Alt SOULS Hundreds journeyed to Holy Cross Cemetery Wednesday, Feast of the Holy Souls, to assist at th'e Solemn Requiem Mass offered for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed by the Rev. John McPadden. superior of the Colum- ban Fathers' Procure, attended by the Rev. George W. Rice as dea- con, and the Rev. Michael Day as subdeacon. The M:ass was cele- brated on an altar improvised near the new mausoleum now under construction. His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, presid~d, attended by the Very Rev. Eugene Mauch,. O.S.A., and the Rev. Luke Deignan, and gave the absolution after the Mass. The Rev. M. J. O'Connor and the Rev. Thomas J. Earley at- tended the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V.G., who preached the sermon. The newly - organized priests' choir, under the direction of the Rev. Francis C. Ott, sang the liturgical music of the Mass with Royal A. Brown at the organ. Members present included: The Rev. Fathers Daniel O'Donoghue. Charles Loftus, Leo Davis, Damian Gobeo, A.R.; James Gray, Michael R. O'Donohoe, Charles Forsyth, O.S.B.; Terrence Gillespie, James McGinley and Leo Hoffman. Mass for the Dead on the Feast of the Holy Souls was celebrated on an improvised altar in Holy Cross Cemetery for the last time \.Vednesday. The new mausoleum with its liturgical chapel will be in readiness for next year's services.
northern sections of the diocese to confer with pastors and orders of sisters about final arrangements I for the religious, catechetical and educational needs still to be met I in those parts. As a result of several confer- ences it was planned to erect a complete parochial plant in Indio I for the Catholic people of that parish; to establish a Franciscan 1 foundation at Perris to be the headquarters of Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis. who will catechize the children at sev- 1 en centers in the vicinity; and to build a parochial hall at Coront1. to meet the catechetical needs of the children there and the social needs of the parochial societies. LAND IS DONATED INDIO - On Sunday, Oct. 30, His Excellency presided at a paro- chial meeting of the Catholic peo- ple here in the American Legion hall to discuss and complete plans for the erection of a church, rec•· tory and hall on a fine piece of land, 200x300 feet , in the heart of the town, donated to the diocese for this purpose. Among those present were the pastor, the Rev. Patrick J. Kenny, the Rev. Michael O'Connor, pas- tor of Our Lady of Solitudl! church. Palm Springs; Messrs. Bert Ripple, T. J. Mullan, John M. Kelly, E. Lerma, Paul Abrams, T. Thomas, George 'Taylor, Harry Whittlesey, Ray Hickman, F. J. l Fitzgerald and Dr. L. Pawley; Mesdames Charles Mountain, Harry Whittlesey, Paul Abrams, George Taylor, R . -S. George, L. Roach , T. Thomas and T. J. M\1'1- lan.
STRESSED l'fEED OF CHURCH T. J. Mullan outlined the plans projected by the parishioners, op- tlmisti cally forecast a greater de- velop~ent for the Valley and streE/4ed the need of a House of Go(l and the advantages and bl15sings that would accrue to the cnmmunity from the presence' of the Blessed Sacrament in its midst. Mr. Mullan thought it act- ! visable to l'estrict plans for the moment to the construction of a priest's house and hall where parochial activities will be held to raise funds for a church worthy of the faith and development of the parish. John M. Kelly seconded Mr. Mullan's plans and also stressed the need of a church in Indio. As a representative of the eastern portion of the parish, he was con- fident that that district would do its part to support any project for the good of Catholicism in the Valley in which he has been a resident for the past 10 years. Other speakers who emphasized the need of a church or a place in which Mass may be said were Ray Hickman and Dr. Pawley. Mrs. R. S. George called atten- tion to the need of a place to shelter the catechists, and Mrs. L. Roach dwelt upon the need of a meeting place for the young peo- ple of the parish. Fr. Kenny commended the par- ishioners for the spjrit shown at the meeting, said that with the cooperation of the people the parish could undertake the con- struction of an entire plant and i,1troduced His Excellency, who expressed his deep appreciation of the zeal shown by priests and peo- ple and emphasized the need of a church for Indio at a cost equal to the pocketbook of the parish. The Bishop approved of the plan to build first the hall, which, he said, could be used as a church and at the same time as a source of revenue. His Excellency again referred to the enthusiasm of the parishioners and said that in the light of it the parish could not only build a hall, but a rectory at this time, pointing out the fact\ that construction of both at the ~a11w Li'11f' rnnlrl he' rovf'l·ed at ::i.
The Bishop finally stated, in answer to a question, that he was pleased with the work of the j priests and religious superiors in the northern section of the dJo- cese and that quite evident are signs of growth and development in the towns and cities of the counties of Riverside and San Be1nardino.
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