Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

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OB~ERV[ lAW~ or HUMANITY, PONTlff ASKS Belligerents Reminded of Agreements to Observe International Laws to Spare Civil Populations (Continued from Page 1) religious comforts.


Oldest Hospital • 1n Western Hemisphere

81 Re ervation Have Ch rch C TORONTO, S pt 15 C::t.thollc missionary work among Indians is being can led on in 81 n •erva- tions in thp United states nnd Alaska by 225 )Jliests, 527 Sist ,rs, 85 scholastics and Jay Brothers, 38 1 y teach~rs and 169 Indll.\11 re

Propagation of the Faith by the REV. KENNETH G. STACK Diocesan Director



Phon F. 4869 J0!\5-4th Avcnun

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Cl an r, - Dyer I I•

······························ • "Frlendt " CREmT


VATICAN CITY. Set. 14 -His caii1cchists 13. T n- Eminence; Angelo Maria Cardinal nelly, S.S.: Director of th Bun•au Dolci, Cardinal Bishop and Atch-1 of Ca th0 hc Indian MLssions. told Priest of the Patriarchal Basilica th e Semmar Confrrencc on ihl! of st. Mary Major died today at North American Indtan at the Civitella d'Angliano the lown of University of Toronto he re. his birth. at the age of 72 In his pape1· on "Catholic In- Cardinal Dolc1 had a distin- dian Mis.,ions m the United guished diplomatic career in the States," Father Tennelly said Church and was one of the most there are 408 mission chapels and widely known members of the 69 mission school of which 33 Sacred Colle~c. his duties taking are boardin~ schools caring for him tc, posts in European capitals, 4,582 Indian children and 36 day the Near East and South Ameri- schools with 2 372 pupils. ca. . .................................. Argenti a Schools : Upholstering, Venetian Blind· Drapery the Rev. J

For the past 12 months the world has been straining anxious eyes toward Europe as threats of war hung heavy over practically every nation. Today the uncertainty

o no n aymn1t o Inter t o I~ tr DIAM Jewelry ... \

of anticipation has given place to the horrible realization of actu- "That belligerents will not use ality. war is ravaging not only asphyxiating and poisonous gas- the Far East, but the Near East es." and Europe as well - war, the PEACE EFFORTS RECALLED enemy of progress, war, the The Holy Father spoke at an wrecker of men, war the de- audience accorded Adrian Nieu- strayer of civilization! wenhuys, who presented his ere- IT ISN'T NICE READING dentlals as Belgium's new Ambas- These are not inspiring words- sador to the Holy See. they are alarming to say the least

ihcrwar Electric Ap1>lianccR

: 4 1> • :

I To Teac Religion BUENOS AI ES Sept. 11. -

"Alas," the Sovereign

................................... • • • • •I••• l O'CONNOR s=

Pontiff and upset the smug complacency Is of many leaders as well as staunch


Hospital Beds of Solid Rock Are Preserved in Ancient Edifice

l A section of the oldest hospital on the \\Testern Hemisphere, the hcspital San Juan de Dios (St.,

:IIEif., ...-....... ••iiiiiiiiaiii.•'

