Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

La Jolla's New Church


December 3, 1937.


I DEAR REV. FATHER: Please be advised that for this year of 19 37 permission is hereby granted for the celebration of one Mass at midnight in your parish church as well as in missions attended by assistants from your parish. Where possible, the Mid- night Mass should be a High Mass. You are familiar with the many objections raised to Christmas Midnight Mass. Our conviction is, however, that most of the difficulties can be solved by prudent regulation and efficient ushers at the door. Admission should be by card or better by a donation in the regular offer- ing envelope. This would insure seats to parishioners and exclude the merely curious. Pastors will instruct trustworthy ushers to refuse admission to anyone even near intoxicated. Let these regulations be announced the Sunday before and the people encouraged to return to other Masses later in the morning. The beautiful liturgical significance of Midnight Mass can be made an impressive ceremony u.i.der the foregoing directions. Please make it convenient for your people to approach the Sacraments at Christmas time. In the larger parishes, confessions should be heard during the noon hour and every evening in the week preceding Christmas so as to provide for the working classes as well as for those who do not venture out at night. People will respond generous! y once they sec the priests willing to sacrifice themselves to render the utmost accommodation . With all good wishes, Vcry sincerely yours in Christ, 11{,cCHARLES F. BUDDY, Bishop of San Diego. ____________ 1 Bishop Buddy Officiates At La Jolla Dedication I His Excellency, the Most Rever- nc!ly, W. P. Kelly, Thomas P. Phe- 1 he said "to rejoice with us in our end Charles Francis Buddy. offi- lan. Luke Diegnan, Daniel O'Don- rejoicing and to mingle their ciated at the dedication of the oghue, C. Norman Raley, John prayers of adoration and thanks- new Church of Mary, Star of the Purcell, Edward Whelan, S.J., Ra- giving with ours." He then quot- Sea, La Jolla. last Sunday and phael Von Der Haar, O.F.M.. ed the following passage from a I preached the sermon. Julian Girardot, O.F.M., Damien recent observation made by Pro- The Church, which seats 400, r- ·,beo, A.R., Daniel Ryan and fessor William Lyon Phelps of was taxed to capacity by the James P. O'Shea. Yale University in Scribner's Catholic and non-Catholic people Sir Jesse Locke, K.C.H.S., a Magazine: "Whatever may be the of La Jolla. member of the parish, and Sir Al- present and future attitude of so- Also present were representa- bert V. Mayrhofer, K.C.H.S., also phisticated society towards reli- tives of the Sisterhoods of Mercy, assisted. gious faith, there is no doubt that of St. Joseph ol'. Carondelet, and of RESUME OF BISHOP'S SERMON intelligent interest in religion is Nazareth House. His Excellency announced his increasing. . . . Not only are the I _:,. ,Beauties of Edifice Praised -- ,--------------------

Entirely new in architectural lines, the new Mary Star of the Sea church is especially appropriate for Southern California and is outstanding in a city of beautiful homes. -------~ - ---1

text from the Second Book of Catholic churches crowded - I Paralelapomenon, ch a p t er 7. have never attended one that was Verses 12 to 16-"And the Lord not-but they are steadily increas- appeared to Solomon by night and ing in number. When I was a boy said: I have heard thy prayer, and in New Haven, there were only I have chosen this place to myself three Catholic Churches in town; for a house of sacrafice. I have now there are thirty.... Why chosen and have sanctified this do so many Catholics go to place, that my name may be there church? he asks. The answer is forever, and my eyes and my heart obvious, he declares;-and it is may remain there perpetually." becoming more and more so. "It In opening the discourse the is refreshing to enter a Catholic church and breathe an atmos-

The Mass was celebrated by the Rev .Thomas J. McNamara, Pas- tor, attended by the Rev. Joh.11 Powers as Deacon, and the Rev. Owen Hannon as Subdeacon. The I Masters of Ceremonies were the Rev. M. J. O'Connor and the Rev. William Casey. Deacons of Honor to His Excel- lency at the Mass were the Rev. John B. Cotter and the Rev. J. M. Sullivan. !:; :::i~-e:~tF:t:::t:~; ~e:: Fathers M. J. Noonan, P. A. Con-

Other priests present were the Bishop expressed sincere appreci- phere of faith." Rt. Rev. John M. Hegarty, V.G., ation for what he termed an arch- itectural triumph in the correct The ronowing



liturgical art and elegant taste from the Bishop's sermon at the employed in the new structuI·e Dedication. "The Angel Gabriel,

_, dedicated in honor of Mary Star of the Sea. The Bishop then paid tribute to the Venerable Father Mesny whose weakened health did not permit him to attend and to the two priests, Father Becker and Father Ford, who have passed to their reward. The other pastor. who at one time was in charge of La Jolla, Father Owen Hannon, was on ceremonies in the Sanctu- ary. The Bishop warmly congrat- ulated Father McNamara for his tireless efforts and his persever- ance. that with the cooperation of generous parishioners, made possible the impressive edifice, and added that it took courage t-0 build in these uncertain times. He also warmly congratulated the scholarly architect, the builders and the decorators of st. Mary's new church. Hi s Excellency thanked also the non-Catholics, many of whom were present, as

(Continued on pag<' &)

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