Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
' Friday, 'OctoE'er 21, 19 3 g
Friday, Octolie1· 28, 1938 ·
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Oct. 14, 1938.
Reverend and dear Father: Sunday, Oct. 23, has been designated by Our Holy Father as l\Iission Sunday. His Holiness exhorts Cath- olics throughout the entire world t o be mission-minded- to become a vital force in extending the Kingdom of Christ on earth. It is well for us to reflect on the sacrifice and hardships of the 77,000 missionaries-prie~ ts, brothers and sisters-who have valiantly given up the comforts of home and country to make Jesus Christ known and loved among the billion pagans who have never known the light of faith nor been comforted with the Holy Sacra- ments. In an age marked with smug selfishness and even brutality, the zeal ·of the missionary continues unabated in the face of terrific odds. True Catholics cannot b~ : : __ : r en + f cau. e of Chri~t. They "\\ill I heed the plea of His Sacred Heart to s;anctify and save all mankind. I How can we do our part? In a threefold manner: By fostering and praying for vocations; by assisting at Mass and offering prayers each day for the success of the missions both at home and abroad; by a generous donation-even the "widow's mite"-to supply the bare ·I necessities to those in the trenches of the far-flung battle . I front. Let Mission Sunday then be a day of prayer for j the missions and let our faithful people be reminded that a plenary indulgence, applicable to the souls in Purgatory, may be gained on Mission Sunday by all who receive Holy Communion and pray for the conversion of unbelievers. The Vicar of Christ has requested that the Society for the Propagation of the Faith be established in every parish so that the people will find it convenient to enroll as members and thus definitely share in the work. We cannot afford to be niggardly with God especially when it concerns the salvation of souls. May the Holy Ghost enkindle in your hearts the missionary spirit. May He enlighten you to realize your duty and grant you cor- responding graces to do it. Devotedly your servant in Christ, + CHARLES F. BUDDY, Bishop of San Diego.
I BISHOP TO SPE~K AT ~EGIS MONOAY DENVER, Colo.-Golden jubilee celebration plans for the 50th an- j niversary of Regis College, here, on Monday, Oct. 24, have been completed and thousands of for- mer alumni of the college are ex- pected for the eventful program which will be highlighted by a sermon by His Excellency, Bishop I Charles F. Buddy. Bishop of San Diego, to be delivered at the Pon- tifical High Mass celebrated by the Most Rev. Ul'ban J. Vehr, Bishop of Denver. Other members of the hierarchy I expected to attend the ceremonY include the Most Rev. Duane G. Hunt, Bishop of Salt Lake; the Most Rev. Anthony J. Schuler, S.J., Bishop of El Paso; the Most Rev. Francis M. Kelly, Bishop of Winona; the Most Rev. Edwin V. O'Hara, Bishop of Great Falls, and the Most Rev. Thomas K. Gorman,. Bishop of Reno. ,./BISHOP ouaar- sA r 5CONGRESS MIDNIGHT MASS NEW ORLEANS-Historic old St. Louis Cathedral was thronged with worshipers at midnight Wed- nesday, the eve of the closing of the great congress to the Euchar- istic King, when His Excellency Bishop Charles F. Buddy, Bisho~ of San Diego, celebrated Pontifi- cal Low Mass. Bishop Buddy was assisted by priests of his own diocese, the Rev. James P. O'Shea and the Rev. Michael J. O'Connor. The Mass, one of two held at midnight during the Congress, was celebrated by Bishop Buddy at the special invitation of the Most Rev. Jos.,ob F. Rummel. Archbishop of New Orleans and [ patron of the Eucha1istic Con-1· gress.
1CEMHrnrrn BE SCENE OF MASS TUESDAY Solemn Requiem High Mass will be celebrated at Holy Cross cemetery on Wednesday morning at 11 :00 a.m. for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed. The All Souls Day Mass on Wednesday will mark the last open air Mass to be celebrated on the annual occasion at Holy Cross cemetery, since the Mass next year will be held in the Mauso- 1 e u m chapel, construction of which has already been started. On All Souls Day last year, His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, in addressing the large number attending the open air service, told of his desire J .o have Mass celebrated at the cemetery daily. With the completion of the new edifice and its liturgical ·chapel, that desire will become a reality. ·Priests of the city will assist at the solemn ceremonies a.pd mem- bers of st. Joseph's choh- will sing. Masses for the repose of the Poor Souls will be said in all the churches of the diocese earlier in the morning. By a decree of Pope Benedict, XV, priests may say three Masses on that day.
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