Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

Friday, May 14, HJ37 fidelity to their Holy Religion. After the Benediction, Bishop Buddy greeled those present on the grounds of the church, Father O'Neil acting as the pastor's re- presentative in introducing the new prelate. The bishop's kind- ness and concern for each individ- ual parishioner won the hearts and admiration of all who were in at- tendance on this gala occasion.

BISHOP BUDDY TO BE GUEST AT LUNCHEON Catholic Women Invited to Attend C.C.C.W. Meet- ing Monday Noon C.D.A HOSTESS GROUP His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy will honor the wo- men of San Diego county Monday by attending the luncheon-meet- ing of the County Council of Cath- olic Women, which will be held at the Sequoia clubhouse, Fourth and Elm streets, at 12 :30 o'clock. All Catholic women are invited to at- tend the luncheon regardless of their affiliation with the council, but early reservations are request- ed. Pastors of San Diego county and delegations of women from the other counties of the Diocese of San Diego will be special guests of the day. From San Bernardino 'county will come Mrs.•Harriet L. Fleming, past president of the Los Angeles Archdiocesan council, and Mrs. ~. G. Waldapfel of Ontario, presi- dent of the San Bernardino County council. Mrs. Mary J. Dempster, 1 president, will head a delegation from Imperial county and mem- bers of Riverside county will be accompanied by leaders of various organizations in that section. Court San Dlego de Alcala of the Catholic Daughters of America will be hostesses to the meeting and will serve luncheon at 12:30. Mrs. Emma McIntosh, grand re- gent will be assisted by a commit- tee of members. Reservations should be made as early as pos- sible by calling Mrs. M. T. Kelly, M-2720, Mrs. Teresa McDonough, M-3615, or Mrs. J. G. Daly, H- 6842-W. Mrs. Teresa Stuckey, president of San Diego council, will intro- duce the council chaplain, Right Rev. Monsignor J. M. Hegarty, who will preside r.vcr the program. All affiliated organizations are eagerly awaiting ar exposition of important phases c Catholic Ac- tion from His Exc~iiency, Bishop Buddy.

ILITARY MASS EXPECTED TO DRAW 5000 Bishop Buddy Will Preside, Preach Sermon at Navy Training Station Radio, over a na,tional hook-up, will carry the beautiful ri 'ual of the Solemn Military Field Mass to be celebrated Memorial Day, May 30, at the Naval Trainjng Station to listening thousands, while a probable attendance of five thou- sand persons will witness the age old ceremony which has the dis- tinc:ion of being the first military field Mass to be presided over by His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy since his elevation to the bishopric. The Memorial Day Mass, at wh¥h at least 3.000 offic~r men, including 2,500 recrmts marines will be present, is being sponsored by Capt. Paul P. Black- burn, commander of Naval Train- ing Station. !t will mark the second religi- 1us service in the month to be ~ponsored by the commander, the ~irst having been held on Mother's !Day under the direction of the Protestant churches. Assisting Captain Blackburn in a1Tangements are Comdr. Frank Luckel, executive officer, and Chaplain William A. Maguire, who \will be celebrant at the Mass. Lt. Prederick L. Farrell, U. S. N., a Catholic officer, will be narrator for the radio broadcast, which has been made possible through the courtesy of Thomas Sharp of KFSD. Moving pictures of the procession and ceremonies at the Altar will be taken. Public Invited The public is being extended an ·nvitation to attend the ceremonw, which will be held at 11 o'clock in the South Unit Drill Field and will last approxlmately one hour. The beautiful golden Altar used in Balboa Park for Catholic Day, at the spring opening of the 1935 Exposition is being moved to the Training Station and will be suit- ably mounted for the occasion. A choir of 145 voices under the di- rection of Nino Marcelli, with Royal Brown at the organ, will sing at the Mass. The PWA or- chestra will also play. In addition to presiding at the Solemn Mass, Bishop Buddy will also preach the sermon. Other of- ficers of the Mass will include the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V. F., chief priest; the Rev. Dan- iel O'Donoghue, Coronado, mas- ter of ceremonies; the Rev. M. J. O'Connor, the bishop's secretary, chaplain to the bishop. Assisting Chaplain Maguire in the celebra- tion of the Mass, will be two visit- ing naval chaplains, the Rev. Ray- mond Drinan of the U. S. Mel- ville and the Rev. John Hugues of the U.S.S. Lexington as deacon and sub-deacon.

Chino Catholics Received Bishop In O.L.G. Church P ast or s of Neighboring Cit ies t o Assist in Official Welcome ' On arriving in Chino last Satur- day, H'is!Excellency,Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, was greeted by official greetings to Bishop Buddy. After a formal welcome at the parish rectory by the Rev. C. A. Kim~ons, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe church, assisted by the Rev. Jerome O'Neil of Pomona, the Rev. J. R. Nunez of Ontario and the Rev. L. Conti of Guasti, an ecclesiastical proce.

Following a brief visit in the several hundred members of Our rectory where a buffet luncheon Lady .o~ Guadl).lupe parish of that was served, Bishop Buddy left fot' city, · Charle F. Bonadiman, a Fontana, where he made an offi- member of the Chino city council, cial visit at St. Joseph's church, of represented the laity of the con- whicp the Rev. Malachy O'Sulli- gregation in extending the city's van is pastor.


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