Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1938-1940
lp,~:r::~::i::fu:;,:,piii::~Metropolitan Archbishop en by the Most Rev. Bishop Honorecti byBishop, Priests N OF THE DIOCESE OF SANDIEGO, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7,193 RECEPTION AT BISHOP'S HOME t'JUI
! Charles F. Buddy to His Excel- lency, the Most Rev. John J. Cant- ~•P!!. Metropolitan Archbishop of the Province of Los Angeles, at the's house, 2031 Sunset Boulevard, last Monday, 4:30 p.m. His Excellency, the Archbishop, was accompanied by the Rt. Rev. John Cawley, P. A, V. G., Rt. Rev. George Donohue, Rt. Rev. John L. Clifford, Rt. Rev. Michael O'Gor- man, Rt. Rev. Bernardino J. Schi- aparelli, Very Rev. Martin J. Keat- ing, Very Rev. Joseph J. McGuck- en, Secretary; Rev. Michael P. O'Shea, Rev. William Mulane, Rev. William O'Shea and Rev. Leo Mackey. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. McCarthy telegraphed to Bishop Buddy regrets at his inability to I attend. At the banquet held at the El Cortez Hotel ·in honor of Arch- bishop Cantwell, Bishop Buddy, in 1 t,he role of Toastmaster, thanked ' the Archbishop for the honor of his presence and assur'-d him of the joy and consolation which his visit brought to the Bishop and priests of the Diocese of San Di- ego. The Bishop also expressed his ' gratitude to the Diocesan priests who came in their full numerical strength to pay their respects to the Metropolitan Archbishop. 1 . Introduced as the great Metro- politan of Los Angeles, Archbishop Cantwell expressed himself as deeply touched by the kindne&.., of the Bishop and priests of San Di- ego and thanked Bishop Buddy for the kind invitation to visit his home and particularly for the !Bishop's thoughtfulness in invit- I ing his former cle1ical subjects to meet him here. The Archbishop's audience lis- Diocese Blessed tened with keen interest to his Diego and to his enumeration of the benefits and honors that have accrued thereby to its priests hnd I "Th c·t f San Die o I 1
10 iPAIESTS PRESENT AT RECEPTION I The Very Rev. Laurence Forrts- tal, Chancello1· of the Diocese of Sim Diego, who spoke on "The Problems That Face the Church in America Today", deplored the selfishness and the worldliness which characterized the age and which had already found their way into the Catholic fold, and argued that upon the priests of the Church is incumbent the obli- gation to lead the way in unworld- liness and unselfishness. Many Present Priests present' from San Diego were: Right Rev. John M. Heg- arty, V. G.; Very Rev. F. A. Wek- enman, Very Rev. Laurence For- ristal, Very 'Rev. Joseph V. Clark- in, Very Rev. Peter Lynch, Very Rev. Patrick Dunne, Very Rev. Vincent Shepherd, ery Rev. Wil- liam P. Kelly, o. S. A., Rev. M. J. O'Connor, Daniel J. Ryan, John B. Cotter, Joseph C. Mesny, Harry I Mitchell, Jose S. Valencia, P. J. Quilligan, John W. McDonagh, C. A. Kimmons, J. R. Nunez, Thomas P. Phelan, William J. Casey, Owen ,Hannon, Thomas Corcoran, C. N. I Raley, A. Dontanville, J. A. c . Van Veggel, Philip Watz, William Van Garsse, Charles Breitkopf, Edward McArdle, Joseph Mackey, John McHale, William F. Calvin, Charles V. Loftus, Michael O'Con- nor, Thomas J. Earley, Bartholo- mew. Coveney, -Thos. F. King, Michael J. Browne, John Purcell, Francis Dillon, Edward Hannon, John Morgan, Vito Pillola, Mich- ael .J. Byrne, W. A. Maguire (U. S. N.), Thomas J. McNamara, Luke Deignan, Ernest J. LeGuya der, Joseph A. Lynn, John F. Gal- lagher, Louis Canto, James Grady, James St. Durham, Jose Jesus Torres, P. A. Connolly, Francis C. Ott, Matthew J. Thompson, Dan- iel O'Donoghue, Thomas F. Nolan, Franklin F. Iturd, Raymond B. Drinan, Edward R. Martin, James Grany, Michael O'Duigan, Domi- nic Gallardo, 0. F. M.; Julian Gi-, arardot, 0. F. M.; Raphael, o. F. M.; Arthus Liebrenz, O. F. M.; John Regan, S. J., John M. Mc- Fadden, S. S. C.; Nicholas Zabalza, A. R.; Damian Gobea, A. R.; Ray- mond J. Layton, 0. S. B.; Gilbert O'Maley, 0. S. B., and Charles Fo'rsyth, 0. S. B. Other priests present from Los Angeles were the Rev. John F. Donovan, M. M., and the Rev. Jos. A. Vaughan, S. J., represent- ing the Jesuit Fathers of the Prov-
