Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)


on ignor Hegarty

Toa tma ter THREE HUNDRED PAY HOMAGE TO BISHOP BUDDY Archbi hop antwell and Four Bishop peak At Luncheon GIFT PRE ENTED Followlng the glorious ce.remonv of Installation and the Solemn High Mass Wednesday morning, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy was honored by the priests of the Diocese of San Diego with a luncheon at El Cortez hotel at I which some 300 members of the clergy and special guests were present. Served in the elaborate Spanish Don room at El Cortez, the lunch- eon was made resplendent by the colorful robes of the prelates and centerpieces. Souvenir menues bearing a pic- ture of the newly Installed bishop marked each place. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. I Hegarty, who presented the I bishop with a substantial cheek as the gift of the clergy of his new diocel'e, acted as master of ceremonies. Speakers included the Most Rev. Philip G. Scher, D. D., bishop of Monterey-Fresno, '"ho extended a welcome to Bishop Buddy as bis nearest neighboring bishopric; the Most Rev. Daniel J. Gercke, bishop of Tuscon, Arl- rttrm11\.~,._- .,a:nn!t>- M\.,J'aJ';,<1:,.J'T-"~ I Long- Beach, who sang several l ;~~='.·H:::::·:::~:,:~:: I traduced Bishop Buddy to the priestly gathering in words that might be used as informal intro- duction to the people of his dio- cese. Msgr. Hegarty's introduc- tion follows: l "In my recent rending I came I upon a saying of the grt>at poet- philosopher of Weimar. Speaking of literary men and artists in gen- eral, he said. "The world is serv- ed only by the extraordinary." "It may be humiliating to us that the average (who are the majority) contribute nothing to progress. The conformists who tamely walk the cowpa th trodden by the masses through the age~ leave no mark behind. They may achieve fame and fortune within the traditional rut. but they leave nothing to posterity. "Common sense is futile when defined as an individual interpre- tation of self-interest, and that is the common acceptance of it. When that kind of common sense accumulates and directs amassed millions, it is worse than useless. To the poor and to the hope of progress, riches seem to t urn self- (Conttnued on pasr• !) 1 -Column Four- \ , by the beautiful

Then 11 fol talk , speakers o! 1ll be introduced by Judge , 'llliam J. Collard, former county pr dent o! the S n Diego Holy ame Un- ion. Mayor Benbough ·ill peak a welcome for the p ople of San Diego while Mr. icGlnnis 11 bring to San Diegans and Bishop Buddy the message sent by Mayor Welch of st. Jo eph, Mo , the bishop· native city. Representing the Ministerial A ociatlon of San Diego, Dr. Roy Campbell of th First Congregational church will peak, to be followed by W1lllam Mnhedy and Mrs A. II. Stuckey, who will rcpresen the Catholic men and women of the d1oce . Msgr, John M. Hegarty, VF, un- der whose directions plans for the reception were made. will speak briefly and Bishop Buddy will re- spond, completing the speaking program. Mounting to U1e great golden Altar used for the Catholic Day Mass at the opening of the Expo- sition in l!J35, Bi~hop Buddy, as- sisted by members of the clrrgy, will give Solemn Benediction and extend his blessing to those pres- ent. The entire assembled crowd will join in singing the Be11edic- tion hymns and the closing hlmn, "Holy Ck>d We Praise Thy Name." Song sheets ha\·c been printed and will be passed out, to all marchers in the procession. Large JJclegation During the last few days lrtters by the score have been pourmg into the office of the st. Vincent de Paul headquarters in St. Jo- seph's hall, which has been taken over for the time bcmg by the lny committee arranging the d<'ta1ls for the reception. A. V. Mayr- hofer, K.C.H.S .. general chairman and Frank Laengle. general secre- tary, report that through the Holy Name Society officials, practically every parish in outlying- cities and villages throughout the diocese has written to say that a large lay delegation will represent their par- ticular parish Sunday afternoon. Sunday's procession will be col- orful and musical, for in addition to the W.P.A. band, which will be stationed at the organ pavilion and hich

GREAT CRO D EXPECTED AT BALBOA PAR Reception Program To Be Preceded by Colorful Parade of nit. PLA1 T BE~ 'EDI TIO Large Choir and Band to Pre.·ent .1 rumber: at Speaker ·' Program Laity of the Dioce e of San Di- ego will march in review before the Most Rev. Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., Sunday afternoon at Balboa Park, where a mammoth civic reception will be st ged in the bishop's honor. Catholic and non-Catholic alike are invited to the reception of the new spintual leader, who Wednesday was of- ficially installed jn his Cathedral by Hi& Excellency, Archbishop John J. Cantwell of Los Angeles. Atl:15 o'clock all marching units will be lined up in their division of the procession which will be formed in the Spanish Village near the east entrar.ce of Balboa Park. The parade will start promptly at 1:30 o'clock (see procession forma- tion on page 4 of this section). in columns of fours the line of march will form on Laurel street and march west to the Plaza de Panama, turning on the east side of the statue of El Cid and marching into the great outdoor organ ampitheater, where the reception program will be held. Eishop Buddy and visitin" dig- nitaries, together with the mayor of San Diego, Percy J. Benbough, and the representative of the mayor of st. Joseph, Mo., William J. McGinnis, and representatives from the Navy, Marine and Army corps stationed here, will watch the procession from a reviewing stand being erected at the east side of the statue El Cid in the Plaza. At the close of the procession a bugle call wlll announce the even- ing of the reception pro ram anclw the W.P.A. band will follow with the "Star Spangl~d Banner." The great choir of over 100 voices that sang at the Installation Mass, will tender several especially prepared numbers under the direc ion of the Rev. Matthias Landi, director of the Cathedral choir in Los An- geles. Royal Brown, municipal or- ganist, will preside at the console of the world-famous organ.

the w .A. orchestra, which will • accompany the choir, the Merke- ley's Musical Malds in their red and orange costumes, the Bonham Boys' Band in the military perfec- tion of their white uniforms and the band from the Nazareth House orphanage will be among the marching units to aid in the marching. Marching umts too will show a great deal of color, for at the head of each unit will march a flag bearer and a banner bearer. so that the whole will take a medieval air. the whole app anng much as the crusaders m st have looked as they marched in the early days. • Youth and age will march. places bcmg reserved for the uniformed students of the various Catholic schools. for the white gowned stu- dent nurses from Mercy Hospital, for each youthful and adult, or- ganization in the church. Uni- formed drill teams of the Y.L I., the Junior Catholic Daughter , the Portuguese Girls' Drill team, the blue robed Children of Mercy will each take its place in the proces- sion. Mexican organizations will be represented and Indian reserva- tions in the back country over which Father Frnncis Dillon acts as spiritual advisor, will be pres- ent in their picturesque garb. The FilipllfO Community will be repre- sented, as will each distinctive nationality in the city, At the head• of this interesting procession of Catholic people who would welcome their new bishop, will be Judge Dean Sherry as j grand marshal, and a score or more of division marshals.

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