Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)


The Throne of- St. Didacus

Above is shown the elaborately carved th rone ch air i~ St. Joseph's Cathedral to _which Archb isb op ~antwell led Bishop Buddy in the ceremonies Wednesday morning. T h e throne 1s the work of Eugene Alker of Pasadena, a wo rld famous wo~d carver who bas worked in some of the greatest Cathedrals m E It l ·s all hand-carved from ca refully' selected black urope. n· s i W.llnui. -Cut Courtes r; San 1ega un . i

-Union Photos by Charles Crable and George Booher, With the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D. D., enthroned at St. Joseph's cathedral (left to right) the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, the Rev. T. J. McNamara, Bishop Buddy and the Rev. J. A. Daley.

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