added, "the tumult of arms

I· rf'e

about drown the leaders of the voices. Hostilities already begun present time. Within the blessed In some quarters with lightning- confines of our own United States like effects seem to barricade the our people are aghast at the champions of peace from roads depths to which men and govern- Now that this ancient city has that yesterday still seemed acces- ments will sink in their plans for become the last of the capitals of siblt, to reciprocal goodwill." the destruction of life and prop- the American Republics to be Therefore, His Holiness said, he erty. They realize the ineffectu- linked to the outside world by the prays God to shorten the days of ality of man-made treaties, as regular service more visitors from trial, and to open to the peoples well as the falsehood of so-called the United States will have op- new ways towards peace before truth when uttered by unprin- portunity to become acquainted the present fire becomes a uni- cipled demagogues. with one of the choicest jewels of versal conflagration. What the future holds for the Spanish colonial past as well "Feeling Ourself helped by the America in the present crisis is as with one of the most forward- prayers of the faithful and com- hidden behind the veils of un- looking of the Pan-American forted by the intimate certainty certainty. For the present we are countries. of having with us innumerable safe. Let us, therefore, show our Here in Quito is found the souls of goodwill, We shall noL gratitude for this breathing spell oldest hospital on the Western cease to seek carefully, and to "by the practice of a real Catho- Hemisphere. second with all Our power, oc- lie charity on Mission Sunday, In the oldest portion of the casions that may present them- Oct. 22. The burden of support- hospital, may be seen the original selves, above all, to reconduct the ing the Missions is now almost stone beds on which the first peoples-who today are agitated entirely placed on the shoulders patients were hospitalized. Hewn and divided towards the conclu- of American Catholics since our out of solid rock, some of them sion of a peace that is honorable European brethren are already double-deckers like berths in a for all and in conformity with the bled white by the ravages of war. pullman car, the beds are in human, Christian conscience - a Upon the chair of Peter sits small dark cells lighted only by peace that protects the vital the white-robed Vicar of Christ a small opening in a wall several rights of each and safeguards the upon earth. He is a saddened feet in thickness looking into a security and tranquility of na- Pontiff, who, appealing to man's dark passageway. The cells are tions. higher principles, tried to stem reminiscent of the catacombs in "As long as this is impossible, the stream of horror and blood- Rome. We shall endeavor at least to al- shed at present engulfing the "In 1565,'' says Dr. Espinosa, leviate the wounds of those al- world. But he is also the repre- "it was believed that disease was ready afflicted and those who will sentative of Him Who was scof- born by the air and that patients, be afflicted in the· future." fed, spit upon and crowned a to recover, must be kept away out all other believers in QUITO, Ecuador Sept. 11. - to

J>horu• n-7&~2



.....- 475d Edgeware San lliea-o • • • • ................................. Keep Normal • • • • • • • •

J John of God) m Quito, Ecaudor. The Senate of

the Province of

It has been nacted a bill tion since 1565. The original stone makine reliisious mi::truction com- beds on which the first patients pulsory in the public schools. It were hospitalized are still pre- is not expected hat there will be £Hved in the oldest portion of the any opposition n the Chamber of hospital. Deputies. Bishop, Priests of City, County at Requiem Mass for Priest's Mother {Continued from page 1) , ~on must temporanly carry this continuous opera- Buenos Ai1es 1 a"

Church C:oo

heart of the city, next Church of our Lady

the the

to of

Angels. where the famous crncifix known as the "Christ of the Hos- pital," one of the art treasures of Ecuador, is preserved, and across the street from the Carm- elite Convent made illustrious by Blessed Mariana de Jesus, who was a nun in that Order anel who has inspired many of the



Healthy j $6 7 s .. .................................. p I ...................................


Carl L. , l'hanicl Plumbing, Ht· tine, H111 lrmg Gu r,mt, d WATl•,R ll ATERS Sold & St rv1c d

great painters of her native land. Very Rev. Patiick Dunne as American con and sub deacon and the Rev. country has a hospital known by Daniel O'Donoghue and Rev. Ken- the name "St. John of God.'' neth G. Stack as first and second Most of them are believed to de- I masters of ceremonies. The Very rive their name from the one in Rev. Thomas J. McNamara and Quito. I the Rev. William Keaney acted as l chaplains of honor to the Most dea- Nearly every Latin

cross, his beloved moth r !las not gone from us, but mst before us. Today we offer prayers and Holy Mass for the repose of the soul of the moth r of an an 1 bassa- dor of Christ and at th same lime realize that espec1ally on this feast of the Exhalta ion of the Holy Cross that each day Father Fran- cis can say with St. Paul, "God forbid that I should glory exc pt in the cross of our Lord J ~sus Christ for \Vhom •he wot'ld i~ crucified to me as I am crucified I to the world ·• "May the soul of our dear de- voted one be el '7a d by that same saving cross. May she rf'st in Peace!" :._·• ••·• ••• •••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••


D!Scholls SCIENTIFIC SHOES FOR MEN A D WOM};N Sold Exdusively at Brother's hoe Store A. E. Hieshetter, Owner 533 "B" Street ..........••••.•...••.•...........•. Sullivan Hardwood Lum~r Co. a Kettn~r llhd. and HI'" St l'h. F-3141 Fine Maple and Oak i"loon a1'

ll y or . 'i ht Phon 1t-271lr.