Honoring His Excellency, the Most Rev. Archbishop .John .J. Cantwell, Metropolitan of the Los Angeles Province at a reception given Monday by Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, was the largest number of priests to gather in San Diego since installation ceremonies last February. Here shown (reading from left to right) the Rt. Rev. Msgr. .John J\IL Hegarty, I disclosure of the causes that led to V. G., of San Diego; Bishop Bu dy, Archbishop Cantwell, and the Rt. Rev. .John Cawley P.A., V.G., the erection of the Diocese of San · of Los Angeles. in Bishop Buddy's garden are:
Growth of Church 1 · Msgr Hegarty, who spoke for
0 .
g_ Msgr. Cawley sketched the his- th D' ·cese of San Diego, recalled under the leadership of Archbish- 1 1 ~enomenal growth of the op Cantwell, called attention to
·t e. ~ti
peop e.
~as now _ 1 ~b~ 1 ~
ptc~l .~ond 1 toric origins of the Church in this ltl e ed his interested audience that 15 op 1 a:rwe ;rt~:- section of California and remind- c;ur~h in Southern e P
events which
California the
tmue~ Ale
marked its development and to the need in due time of the new Dio- cese of San Diego, paid a trib- ute to the Archbishop for his great
its pne st s a nd peop e
larly blessed in th e Holy Fa th er's San Diego is "no mean city" for i& selection of Bishop Buddy to gua rd was known in Rome as well as in them and guide them in the ways Mexico City over 100 years ago.
for his
qualities of
"But" he continued "the Arch-
that lead to God."
judgment and
ability, foresight,
The di st inguished speaker th en 'dioces~ and the neV: Diocese are
especially his admirable trait of
th e
example One not only historically but ter- th e new ritorially since all of Southern Cal-
dwelt upon
that "left
human kindness
the erection of
mark in the hearts of the priests
Province of Los Angeles gave to ifornia is in the episcopal jurisdic- the Church in America. "Three tions of both Dioceses, and we are new provinces and five new dio- made One also by that bond of eeses," he said, "were since ere- affection which unites the Bishops
of San Diego."
The Very Rev. Patrick F. Dunne, V. F.. in the development of his theme, "The Priesthood of Today", called attention to the great work that is being done all over the Ypriests who are trained to b1ing not only the faith of Christ justice and charity of Christ to a generation afflicted by the evils of capitalism. Father Dunne eulogized the spirit shown by the priests of Spain, Mexico,' Russia and Germany, many of Id b wor but the deaths for the faith, and express- ed his belief that, if needs be, the priests of U. S. A. would success- fully meet the same test. whom joyously went to their
and priests of Los Angeles and
ated by th e Holy Fa th er."
Archbishop Cantwell conclu_ded San Diego,"
Referring to the construction of a new major seminary in Los An-
with a comment upon the Godless-
ness which
America, in the schools, in busi- geles for the educatiol} of aspir- ness and even in the churches, ants to the priesthood, Msgr. Caw- and which has followed in the ley paid a tribute to Archbishop "The Ameri- Cantwell who, he said, is still "an can people," he said, "not willful- exemplar of zeal and of apostolic ly but thoughtlessly have turned action." Concluding his address wake of prosperity.
The onl.y the Vicar General of Los Angeles
their backs on God.
tribute to our
remedy is for America to ~-esto~e paid a
religion to its pe~ple and rn _this Bishop and assured him of the af- work of restorat10n the JJ1'1ests fection and esteem in which he is
______ held by the Archdiocese.
must lead."
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