Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

F ·da.

pril 9, 1937

Colored Cath Ii s an Diego Play Host to Bishop Buddy at Public Benefit Sunday Evening

congratul ted the colored people on the very fme work accomplish- ed in organizing a club and so- dality. He expressed hi.o:: happi - ne.s in having been ablt> to es- tablish a church for colored people in his parish back in St. Joseph, Missouri. He assured them of his blessing on their future '\\'Ork and his assis:ance in their undertak- in<>.s, saying: "I shall be happy to attend any meeting to which ) ou invite me." His short tall:: was interspersed with interesting· anC'cdotes replete with his ex- qui~i e humor and he received a hearty and prolonged ovation. Mies Picou's announcemen t of a gift of $25.00 from the Bish op was warmly received. The tabl~s were beautifully dec- orated Members of the Sodulity wore a new uniform of Madonna blue with trimmings and head dresses of old ivory satin, and served an excellent dinner to about 500 guests. The evening was closed with an hour of deligh tful Hawaiian music played by the Filipino Boys' orchestra from Mercy hospital.

His Excellency, Bi hop C. F. Buddy, spent an hour with the Little Flower Club, composed of the colored Catholics of San Di- e.go last Sunday eYenin" at the public benefit dmner held by their organization in Our Lady of An- gels hall, the occasion markint: the bishop's first visit with the group since his arrival in San Di- ego. Sea ed with His Excellt>ncy at the specially appointed table, were Rev. Vincent Shepherd. Very Re,·. Father Healy, 0 . S. A., Prior of W.llanova, Re\'. Michael O'Con- nor, Re\'. J . B., Mrs. A. H. Stuckey, who acted as the club',, first president, and Mr. Alec Gat- lin, its young president. The secretary, Miss KathleC'n Picou, intrnduced the officers. Mr. Gatlin, briefly extended the!r wel- come; Mr. Appllng, vice president, 1said: "The members of lhe LitLle 1 Flower Club and the Sodality of Our M11ther of Perpetual Help extend a most cordial welcome to Your Excellency. "You have conferred a grer..t favor upon us by cominz to our benefit dinner and your presence here is the full realization of a hope we have cherished ever since you came to San Diego as our Bishop. "This is indeed a joyful day for us. We are deeply grateful for your goodness in coming and we want to pledge our loyalty and ' wholehearted cooperation for whatever plans you may have fo1 the spiritual advancement of the colored people of San Diego.'' Miss Picou introduced the So- dality of Our Mother of Perpc>t- ual Help and Miss Blanche Jones, the assista:nt prefect. presented the Bishop with a beautifully hand-painted Spiritual Bouquet which he feelingly acknowledged. Lit.le Rachel Collier. for the Children's Sodality, brought him a basket of roses. I Choosing one of these rose<:, to wear in appreciation, His Excel- 1 j lency made a brief address. He The treasurer, Mrs. de Horsney, responded in a few well chosen I words.

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\FATHER RUGGLE TO I SUCCEED BISHOP IN ST. JOSEPH ST. JOSEPH, Mo.-The Rev. Leo J . Ruggle of St. Joseph has been appointed rector of St. Jo- <:eph's Ca t hedral by His Ex- cellen cy, th Most Rev. Bishop Charles H. Le Blond, filling the vacancy by the elevation of the Most Rev. Charles Fran- I cis Bud dy to the bishopric of the Diocese of San Diego. Father Ruggle, a clo!le friend of Bishop Buddy's, made the t r ip to San Diego with him, and was present for his instal- lation in t he St. Joseph's Ca- thedral t here. Like B ishop Buddy, Father R uggle has spent his entire years as a priest in this city, I h aving been assistant at St. J oseph's Cathedral during that t ime. H e is a nephew of Right IRev. Abbott Philip Ruggle, 1 I O.S.B., t he retired abbot of

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Conception Abbey.



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