Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)

Bishop Buddy to Aid In Reforming Abuses

Most Reverend Charles Francis Buddy

Consecrated With Impressive Ceremony



(C'ontlnued from First Pag-e) ,ton c-1 urc-h, until he had r,·ach d •no \\, of the. ·o, th Californ ia I p1·oud of the e saintly men, of th work the) did tor the poor indiun~. and of the ehurche ti, ) buiidPd, man)' of \\ hlch ar, still fortunatei> left f o r our ad- m iral on. flishOp Budd, may w ell f,d rn t<·ful that San Di r;-o eradl<>d the ;::-loric us <'ntorp, I e, and still , emaln• tltt• Mother l'hur<'h of them nil Thus unrting th<' nam and \\ ork of the gr <'at C'harl s \\ Ith tlw zt>nl and e1)ura~P ut th" son .... of ~L Jt'rancb, you, <'har IP:< Fraul'is, ma)· g-o forth Jo> full). Th,• City of Rt Josf'ph )'Oil Illa)· hav,. tu lt·a \'P ht:~l11ud, but tht• prutectJun or St. .lost Ph shall still b,. with > ou ,ve pr•a~· Lhnt u:-. you rPach ~·ttttr nil\\" ho1ne. ,, ith tht_. u1·iflnn11n,~ of faith h fore you, ,..,.P.r~ ~tPp of your:-: 1na~ L>e on the ltlg-}l\\R) uf Lile 1~111~. and ~Olll' \\R)' ... ,.• r n tlH foot:-:tep~ of th(\ Pait re:--, BANQUET AT HOTEL ROBIDOUX

Joseph \\ <' hu·,- had

11 ucu expnien e lin ·s , ns .,om,• of the 11\·lng-

along th _. C'atholk


hav, kno\\ n the four Bish- in their lif - • p. \\ ho nrkd this dioc<·s \\' hav, had a deli iou · ,·ariety and som,• of the good people ,ay what "ond,, ful cont, ast, in our Bishops! ,ve ha,·e had ret'lu e.s and public lead- er~ "ho ha,·t bt tln lo ,krd upon n.s th~ first citrz ·ns of Ht. Joseph. ll'e ha, o had connobseurs of art and lit<'rature, \I ho had international reputations for th e ir knowl,dg of Dantf'. 11·,. ha,·e had JHodlgiou, ~tu1lents lik<' th<' Intel- lectual <:ilf11ia11. 11 hose unl\•prsal and 11 Id, 8tretch of lean1lng equalrd that of any prelat In th,• l"nlt,·d States. IV hnvt• hud 111a~ter:,.; of the :--ocJal scit~n<•e:-1. a~ 0111· pre;-;,•nt hl·lovPd Rh•hop. ..\ 11 or thc-111 wen~ gr1•at C'httr(.'h n1Pn, w huin th,• Jwuple l"t~vt:l't•d and hold tht·ir na111f•• ! 11 hrn, cll<'tlon lo ti s day. Pays Tribute to B ishop Buddy \~oll \\. Ill fintl tl1,'lt ~·uur tlt'\\ BiHhop has gathp1·pd Into his personallt) the grand traits of all thf>se mt~n. and t•spe- •·iall>· of thP latt' Jlishop Burke and 11ishup C;ilfill1tn, \\ hu had nnu:h to do w Ith ~haJ)in~ anrl 111old ing his :,.;al·f•r- ThPSf> two gn•at llish- tun,

Tireless in Work fo r Poor BISHOP-ELEC TRUE FRIEN OF DESTITUT Institution He Founded Served 3,000 Meals To Needy and Gave Lodgings to Some 700 l\Ien Daily l\Io.-The Moi::t Rev. Charles Budd y , rector of St. Joseph's Cathec!ral here, who ha,c; been namenl.c;, Thi:- agcncr provi

