Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)



tor, who used his gifts of mind and heart and "' elded his powerful in- fluence to weld California into her rightful link as a free state in the union. His far-sighted labors have been recognized by our fed- eral government in giving an hon- ored niche in the hall of fame at Washington, D. C. l\lodern Writers Cited "Coming down to our own day, we may well rejoice in claiming such outstanding scholars as the learned Franciscan historian, Fr. Zephrin Englehardt , Professor Bol- ton of the California university , who has contributed a master- piece in his "Rim of Christendom", and John S. McGroarty who so beautifully portrays in his mission play and in his book "California" the heart and the soul of this state, the great Archbishop John J. Cantwell, prince of the church, and doer of the word, and our own beloved Monsignor Hegarty and the priests of this diocese for whom we have reason to thank ! God. Moreover. we have good reason , to honor here this afternoon those who have been signally honored by I our sovereign Pontiff,_P~pe Pius XI, now glorious! re1gnmg. No wonder this beautiful program has manifested the strength of catholicity in Southern California. No wonder so many thousands I have responded to the call of to- day when valiant Catholic laymen such as Sir Albert Mayrhofer and Sir Jesse Locke are so eager and willing to employ their manifold talents unstintingly in loyal co- operation. Small wonder to me that the Church societies are so well organ- ized under the leadership of their devoted zealous pastors. Against the immortal monu- I ments erected by these heroes, against their struggles and life- work and achievements there now has risen up the ugly heads of ma- terialism and Communism. My dear people, these forces of evil, 1 like the common enemy of man- kind, desire to have you that they may sift you as wheat. They would destroy all that you hold dear and rob you of every gift, both natural and supernatural, that you possess. The challenge of a firm united front and unwav- ering courage must be flung in the face of these tyrants that threaten to trample underfoot the charter of our liberties. Knowing something of your record of the past I am confident of the outcome for the future. Your valor and the mettle of your character may be put to the test in our own day, but with God's . I right hand upholding iyou you cannot lose for you will, "'Strike till the last armed foe ex- pires, Strike for your altars and your fires, j God and your native land'."

"I do rejoice deeply in the con- stantly increasing erasure of es- clesiastical differences which we are witnessing here in our coun- try among those who care for the things of the spirit. To be sure we have been driven to it. The growth of materialism, not to say paganism, bas compelled us to stand shoulder to shoulder against 1 common foes. Your Archbishop cited this in his truly noble ser- 1 men on the occasion of the en- thronement. But there is more than that. There is a growing sense of appreciation, of mutual respect, of the feel of a genuine fellowship not fo1·ced from with- out but grown from within. I "At any rate, whatever the cause, few will deny this unity of the spirit and it is from the heart of this that I voice this warm and heartfelt welcome to the Bishop. Sincere Welcome "I want your Excellency to know, too, that this welcome and greeting goes far beyond the po- lite conventions with which some- times the public intercourse be- tween the churches is content. I For our unity of spirit here in ·California ls nourished also by historic associations which other sections of the country may lack. "You, of course, are conscious of this. But, we here have lived with it. It is in our very blood. We all share the life both pious and dar- ing of our Fra Junipero Serra. We kindle here, all of us, to the ro- mance and adventure of the Mis- sic,n days, the symbols of which are still among us. "Ou.r state was wrapped in the ~waddling clothe~ of your religi- cus communion and that has mad~ you dear toi us. In early childhood some of us were wak- ened by the bells which had rung here for over three centuries. "You will find, too, actual, tan- gible, forms of this common life here in our beloved community whose expression is contemporary. "We unite in our support of Charity and Welfare through the Community Chest. Last Holy Week we joined, Catholic, Pro- testa.nt and .Jew, in common serv- ices a.t noon time on the Plaza. And the personal rela,tions be- tween priest a.nd minister and rabbi are utterly genuine and ut- terly unselfconscious.




Speakers extending welcome to Bishop Buddy at the Balboa Park reception on Sunday are shown grouped with him. Standing (left to right), Mrs. Stuckey, county president of the Catholic Women's Council; Dr. Roy Campbell, minister of the First Con- gregational church; Bishop Buddy; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John.M. Hegarty, V.F., and Albert V- Mayrhof- er. Seated-William P. Mahedy, grand knight of the Knights of Columbus.-Cut, courtesy of San Di- ego Union.

A United Feeling

MAYOR SPEAKS I In paying his respects to Bishop Buddy, Mayor Percy J. Benbough said: "Most Reverend Bishop Buddy, Members of the Clergy, La- dies and Gentlemen: "It is indeed a great honor that has been bestowed u:pon me this afternoon to extend the City of San Diego's official greeting to the Most Reverend Bishop Charles Francis Buddy. " from Saint Joseph, Mifficuri, we have all heard in many ways of his wonderful work for your cause. He was beloved, I not only in Saint Jo1-:eph, but all throughout the State of Missouri and all the adjoining states and many states far, far away from his own ~tate--loved, honored and cherished by all the people--tbe rich and the poor, the old and the I young, and by people of every de- nomination. "He has left his friends. all the thousands a n d thousands of friends, to ccme to a new City, but as we all come to know him bet- ter, I can assure him and all of you that he will be just as beloved here in a very short time as he was in his own community. May his days be a pleasure here; may he live in happiness with his work and go on doing the great good that he bas done in Saint Joseph, Missouri, and the states around that state. That is the City's of- ficial ~ish today. Thank you."

Representing of other faiths in San Diego, Dr. Roy Campbell, minister of the First Congregations Church and a prominent member of the Minis- terial Association, assured Bishop Buddy of their sincere welcome. Dr. Roy Campbell, in greeting the new bishop said: "It is my high privilege to be called upon to speak a word of greeting and welcome to the Bish- op as an officially appointed dele- gate of the Ministerial Union of San Diego County. This body, I suppose, may be said to represent in turn the Protestant churches of this section. "I should like to think, however, that I may voice the feeling of an even larger company--of all those who, believing in the ascendancy of the Spirit, find their expres- sions in other than the forms of the Roman Communion. "We all find ou1 interest and , sympathies deeply engaged and our hearts responding with a warm sense of fellowship as we view this evidence o! expanding influence and spiritual power marked by the setting up here of an Episcopal see. "And particularly do we rejoice in the selection and elevation to this high office of one about whom so many words have come of good deeds and kindly heart and spiritual insight. The juris- diction established here gives us satisfaction. The person sent here j warms our hearts. the people


"The men who have served your , Church here not only eccles- J I liastically Catholic but humanly Catholic a.s well, of whom our own Monsignor Hegarty is foremost. "So we welcome you as a broth- er beloved in God. We wish you to have among us the same place 1 that the great bishop of Hippo had who, perhaps, doing more for the historic Church than any oth- er in &baping doctrines, yet be- cause of his own inner passion for humans was known as the bishop of the fla.mlng heart." Ih closing, Dr. Campbell ap- sured Bishop Buddy, for his non- Catholic friends, that though he might not be their eccleastical J leader, he would be the "bishop of their hearts."

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