Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940


--~,,CJtJ ---- Rec~p;~~roWd Attend irst Novena Night Bishop Buddy to Conduct This Evening's Devotion to Our Mother of Sorrows; Seven Stations Installed · in Cathedral by Servite Fathers. The novena in honor of Our Sorrowful Mother, the Via Matris as it is called, inaugurated as a permanent devotion in St. Joseph's Cathedral last week by the Rev. E. M Calkins, O.S.M., will be conducted this Friday night by His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy. Bishop Buddy will lead the peo-



ple in the congregational prayers of the Novena, will preach a three- minute sermon and bless all pres- ent with the relic of the true Cross. The stations of the Cross of Our Sorrowful Mother were installed in the Cathedral last week by Father Calkins. The devotion prayers proper to each station recited by the priest in the pulpit and by the congregation in the pews while appropriate hymns are sung "between stations". The inauguration of the devo- tion last week was attended by upwards of 1000 people and, therefore, the Novena bids fair to become as popular here as it is in eastern Churches where nearly 250,000 persons became de- votees in the month of June this year. Petitions for help, employment, position. peace, happiness, and spiritual and temporal favors may be deposited in the receptacle especially prepared in the vesti- ~NNIVE~SA~Y Of Olll MISSION SET MISSION VALLEY-The anni- versary of the founding of the Old Mission will be observed at the Mission on Sunday, July 17, at 11:00 a.m., with a Solemn Pon- tifical Mass celebrated by His Ex- cellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, assisted by local priests. The Rev. Thomas McNamara, Pastor of Mary, Star of the Sea Church, La Jolla, will preach. essentially of

bule of the Church. Prayers will be said every Friday night dur- ing the devotion for the favors re- quested. The devotion this Friday will be opened at 8:00 p. m. and will be closed at 8: 45 by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.· MEXICAN ClASS Of ~00 CONFIRMED BY BISHOP ON SUNDAY More than 200 children of the parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe here received the Sacrament of Confirmation at th~ hands of His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, last Sunday, after th Be:00 o'clock Mass. Hundreds of par- ishioners, as well as the children received Holy Communion from Bishop Buddy and the Rev. Da- mian Gobea, A.R., Pastor. The children were prepared for the Sacrament by the Sisters of the Holy Family who also present- ed a class of 100 boys and gi1;ls- for First Holy Communion. The priests of the parish an<1 the sisters were highly commend~ ed by Bishop Buddy for the thor- ough knowledge of Christian Doc~ trine displayed by the children. The services were brou~ht to a. close by Solemn Benediction of the Blesed Sacrament given by His Excellency, assisted ·by the Rev. B. Murray, O.S.A., and the Rev. James P. O'Shea.

The Rev. Francis J. Seeliger, S.J., head of the Jesuit Province of California, (left) Bishop Buddy, and the Very Rev. Richard Whalen, S.J., Superior of the Loyola High School, who spoke at the banquet given in honor of the Bishop by the Pan-Jesuit Alumni Assooiation. Father Seeliger has just returned from a trip to Germany and Father Whalen from Spain.

Hi8bop Mak.e8 1'nnouncement

I Campaign Results Prove ·

Cooperation in Program consists

Alumni of the Pan-Jesuit Asso- ciation here and their guests were gladdened bY the announcement 1 made by His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, at their annu~l banquet in the El Cortez Hotel, Thursday, June 30, that the rapid growth and expansion of San Di- ego warranted the forecast that in a very few years we shall have our own St. Ignatius College for the boys who graduate from the 1 Augustinian High School. Bishop Buddy paid tribute tq the members of the association and, indeed, to the people of the entire diocese of San Diego. for the cooperation and support given him. As proof the Bishop recalled the success of the recent financial· campaign conducted for Dio- ceasan needs and development. "We asked $200,000," said His Ex- cellency, "for these purposes. To ' date our people's answer is $431,- in pledges, bonds and properties, with $130,000 already paid in cash." I Among the other speakers at 1 the banquet were the Very Rev. I Father Seeliger, S.J., head of the Jesuit Province of California, who commended the alumni of the Jesuit schools here for the asso- ciation they had formed to keep alive the great Loyola's ideals. "An important one of these,'' said the speaker, "is that men should strive to be great citizens of their na.- tion because Loyola knew that this world held instruments which,

if properly used, would enable men to gain the eternal citizen- ship of Heaven." "We must present a united front of Americanism," continued the distinguished Jesuit, "lest the evils which have befallen other nations victimize us too." Father Seeliger traced the main features of Nazism and the perse- cution of the Church in Germany from which country he recently returned. "The religious persecu- tion is planned and executed by a diabolically clever mind, a power- ful orator, a man of magnetic in- fluence. The churches are crowd- ._ct with men and women. Nazism does not interfere with the at- tendance of adults, but children and young people from the ag~ of 10 to 24 are taken from their parents and trained by the gov- ernment's teachers from 5:00 a.m. even to 11 :00 p.m. everyday- trained to be worshippers of the Nazi god and to be raised, there- fore, in ignorance of the one true God and of the faith of their interested audience that economic conditions in Germany are very good and there is virtually no un- employment. The audience listened with rapt attention while the Very Rev. Richard Whalen, S.J., Superior of , Loyola High School, gave an ac- count of the Spanish conflict which he witnessed at close range during a visit to Spain this sum- mer as the representative of the American-Spanish Relief com- mittee. Highlights of Father Whalen's address are:

"It is atheistic Communism on one side and Christianity on the other. "Franco heads crusaders whose battle is for God, for Spain, for Europe and for Western civiliza- tion. "Without loans from abroad, without even an increase in taxa- tion at home, Franco has financed his war against the Reds by means of the profits realized from the sale of raw materials to foreign countries. "Peace, order, the work of re- construction and rehabilitation are everywhere uppoxent in Na- tionalist Spain.'' The Rev. Lorenzo Malone, S.J., appealed to the association's members to give their continued support to their beloved Bishop. Leroy GoodbOdy, President, act- ed as toastmaster.


Other speakers were the Rev. Charles Quillen, S.J., and Nicho- fathers. Herein lies the success las Martin, member of the asso- and the bitterness of the persecu- ciation and local attorney. tion." Father Seeliger assured his -

BISHOP TO ClOSE C~RMEUTE NOVENA The last day of the Novena at the Carmelite Monastery here will be featured by a Mass celebrated by His Excellency, Bishop Charles F . Buddy, on Saturday, July 16, at 7:00 a.m. Bishop Buddy will also attend the close at 5:00 p.m. the same day.

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