* Rev. Bishop.

Quebec Presents 'Oldest' Hosp1ta $100,000 Gift *-------------* QUEBEC Sept. 16.-The Prov- • J

The Rev. Paul Ganuza. A.R., of Santa Ana. preached the sermon, speaking of the sacrifice of moth- raising sons for the priest- The Most Rev. Bishop gave the ~:::

• •. •. •

• •

••• •.


absolution and added a few words ince of Quebec has given to the of consolation in Spanish. Follow- Hotel Dieu Hospital here $100.- ing is a translation in part of the 000. Bishop's statement: Duplessis at the tercentenary ob- Christ~ we ,vish to express at this servance of the hospital, oldest moment our grief for the loss in North America. It was a "tri- which our beloved priest. Fath<>r : f. • • bute of recognition and gratitude I Francis, has suffered in the Joss for the charitable and devoted of his dear mother-m truth the I JOCISTES Jl,IAKE ROl\lE PILGRIMAGE, SEE POPE Hotel greatest loss that can come to a home. There is strength in the thought, however. that the hlgllest honor a man c,m pay hi m.'.l he I is to imitate her virtues. The priestly ch«racter of Father Fran- This was announced by Premier ''My dear children in Jesus : D M J Q' Dentist

. . nen:

Long Urged Laws Aid Native Women

king In derision, but Who rose from the outside air."

the conqueror of death on that first Easter mom. Pius XII, the 261st successor of Peter. occu- pies the throne of a spilitual

The "new" part of the hospital dates from 1680. The hospital is in the very Duty of Citizens To Vote, Pastoral CINCINNATI, Sept. 11. - The duty citizens have properly to ex- ercise their right to vote is re- emphasized in a pastoral Jetter which the Most Rev. John T. Mc- Nicholas. O.P., Archbishop of Cin- cinnati, has addressed to the peo- ple of his See. "In our civic affairs," the pas- toral says, "it is most important that the good, informed, common- sense citizens fully realize their duty, that they determine to make use of the power which is theirs by the ballot to rebuke the propa- gandists and to check unpiincipled politicians. Citizens who have at heart the best interest of our country should decide that sanity shall characterize our civic legis- lation and that only good officials shall be chosen to govern the peo- ple. "Your motive In the discharge of your civic duties should be a supernatural one, because your holy religion teaches you that civil authority Is from God, and that your love and service of country have their source in God and must be referred back to Him." CYO SESSIONS TO BE NEXT MO TH CINCINNATI, Sept. 12. - The Most Rev. James E . Walsh, M.M., Superior General of MaryknoJI, will preach the sermon at the solemn Pontifical Mass which will open the first national conference of the Catholic Youth Organiza- tion here October 3-5. BELGIAN CARDINAL ASK PRAYERS FOR PEACE

ROME, Sept. 5.

A decree


signed by the President of France kingdom which conquers most regulates the marriage of native when It ls conquered, wins most women in the French Colonies In when it apparently loses all. Equatorial and West Africa. The new law ls a further step toward raising native women


: 440 C Street San Diego ··································· ....................................

