Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
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Navy Chaplains and High Officials of San Diego Diocese Unite in Tribute At Cathedral Honoring Memory and Work of Lafe New York Archbishop Impressive Eulogy
Is Given by Commander
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Navy Catholic chaplains on active duty in the San Diego-San Pedro area and high officials of the San Diego County diocese united at St. Joseph's cathedral Saturday morn- ing to conduct services dedicated to the memory of the late Patrick Car- dinal Hayes, archbishop of New York and the U. S. Military diocese. The impressive eulogy, feature of a pontifical high mass, was given by Comdr. William A. Maguire. Bishop Charles F. Buddy offered the holy mass, at which the Rev. Vincent Shephard, dean of the dio- cese, was archpriest. Deacons of honor were the Rev. Raymond Drinan, lie u t en ant commander, chaplain corps. attached to the Naval Training station; Father Vin- cent Gorski, chaplain of the U.S.S. Melville; Chaplain John Robinson, U.S.S. Quincy, dean of the mass, and Chaplain F. J. McManus, U.S.S. Maryland, subdeacon. First master of ceremonies was the Rev. M. J. O'Connor, secretary to Bishop Buddy. The Rev. T. J. Earley, St. Joseph's cathedral, was second master of ceremonies. Royal A. Brown was at the organ. The fol- lowing members of the priests' choir sang at the mass: The Revs. John Purcell, Francis C. Ott, Charles Lof- tus, Stephen Dowd, William Clavin, Leo Davis, J. A. C. VanVeggel, Wil- liam Van Garsee, Francis Dillon and Joseph V. Clarkin. "American Patriot" In his eulogy Chaplain Maguire said in part: · "The distinguished Cardmal Arch- bishop of New York, a noble Ameri- can patriot, has departed from this life and gone to meet God. He had led a consecrated life in the service of his Maker and his fellow man. May the Lord grant peace and hap- piness to his soul. "Yesterday, to his New York ca- thedral came former colleagues of the college of cardinals, archbishops, bishops and prelates from historic and populous sees, old priests and those in the glory of early man- hood; they crowded the sanctuary. Federal, state and city officials thronged the spacious nave, and rich and poor, young and old mourned the passing of one whom they loved, one who so well had wielded the sceptre of the Fisher- man. "We are assembled today to assist at the holy mass which our beloved Bishop Buddy is offering for the repose of the soul of Patrick Car- dinal Haves.
Pictured as they gathered to hold pontifical high mass for the late Cardinal Hayes at St. Joseph's cathedral are, left to right, Chaplain John Robinson of the U.S.S. Quincy; Chaplain Vincent Gorski, U.S.S. Melville; Comdr. William A. Maguire, United States navy chaplain corps; Bishop Charles F. Buddy· Rev. Raymond Drinan, lieutenant commander chaplain corps at naval training station, and Chapl;in F. J. McManus of the U.S.S. Maryland. The photograph was taken in the bishop's garden. "Saintly Priest" "We of the naval service are
grateful for the privilege of taking part in this august ceremony in memory of our Chaplain Bishop. We thank you, Most Reverend Bishop, for your sympathy and gen- erosity in offering us chaplains who have no church, this cathedral where we and our men are come to assist you at holy mass for the repose of the soul of our Spiritual Father. We are grateful, too, for the fatherly interest in our men that has always been shown by the priest;; of San Diego, and the hearty welcome always tendered the army and navy personnel serving in this area. We thank the members of the priests' choir for their cooperation on this occasion. "To the whole world, Cardinal Hayes was known as a distinguished prince of the church. To the clergy of the great archdiocese over which he so gently ruled he was known as a saintly priest, a courageous and prudent shepherd. But the poor of the city knew him, too, and tney probably will never see the likes of him again. It was my happy privil- ege one day to walk with him in a city street and to see the faces of his people light up with affection as he passed. Our progress was slow for he had a kind word for many who sought to hear the consoling tone of his voice. The hungry he had fed, the naked he had clothed, and the fallen he had lifted up. He was in truth, the cardinal of chari- ties."
His Eminence, Patrick Cardinal Hayes, whose death is mourned I throughout the nation. He will be buried in New York today antl tomorrow a Requiem Mass will be celebrated at St. Joseph's Cathedral in San Diego, with representatives from the Army and NavY in att~ndance.
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