Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
The Catholic Diocese of San Diego
2031 Sunset Boulevard San Diego, California October 1, 1938
Col. Ira C. Copley 440 Union Building San Diego, Calfiornia l\Iy Dear Colonel Copley:
Congratulations on the Seventieth Birthday of The San Diego Union! The record of your es- teemed publications is notable and like every- thing of genuine ,vorth stands secure on the merits of its o,vn achie, ements. The lines penned by the foundir.g editor in his first edition seventy years ago, "The Union ,vill be a faithful mirror/' haYe been literally fulfilled. For The -Union has reflected the marvelous growth of San Diego fro1n a sn1all town of three thousand people to the pre ent thri,·ing, cul- tural city of picturesque homes flanked by stately mountains that seen1 to sentinel the mighty waters ,vhose other name is Peace. In this march of civilization that has left its classic touch on hill and vale,) ou have kept pace both in th~ field of enlightenment and general uplift. The Catholics of San Diego "'ere your first neighbors in the old Adobe Chapel opposite the Altamirano House and even today, after these seventy years, we feel the same neigh- borliness, especially because your editorial staff ,vorks ,vithin the shado,v of St. Joseph's Cathe- dral. Your uniform courtesy, your readiness to print truth and to suppress the sordid are warm- ly appreciated by eyeryone. Outstanding in the monuments reared around you is the substantial cooperation you tendered so graciously and so generously to the restoration of the first mission in California-San Diego de Alcala. Today as you stand on the diamond threshold of seventy years, noble and venerable but still young and vigorous, vve salute and bless you. Very sincerely yours, + Charles F. Buddy Bishop of San Diego.
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