Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)


l'l !World Wide News ot the Week in Pict l\Iany Die in Zeppelin Hindenburg Explosion s, recorded on November' I Greatest .Airshin channel islands were corr 8


d and many of them wer peace of Santa Barbar ising of Indians, who wer military oppression, oc . the afternoon of Fehr ,a Barbara. The troubl g at Santa Ines of an n spite of efforts of Fa issionary, to calm the S .shes between the neoph

)Ok place, three of the ;ives were killed. Later, accompanied an expediti led the frightened fugit Jt not before four clef y soldiers on the missio [)f the neophytes looted. Decembe1·, 1827, the Mex on from California of all except those who had osion at Lakehurst, N. J., when the great ~:up Ripoll and Father Alti disaster was one of the worst in history.

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The biggest news of the week was the coronation of King George VI and his queen. The Britis>:1 Empire has new king and em- , porer in this world which is none too friendly to kingdoms and mon- archs. With the exception of Italy and Jr , England is the only major power that recognizes the divine right of kings and it is a credit to the stability of the Eng- lish speaking people that this is so. Ki;.g George VI will rule in the \ samti non-spectacular way of his father and will undbubtedly grow I more popular as the years go by. He has none of ideas or habits of his brother, the Duke of Windsor, and will probably take an interest in affairs of state much more so ' than Edward would have. The unfortunate episode of King Edward, now the Duke of W.lndsor, and the twice divorced Mrs. Wallis I Simpson is officially over as far as the English government and the Church of England is concerned. To the Catholic mind, the posi- tion of the Church of England in the abdication of Edward was somewhat embarrassing. Students of history will tell you that di- vorce was the very reason for the bringing into existance of the Church of England. It seems to be a reversal of form when the issue of divorce is used to keep a I man from a kingly crown. I - We have heard a number of opinions on how the Duke of I Windsor and Mrs. Simpson could . be married in the Catholic church. It may be well for the Church of I England to study the marriage laws of the church from which it revolted. ___ \

) This remarkable picture ·was made just as the giant German diriglble Hindenburg burst into na:ie, and exploded :is it was preparing to land at Lakehurst, N. J ., following a flight from Germany. Ninety-eigh1 persons aboard were plunged to earth in the flaming wreckage. Thirty-four died almost instantly and of the 64 rescued, many were horribly injured. An explosion of a gas cell in the stern was blamed for the cl ,astel', 'Bridge Builders Drive Golden Rivet

The last rivet was recently driven in the Golden Gate 15rf~e at Sau F!·aneisco. With many notables witnessing the ceremonies, a crew of iron-hatted riveters drove a golden rivet into the span, signalizing com- pletion of the structural steel work.

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