Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (2)



y ~Bishop Buddy's Christmas Messa . ,,;~ --71,::, ~,::, -~,,::, -~ to the Diocese -7, ~ ~,:iif:7/1,;i,


His Excellency, The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D.

in the midst of wealth, they arc poor: in

~ HE STABLE AT BETHLEHEM, the rude manger and coarse swaddling clothes-all spoke of abject poverty. The Infant on and His Virgin Mother felt the midnight cold and other prirntions-"because there wa: no room for them in the inn.'' But withal-the poverty and suffering and priva- tion-joy, peace, light and love prevailed there. Our Blessed l\Iother, t. Joseph and the 'hcpherds ,rere in- tensely happy. It i ever thus. Those who accept Chri t and Hi· glad tidings of sal- vation know the Way, the Truth, the Life and the Peace that surpas:--es under tanding. To be ·ure, they may suf- fer all the pangs of want and pain, but still the yoke i sweet and the burden·1ight-matle so by the DiYine Pres- ence of J esu' Christ.

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