Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)


s!ons, are digging and prying at the very foundation stones of or– ganized government. They are heedless of the general ruin in the pursuit of pet economic theories. They follow every Pied Piper that lures them with any kind of cure– alls. The attack of the materialist ts made on every possible point. In the social order the rights of fatherhood and of 1,crsonal free– l!mn are denied. Parents delegate their natural rights to others, and rest content with being ''pals" or "big sisters" to children that are theirs t-0 raise for God and coun– try.

Priest Makes Obedience To New Bishop

DAWN OF NEW DAY CITED BY ARCHBISHOP Vital Force For Catholicism Reborn In S. D., Says Cantwell

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