Following thp C'OllSPCl'ation SPITiCP~. dolal d1ar-aet,•r. in the crystal ups, glftnl n11ious ways, w,•n•. aboye all t·lst·. men of PlnYPL In his daily room at Hotel Robitloux . with Bishop walks thn,ugh this city Bi>stg bt>i n .g Their ni.-ss"d Sa<'n:un.-nt •·YPry da>·. a nd ,•,-er~· 8xcellen cies !hp :\Iost Rev. J oh n J . g~f.'.'\,r} t',':litt:1.~~\ \l,~st1,;·,\~ ,;;~/J~ 11 ~~th' 'ii'l! Cantwell of L os Ange le!\. the \Iost Eucharistic Lord fo1· a n hou 1·. Yo u will R e ,·. J a m es P. \[u rray of St. Paul and find Bishop Ilud ·. aboYe a ll Pis.-, to fhn \ [o.•·t R t>v. J o h n .J. G lennon of St. 1,.. a man of <:od, first and last. a nd a " true priest. Lou is, a number of Bishops, \!on • You will find llishop Bud dy progn·~- si2;nori, tht> Right Rev. A b bot Philip ~i,r anti still •·ons1•1·,·atin•. Ht> has st>P n thi:,.; diol'1•:,.;t• go fur\\ ard a pace fo r the Ruggle of Conception. the Righ t Rev. gloiT of notl without an>· attending John J O'Xeill. tlw RPY. J . K. ~art· to a pilstoi· 1 ,'1 10 that he \\Tight. Ph.fl., Tl.D.. the Re\'. L OUIS F . had 11t1 d<'bt: " l·'ath,•r, w hat instit u t ions Kel leher. n.n., the R ight He,·. :.tsgr. Hild huilrlingR_ h,11·,, )'1111~" 11·p h a ,·e Los Angeles. anti th e \l ost H e , ·. C. H. n1t11·p than !In p,•r cen t of our C'hil drr n L t> nlon d , Bishop of St. J oseph . Bish op ;;;,,t'.}",,1';;~ 1 •;;;t:::. 1 •~cl~~:; 1 ; 1\;/ 1 \\: Buddy respontl etl. in tt•rior nf 11111· diocf'Sl' in t h P r u ral dis- Very Rev. John J. O'Neill's Address \\·e publis h the roll o wing address of F atlwr O'Ne ill berause of its dio• ri>san interest: tricts: \Vt• ha,~P C'a th olic h w~pital~ in many of out· larger town s. a n d o ur :\lost RP\'t•rrrHI Bishop Lf> Tilo nd li t ged 1111d •·nC'nurag,•d th p gl\'i n g of street mission:-; in locu litiP~ whr r e there " ~ere re11 , if any, C'atholi<'s. ,, a:, bna,.ti n g •"' 'I R , I 11 t' hav .. h 1gh e, · a nd girls; 11·,, han• orphan a"~·lunrn for sc·hool" fnr our boy.~ John \I. Hegarty, \ .,•.. t h e •• ?St J oh n J . Ca n twell , D.D., Archbis h op of ) thP hr1·..a1·l'cl ho)·" a n d girl~; 11 banqut>t ,,a. givt>n Abbot \t art in Yeth of Atchison. Kan.. Bish op Le Blond and a s .. rious financial cata~troph,-. A ll the number of dehts in ti,,. dioc·•·st• on ou r <'hurchr", ti rt·c.·tnr-it•:,.;. :-;l·hno]:,.; anINI eondition in our coun- tr)\11 You mav sa,· li k e thf> Tiishup s~id Toasls 11·pre gh·en by the Very Re ,·.



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I, 1~ h ol11g t 1 a 14 tid, f hl, . s,d ta- d tit I To '1t J t "'" i n ti ,, l11ug a.-.n

