Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)
Bishop Officiates at Mass
\'ill Clearly Expres-ed ''The ultimate end and purpose of our existence is to give glory to God by our understanding. to know Him and His perfections, and to employ all the powers of body and soul to fulfill His divine ·w1ll as clearly expressed in the 10 com- mandments. ''We are in the world, then, to know God, to love Him and to serve Him. Who does not learn this primary truth can expect no peace nor happiness nor true suc- cess. Without this fundamental, man must ever remain a puzzle to him- self and an ultimate failure. "The fact is that from the very instant of our creation, our souls crave God, their creator, and only God can satisfy. "By the light of our own minds, by the created world around us, we can know the existence of a Supreme Being called God, just as we can behold tl.e stars with the naked eye. But if we would know more about God and His perfec- tions, we must do like the astrono- mer who studies the ;firmament , , more closely by means of a tele- scope. This extrinsic aid religion , supplies, by faith, accepting God's revelation about Himself. The earnest inquirer, though first im- pelled by reason, rises to faith by the aid of divine grace. No wonder, then, that faith has been called the sixth sense of the soul,· the sub- stance of things hoped for, the evi- dence of things not seen. This act of the intellect and will enables the weary traveled to see the light shining in the darkness, the light of Jesus Christ. Explains Religion "What, then, is religion? Speaking broadly, religion is the living I union of God with man. Note the w~rd living, which means some- thmg effected by vital acts. thoughts, desires, actions. This bond of union forms the solid foundation for every human tie. It consists in all those truths, laws and precepts which actuate and direct man's conduct, both in re- gar~ to God and his fellow man. • To be sure, there are counter• feit coins, so there are counter• felt religions. The true religion pays to the true God that worship sanctioned by Himself. "By the light of an unbiased in- tellect, man will know that he owes allegiance to the Supreme Being and love to the Supreme Bene- factor. In fact, a brief experience of life convinces us that the only road to peace is by submission to God and respect for His laws."
ForYouth;MakesAirTalk By PIERCE EGAS' Appreciates Welcome In his radio address last night Bishop Buddy said in part:
''This beautiful land of sunshine and flowers and mountain peaks that seem to kneel in prayer. This haven of generous loving hearts- noted for faith in action-stirs my soul to its depths." Thus did he Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D. D., bishop of San Diego, express his feelings to the people of his diocese in a broadcast over KGB last night. Yesterday was a busy day for Bishop Buddy. At 8 o'clock in the morning more than 600 boys and girls of high school age and over, members of the Catholic Youth or- ganization of the city, received holy communion at the hands of their bishop at St. Joseph's cathe- dral, as a spiritual bouquet and a pledge of loyalty to him. Bishop Buddy was assisted at the mass and communion by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, the Rev. Francis Ott, chaplain of the youth organ- ization, and the Rev. M. J. O'Con- nor of St. Joseph's cathedral. Honored at Breakfast A!ter the mass, the bishop at- tended a breakfast given in his honor by the Catholic Youth organ- ization at the Elks' club, this breakfast, speakers in- the Very Rev. William Kelly, 0. S. A, prior of St. Augus- tine's school; Gerry McDonough, first president of the Youth organ- ization; Catherine Ward, president of Mercy Hospital Nurses sodality, and the Rev. Ott. Larry McMee- han, president of the group, was toastmaster and gave credit for orig- inating the plan of the spiritual bouquet to Joe Whelan, a member of the group. William P. Mahedy, grand knight of the Knights of Columbus, was presented as were leaders of all the Catholic groups that make up the Catholic Youth unit. Brendan Shea was marshal of the procession leading from the St. Joseph's hall to the church pre- ceding the mass. Last night Bishop Buddy was a guest of honor at a dinner for the choir of 140 voices, made up from the various parishes of the city and directed by the Rev. Matthias Lani, famous composer and choir direc- tor. Other honored guests were Father Lani, James McGarricle of Long Beach, baritone, who inter- spersed solos with choir selections in the hour program over KGB at which the bishop also spoke ad- dressing the membership of his dio- cese. Choir Lauded Msgr. Hegarty, who presented Bishop Buddy to his radio audi- ence, was the inspiration for the dinner for the choir in apprecia- tion !or its splendid work. He was assisted by Albert V. Mayrhofer and Frank Laengle, president and secretary of the lay committee which handled the public reception for Bishop Buddy two weeks ago in Balboa park. Ip speaking to the Youth organ- ization yesterday morning, after paying tribute to the work of Msgr. Hegarty and other priests of the diocese, Bishop Buddy told the young people: "I have had many beautiful re- ceptions and many beautiful gifts, but I think that this is the happiest day of my life. This is the grand- est ovation I have received-an ex- pression of faith and love for Our Divined Lord in the Blessed Sacra- ment-and to me a beautiful augury for the future. I have always been I interested in young people and their problems, in fact, I tried to keep young with them." At cluded
"Dearly beloved brethren of the clergy and laity, and friends all, permit me, at the very outset, to voice heartfelt appreciation of the warm welcome you have given me, a welcome not only reverent, but sympathetic and affectionate. Al- ready I have learned that the priests of the diocese of San Diego are dis- tinguished for self - sacrifice and zeal. It is no wonder, then, that the flocks committed to their care are well organized groups of sterling catholicity-doers of the word. "It was a grand sight, this mom• ing, to see more than 600 young people of the Catholic Youth or- ganization assembled in the ca- thedral to express their loyalty , and devotion by the fervent re- ception of holy communion, to weave about themselves, their pastors and bishop, garlands of faith, and hope, and prayer. "With the sacred writers, I can exclaim, 'Thank God for you all.' This beautiful land of sunshine and flowers and mountain peaks that seem to kneel in prayer, this haven of loving generous hearts noted for faith in action, stirs my soul to its depth and inspires me to repeat the plea of Solomon in the Book of Wisdom. Subject Held Vital "My subject this evening is neither new nor circumscribed, It I concerns every human being, It touches the cause of much of the unrest in the world t o day, It answers the question of why so many people find life aimless and empty, why the end of a day brings them nothin~ worth whill!, They crave something - they know not what. That something, essential all- important, is vital to peace ' and progress. Deep In every human heart there is a yearning for knowledge about God and the soul and the heareafter. The great masses of people are hungry for the things of the Spirit. The honors, plea- sures, and abundance of the earth cannot satisfy. "Every rational creature as soon as he is old enough to think has a ~uestion to answer. 'Why rur:_ I in this world?' and 'What is my end in life?' Many things we can choose such ~s our dwelling places, 01.u'. avocations, our forms of recreation, but the end for which we were created we cannot choose. That has been decided for us by the Almighty Creator.
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