Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940



SEPTEl\IBER 9, 1938

BISH p uam Ill BlESS GONVE T ma Y CORONA. :The new convent at Corona built from funds provided by the Diocesan Campaign will be d~dicated this Friday by His Ex- cellency, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy. Four members of the Missionary Sisters of St. Francis have been secured by His Excel- lency to take care of the cate- , chetical instructions of 1400 chil- dren in Corona and Casa Blanca. Whilst the new convent will ba the home of the Sisters they will travel to eight different centers in and around Corona and Casa Blanca-a point eight miles dis- tant, to teach catechism to the children of these parts. Of these centers, four are Mexi- can, two are Italian, and two are American. GeneraHy the work of the Missionary Sisters will be similar to that of the catechists now engaged in many parts of this diocese. BISHOP DEDICATES ~EDlANOS CONVENT The remodeled residence purchased recently oy the Rev. Edward Hannon, pastor of the Sacred Heart Church here, to house the Sisters in charge of the Parochial School was dedi- cated Thursday of this week at 8:00 a.m. by His Excellency, the Most Rev. Bic;hop Char)Ps F. Buddy, l The new convent has seven private rooms for the Sisters, a community room, a chapel richly paneled and a beautifully furn- ished sacristy and all of the con- veniences necessary to a convent. The Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Ill., will hence forth conduct the Parochial School. . REDLANDS. -

New El Cerrito Heights Church Expected to be Completed by December A new Church of t:1e Blessed Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles Sacramer.t in tbe :Spanish Gothic F. Buddy, assisted by the d·ocesan style on El Cerrito Drive will be chancellor, the Very Rev. Laurence ready for services by Dec. 8, Feast Fonistal, Father Lynn and several of the Immaculate Conception, ac- members of the clergy. All of the cording to an announcement made members of the new parish were BLESSES NEW CrlURCH SITE


His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, together with the_ Rev. Joseph Lynn and other priests of the city, are shown as the B1shC?P blessed the cornerstone for the new Blessed Sacrament Church m the city's newest parish. today by the pastor, the Rev. Joseph Lynn. represented at the

ceremonies. Present also were many non-Cath- olics of the neighborhood to cele- brate the eventful occasion with their Catholic friends. Ceremonies were brought to a close with a brief address by Bishop Buddy, who stresrnd the spiritual benefits that will be de- rived by--the--peopie' or"th';; neig-h- borhood from a church in their ~ig.~t.1-.,- -~ It is the belief of residents that their sparsely settled district will soon become as popular a resi- dential section as other districts of the city that have long since I been blessed with churches and parochial schools.

I Sister Louis Bertrand has been appointed by the Mother House, Superior of the local convent and school.

The n0w church will accommo- date over 300 persons, will have a liturgical Altar and pews of Phil- ippine mahogany. The church will be built at an approximate cost of $15,000. The cornerstone was laid and j the site. blessed Sunday by His

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