VATICAN CITY, Sept, 12. -

cis very well reflects the beauty

Newly Ordained Baptizes Mother BAMAKO, French West Africa . Sept. 12. A young man of non- Christian African parentage from Segou. after pronouncing his final vows as a White Father, was ordained a priest by the Vicar Apostolic, the Most Rev. Paul Molin, in the Cathedral here. The next day Father Diallo, the newly ordained, had the happi- ness of receiving his mother into the Church and giving her her First Communion. all things that the Saviour may be known and loved. "May we never be forgetful of those consecrated virgins - the hundreds of Sisters who do a heroic work in this vast mission- ary field. You can see the artis- tic touch of some of them s0 beautifully evident in the exqui- site decorations of this altar and the altar o! my private chapel the Sisters of the Holy Family. May we also welcome the Sister., of the Holy Cross who today make their first public appearance in the cathedral. They have come to help us instruct and to lead in word and example the children of St. Dldacus' new school. "And though my .heart ls filled too deeply !or utterance, let me assure you of my everlasting gratitude and the joy of serving you in San Diego. The generous tokens of your affection will strengthen me through the years that are left. Your prayers and Altar Boys' Cassocks For 47 years we have supplied Boys' cassocks and Surplices in the East and for nearly 17 years on the Pacific Coast. Best Grade of POPLIN Cassocks from $3.00 up. Boys' surplices from $1.00 up. POPLIN cassocks for PRlESTS (individual measurement> at $10 Surplices for Priests from $1.75 up

: I

Fo1ty Jocistes

(Young Catholic of his mother·s life.

!Qaabe Sea Fooch , pectalttee

Workers< from Colombia arrivPd I here unexpectedly and were re- ceived by His Holiness Pope P;us I XII at Castel Gandolfo, They had sailed from South America before I the great international pilgrim- age of Catholic Youth was post- poned because of the outbreak of

'·Most of us priests know the losing a loVIng moth r, of being deprived of the incpira- tion and understanding, that her e rthly presence gives. Her deep unwavering faith and our faith al o makes it clear that while the ................................... . pang of

from the status of chattels of the family into which they have been married. The first of the three articles of the law rules that girls under 14 years of age, and boys under 16 may not contract marriage. The second regulation states that the consent of both parties is indispensable for the validity of the marriage The Jaw also establishes that a widow may refuse to follow the custom which attributes her to another member fJf the family of her deceasea husband. been my inspiration for so many years and who stood at my side the day of my consecration. "Let me say this to the young priests, that after 25 years. 'thl' sight of a white host uplifted, th? gleam of a golden chalice, the silt xer sound of a bell Is even sweeter than 25 years agu. "In spHe of all our !allures and shortcomings may we not be con- soled with the thought that al- though the Church has ha<'! many great and fervent priests, there is only one perfect priest Jesus Christ. While there have been valiant, noble and saintly women, there ls only one Immacu- lata. "Somehow this morning my mind went back 43 years to the, day of my First Communion, of the one who had planned every- thig so beautifully for me - my mother. And were she living to- day, she would be entitled by every right to the center of th!, celebration because it must b-: the mother from the very first who writes on her heart the plans and specifications for the future life of every priest. "There was deep consolation !n chanting the Solemn Mass of the: Blessed Sacrament and including the prayer for peace and thanks- giving · to God for all the bless- ings He, in His mercy, has grant- ed me during a quarter century. We also asked pardon for the sins and transgressions. Above all, we are most grateful for the out.5tand!ng and zealous prierL- hood of San Diego for those fervent ambassadors of Christ endure all things and suffer

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Appreciation For Spiritual Offering Expressed By Bishop At Jubilee Mass (Continued from J>&ll'e I)


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BRUSSELS, Sept. 11.-His Emi- nence Joseph Ernest Cardinal Van Roey, Archbishop of Malines has published a pastoral asking for prayers that God may spare the world from war. Holy Communions will sustain my arms lifted in supplication for YOU. "May God bless you all." ··································· : Ben Franklin tore 3838 Fifth Ave. We Appreciate Your Business ···································· ····E~;t~id;· L~~b~~-·c~:···· Rough & Finish LUMBER 4748 El Cajon Blvd. H. G. Smith, Mv-. Talbot 2161 .........•..............•....•....

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