Last s11111m1•r and !ht• ,·arl)· fall one of ou1· pt"it.•Hts wn~ 111 California doin g ~on1P. rt>swtrch \\ ork fo1· hi~ tht)sis at tlw Calhnlic l'niYcrnit~·. \\.hi l:;t in San l>iPgo he• was oft,•n twitt<'d by the prit•sts about th,· C'itr and Diuce,se of :--:t. .Jo:o-t'Ph . I f t' oftPn h,~ard tht'lll ~ay, I " \l' h,•n, is t h is citr? Of II hat C'an youl' cliocf'st• hoa:=;t?" Fortu1Httf)l.\" or unfor• tu nat .. 1.,· fo r t h <"lll , this po,st-graduate st uclent priP:ft Ran Dit>go th<' day hrfor<> it 11 as a nnoun t·ed in their daily pnners that a p ri e~l from the City of Thi~ dio1'f':iP rna~ not h1 Wt.\11 kno,vn 111 a ll parts of thP gl'Pat State of Ca li- furnia. h11t histnrT shows that it is 11·pll a nd fa\·(nabl)· k no,vn at RnnH•. \\~he r e pri,·sls an ,.,,Jel'tt'd lo be tlw Bishops j nf the world. I n !act. thi~ diocese oc- \'E-1·:v u niqu_. po~ition a 1non g the diucf':,;t.~s of the, l"'nitt.>d States. l•..,ron1 the :'lfis~ouri to thr PacifiC' th!'re is not anotl1t>r dioc!'~t· of thf' size of St. .Jo- :--Pp h , an Scan lon:,.;. the Powers, lh<' nonnPl lys, the HennP•s>·s, the Ho- gans, t lw \Ya l~h,·•. th,• R~·ans. the Tu.-k Prs. the Foxt.>l-, going up and down th, h ighwa.'"" a n d b)·wa)·s of the great :4latt• ca1TJ:ing· tht• G-o:-:ppl to thP P l'O- plP. Amongst them was a FathPr He n- nP::-:-:y. who \\"as n..·ctot· of St..losc•ph <'ath,•dral from I 110 to lbti6. I n the latte1· yeal' h,· was co nse<'rated Bi1:1hop uf Dubuque by the latt• .\ rch bishnp K<'neric;J,, and /"Ofll!' )·l'ars lat,•r ht· be- •·amt• Du h uq11e's firnt Ar<'hhishop a nd Iowa'" gr<'at Apoi,(I,• of C'alholit• Edu - cation. T hr·n. 11·1Jpn a Yi llagp sum(' J'ift>· milt•;i dr, w n lhf' .\[isi;oul'i began to Pxpand and hoom, tlw fir-st Bishop of St..Joseph ht.. camf' the fin"t Bi~hop uf KanHa~ Cit~~. tlw saintly Bishop Hogan. who. with all his pionet>ring labors. huilt two Cath,•- dntls in his lifrtinw and still was hum- hi,• <'nough tn liYP in lhf' hast·nwnt of lht· <'athf'dral wh,·1 flishup P.11dd)· \YllS cnn~Pcrated toda,·. Tht"n, fifty ~eY~·n Yt'ar ag-o, a :,.;t udt>nt was adopted to stud> for thP prie~t- hnod in th i!-i d iocfl'.se. Toda\ that stu - ·- se\-fl-n :vear.s ago is thE" g1·Pal ~If"tro - pohtan nf St. Loui~. Tl11 prC'~<'nt wondnful Church ad- n11ni ~ti-ato1· nf l{an~a:-- f'itY did hiR in- augural work in the p1·ie~l11ood as an a~:--islant at St. Patrfr·k'~ Church in this Pity. Tht·n. in later time~. tl1!' belo.-,•d Fa- thf•1· .Johannes, \,·ho :--penl nH,st of hi~ lift" as a~.sistanl pastor· at the Jn11na<'u - ut tP Conception f'hur<'h he<'a1ne the nishop of L<'aYen\,·orth. .\nd Inda~ again 11,, arr· thrill<-d to :--r•t a ('ompanion. a h1·other-prii=-:--t wJ 0111 Wf' ha,·f• known and labored "\Vith · I ·s ordination, f"lt•\· t d to the f the prit>sthood Pays Tribute to Former Bishops J a 11 1 adil>· imai.:in th p ·sts or :--: n r 1. go sa)·ing; "\\"ell. this ;~ his- tor~·: tt>II u~ :--.on1ethin.r:- ahnut o,u· new r:i:;;hop. \\'hat n1annt.•r of 1nan ha,·e ,re <-onH• out he):ond tlH" d(~st.•1·t to :,.;ee?"' "- •• \\,:.J1 kn11,\· t11at no ni-d1e-0Jo ist ~o f'Upi,,s a St. .Joseph had b1•P11 appoi n LPd thPir first Bi:

You w ill find Bishop R udd>· a IPad,•r In public affairs, de.•p l)· con C'1•rn 1•d w ith all Lhat l'rlatP~ to t h e happ iiwss a n d Wt>lfar-P . nnt o n ])· of hi s Cath o lic fl ock , hut a lso that of you,· C'it>·, " tate a nd 011 r eountr~·. H is grt'at h t'art t hat. lwa rk- l'ned to tlw en· of the poo r· w ill con- li n u,, to hp lp t h P n PPdy a n d t o be s ym - pat hf>tlc to t h e p r ie~ts o n t h e poor 111i!-,~it.ll1!--. _ P resents Pu rse - - I IHl\'<' hrf' n s parf'd for m a n y ~"ears in ,·,iu 1· n pw fit·ld of la bor. tio nR, HJHi \\·Ith it gof'!-i o u r Rin cer e tt-nd P\'Pl ~· w o r I< )'OU 11 nd Prtake and

Di<'go wa~ received here, Ri~hop- elect Buddy wa~ praying in the Cathedral. He had ju~t returned from a meeting of the Community Chest, after which he had <·1l.!led upon a number of ~i<'k parishion- ers. Anolhe1· highlr sUl'<·t'ssful under- takini launched by the Bi:shop- elcc·t i:s the program of !'are for undernouri ~hP


The Very Rev. Dr. Charle, F. Buddy, rector of St. Joaeph'a Ca- thedral, St. Josep h, Mo ., w h o ha, ju•t been appointed first B iahop of the newly-for m e d D io cea e o f S a n r Diego, according to w o r d r e cei ve d from Vatica n City. B ish op-elec t Bud dy waa b orn in S t. Jo,eph, M o., in 1887, And wa ord ained in Rome in 1914.

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