Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
1 Re GivenNameol Lady of Lake New $7,000 Church Dedicated at Lake Arrowhead by Bishop Buddy on Sunday; People Commended by Bishop for Bringing God With Them on Their Vacations. LAKE ARROWHEAD-Another new church took its place in the diocese Sunday when "Our Lady of the Lake" at Arrowhead was formally dedicated by His Ex– cellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, attended by the pastor, the Rev. Thomas Matthews, the dean; the Very Rev. Pat– rick Dunne, V.F., and the Rev. - Bishop Buddy preached the ser- David P. McAstocker, S.J.; the mon on the occasion. The Bishop Rev. John McAstocker, S.J.; the commended the 400 people pres– Rev. Joseph Mackey. ent for their spirit of sacrifice and High Mass celebrated by Father their practical faith. "You have Mackey followed the rite of dedi- brought Christ with you on your
. IA, FRIDAY, J LY 15, 1938
fAlSE MAKERS Of CHARACTER (Continued from pas,e 1) special prerogatives of the Blessed Virgin, at another time it was the supreme power of the Popes or the divine institution of the sac– raments. Today it is youth which the minions of satan have singled out for special attack and youth will fall before the keen sickle of their destruction unless youth re– turns to religion and the Church. The Home has the right and the obligation to train young people to be not only good citizens of the State but to be good citizens of the Church as well. The Home is the first builder of character; the Church continues her work. All other institutions or so-called builders of character have hope- lessly failed." Jack Nicholson, president of Chi Rho Alpha, delivered an ad– dress of interest to the members and delegates present. The Very Rev. Patrick Dunne, V.F., wel– comed all to San Bernardino and expressed his happiness that so large a group had come from such far-distant places to do honor to their beloved Bishop, Other priests present were the Rev. Thomas Matth'ews, pastor ,pf Holy Rosary Church, San Ber– nal'dino; the Rev. Joseph Mackey, the Rev. James Gray and the Rev. Father Harsing, C.P. f"
c!~!~~:D~~.;-b~!q~~: given in honor of His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, here number of 135 from the two par- ishes here and from the parishes of Riverside, Redlands, Ontario, Chino, Fontana, Corona and Alta Loma, heard the Bishop flay present plans for the uplift of youth and assert that the only agencies competent to deal with the forces of evil bent on youth's destruction today were the Home a~d the Church. Another speaker at the banquet was the Rev. William Van Garsse, regional director of the C.Y.O., at whose instigation the banquet was held. Father Van Garsse gave a detailed and impressive account of the formation, life and activities of the famous Catholic youth movement organized in 1912 in Belgium by Father Cardijn. As a member of the organization in Belgium for 14 years, Father Van Garsse was especially fitted to trace the history of the move- ment of "Jocism", as it is com– monly known. The priest told of his personal experiences in the as– sociation, called attention to its spiritual activities and recited for his audience some of the prayers said daily by its members. Bishop Buddy quoted Roger Babson whose writings on busi– ness and finance are well known -"Religion will save us but Amer– ica must choose between Christ and chaos." "Thpi•e is,'' said His Excellency. 1-;10 .lterr 1.tive. The forces of e 11 in tbe{ ~ternal con– fli-ct v--ith the Church have th 1 ·ough the ce 1 ,u.: ies shifted the s< ne of nattle. At one time it was the di,me and human nature of O,1r Blessed Lord that was at- tacked, then it was the nature of Monday night, delegates to the
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vacation,'' said His Excellency, "for in the Church you have built here the Blessed Sacrament will be reserved and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be regularly of- fered. Your generous gesture is the result of a special grace from God." The Bishop reminded the peo– ple in conclusion that if the promise made three years ago by Father Matthews to build a 1 church by the Lake has now been fulfilled, it is due to their ex– emplary generosity. Father Matthews thanked the people for their cooperation ?.nd support and announced that their generous contributions and other gifts had made the church pos– sible, for of the $7,000 which the church cost, only $600 of it re– mains to be collected. This debt the pastor felt assured would be paid in full during the present summer season. Not only the few Catholics who live hard by the church, but non– Catholics in the vicinity and Catholic people from distant places, ·such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, were donors of fi– nancial gift&, and sacred objects which include a gold chalice con– secrated by the Bishop before the dedication of the church, a taber– nacle, two beautiful statues of Our Lady of Grace and the Sacred Heart, a rich carpet for the sanctuary and, over the main door, an impressive art glass win– dow with the figure of Our Lady set in a background suggestive of the natural beauties of the moun– tain atop of one of whtch the church stands. It is hoped, too, that in the near future stations of the cross, a pipe organ and pews will be donated. The church, which seats 250, is a remodeled clubhouse purchased by Father Matthews together with a large tract of land which affords I ample space for parking. Two Masses will be said in the I resort church e v er y Sunday throughout the season and plans are contemplated for one Mass every Sunday during the remain– der of the year.
1 cation. Deacons of honor to His Excellency at the Mass were the Very Rev. Patrick Dunne and the Rev. David P. McAstocker.
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1 the Holy Ghost, ag,ain it was the : Bishop Buddy to Confirm Indian Children on Sunday
A parish bazaar will be held in the park in front of the Old Mis- sion, the closing exercises of the sion from after the Mass until summer school will take place in 2:00 p.m. Meals, sandwiches and the school house near the Mission. r~freshments will be served. The Seventy-eight children have been most interesting will be the sew- attending 1..he school. Three Sis– ing booth, at which art needle ters and the Missionary have been work. embroidery work, beautiful conducting a month of intensive I table sets. eic., all done by Indian work, the principal branch being children and adults, will be sold. religious instruction. Singing and The purpose of the bazaar is to art work boih in sewing and raise a fund to procure pews for drawing are also being taught to the Pala Mission Chapel. the children. An exhibition of At 2: 30 p m., His Excellency will their work will be shown at the administer confirmation to a school house. The public is in– class of about 50. This class is vited to spend this day at Pala. likewise being prepared by the 1
A day of great festivities will ake place at the historic and pic– uresque little Mission at Pala 1ext Sunday, July 24. Bishop :::harles F. Buddy, will celebrate ;he 9: 00 o'clock Mass in the Mis– :;ion, at which a number of little mdian children will receive their first Holy Communion. After the Mass they will be enrolled in 1..he Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. These little children are being insh·ucted by Sisters of the San Luis Rey Academy and the Missionary, Rev. Julian Girardot, O.F.M.
Sisters and Misionary during the summer school course that is be- ing conducted. After the services in the Mis-
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