Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)



;::, ::•;; ...J:~~ . ,,.,._.,,,.,~ .. •.··• ....··...· 1\t the beginning of the ceremony of installation as Bishop Buddy knelt hl'f orc l he Al tar. 1\ rchbish(:p Cant well at extreme right, facing the camera.

-Cul Courtesy San Otego Sun.

His Grace, Most Rev. John J. Cantwell

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5 Called Foe Of 1ity , )hn ,J. Cantwell, D.D., of Los stallation of his Suffragan les Francis Buddy, D.D., on sermon in his usual eloquent th conviction. Cant\vell's address, follows ~wo Californias-Upper and tered upon a ravished and 3ions, once a riot of beauty, 'hose bells \Yhose voices once 1ges to Bethlehem, to Naza- len t. The Indians had been read here this morning, sends to you a Bishop of your own. He ~ets up his chair of teaching in l :his venerable city, and from it will I rule the flock of Christ. He comes wit hthf' oil of <'fln!:f'<'ration e:list-

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MOST REV. CH/\Rl,ES F, Rtmnv, n .n. First Bishop of San Diego

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