Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)




nlo rful of

'All Father's Children' ''There is manifested here this afternoon that traditional touch of human nature that makes the whole world akin and in every hu- man being no matter how decrepit or poor, no matter how despised or ragged, no matter how criminal or depraved, among either Jew or Gentile, black or white or brown, we must see in that flash of the intellect, we must cherish in that common gift the imltnage and likeness of God. We aTe all chil- dren of our Father in heaven- very precious in the sight of God because every immortal soul cost the priceless sum of the most pre- cious blood of Jesus Christ shed I on the cross of Calvary that dy- ing we might live, that believing we may have life for our souls. "The very setting of this state of California, this commonwealth so distinguished for philosophers, historians and missionaries, so rich in the lore of the past and so promising for the futm·e, presents a fertile field for religious and so- cial development. For many months I have been receiving books and literature and letters and telegrams recounting the glories of California - eloquent passages of literature describing the golden west with its sunsets its Balboa park, the stately ave~ nues of flowers and shrnbbery, of greenswards and low-hung stars and while these natural beauties impress and attract, it is the peo- ple of California that interest me the immortal souls of fellow hu~ man beings with their eternal des- tinies. Pionteers Praised "Blazoned on the scroll of hon- or of the grand review we cannot pass over the noble pioneers wAo suffered and endured and perse- vered and made history glorious here in California. In fact the names of the heroes of the past must enlist our affection and gra- titude in this history-making epoch. · l . "It is for me a privilege and a J JOY to tread the footprints of men like Father Junipero Serra and his band of fervent Franciscan mis- sionaries; Father Jaymie, the first martyr here to the cause of civil- iztion and reJigion; Father An- thony D. Ubach, the builder and the first pastor of st. Joseph's; a I real and fearless man of God, a champion of every cause for prog- ress, the intrepid soldier who fought inch by inch every ~nemy of human rights-the Father Gas- para of Helen Hunt Jackson's "Ramona." In recounting the heroes of the paSt , a due mead of praise should go to David Starr King, the Uni- tarian minister, an eloquent ora-

Catholic 1e m tchm"' undav wa most lorful a•1d repr ented a \\ ide , r·ety of 01 aruz.. Lons. 11ex1can, I l:..m • nd I1,di n umt were per- h p::; the rt ( t of the lot, though group carrttd a beautiful b 1111 r. 'The negro delegation carr.ed a b~, ntiful new banner of Our L dy of PerpeLU, 1 Help, made especially for the occasion. Bnght uuifot ms of the se,·eral groups .,dded splendo1· to the pro- cession. Indians in brigh t cos- tumes representing the ancien t cu. tom of dnnng away the evil spirit were the most picturesque in the parade. 'The "evil one" was also with them in the march but 11,as shunned by his fellow march- ers symbolic of their h at red for I stn This was the I ndian method of pledging loyalty to their bishop. They were entered in the parade by Our Lady of Guadalupe church , the Mexkan chttrch in San Diego. Three bands were enlisted in I the ranks, the Merkley Musical I Maids in attractive red and orange costumes; the trim wh ite uni- formed Bonham Brothers Boys· Band led by }0Uthful "Red" Wil- 1 Hams of St. J ohn's Paroch ial school. and the Nazareth House \ Orphanage band wh ich led the young marchers from Nazareth Hou~c. each with a smile for th eir I new bishop. Nur,,es from Merry hospital were smart in their blue and white uni- forms, and each school, some in uniforms, were well r epresen ted . Marching four abreast they passed the reviewing stand erected at the statue, El Cid, eyes to the right to catch a glimpse of Bishop Buddy and to mirror his smile on their faces. Sodality girls, women with babies in their arms and old wom- en, hardly able to march , were in the line of procession. A woman on crutches traveled the full dis- tance, refusing to be denied the privilege. Holy Name men from almost every parish marched. The Brawley Holy Name Society, rep- resented ten strong, was present despite the bad roads. A man and two women from San Bernardino had a unique ex- perience in their trip here to take part in the parade. Finding the road impassable at Temecula can- yon between Corona and Elsinore they drove their car across the railroad bridge, bumping over the rails until the canyon was crossed. They reached San Diego in time for the parade. They were Mrs. Harriet Flem,, a former presi- dent of the National Council of Catholic Women for the old Dio- cese of Los Angeles and San Di- ego; Mrs. B. G. Waltoffer and John Kreuger.

The _g~oup of Altar boys, passing in re,·icw before B . h B at the c1v1c reception, shows a little 4 Year old I d. is op uddy In orde t k ·ti -. · - ea mir one section . . r o ~ep up w1 1 the pace setters, the little lad fair! · brmgmg a mile to the faces of lhe large crowd on the sideline:. i·an, San Diego Union.

Bishop's Response . Speaking at the public recep- tion, Bishop Buddy addressed his brge audience as follows· "The royal welcome you have so graciously given me-not to me in person, but to the office of bishoP-resounds even above Fa- ther Lani's triumphant chorus and the immortal symphonies of the bands. Aside from the din of ~trife, the turmoil of commercial mterests and the distress among nations, we pause today in this feast of faith , hope and love to pledge all that is best within us to promote the glory of God and the salvation of souls. "In this union of mutual inter- ests I take my place among you- as one of you. And now for me San Diego is home. "No one may expect me to sur- render or compromise one iota of the faith of our fathers , but there a re other common grounds of ac- cord in which we shall work to- gether for the good of humanity and for the welfare of our glorious nation. In fact, the very word pre- Ia te denotes one consecrated to the best interests of man. There are problems confronting us all that compel our attention and wppm-t such as the suffering and deSt!tute, the adequate protection of the weak and underprivileged the promotion of honesty and th~ recognition of worthy men in both civil and political life. /

Director Charters Plane The Rev. Matthias Lani. world- famous choir dirnctor, started for San Diego but found he would be unable to get through by auto in time for the parade. He returned to Los Angeles, chartered a plane and was here to direct the choir at the program. Immediately following the pass- ing of the last unit of the proces- sion , Bishop Buddy and his party, escorted by Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus in uniform. and the Knights of Columbus drill team made his way to the Palace of En~ tertainment for the program. Greet Bishop From the tiny Negro girl who was lifted to the platform to pre- sent a basket of flowers to Bishop Buddy, to the last in the long line of people who filed to the speak- ers' stand to greet their new lead- er and klSS hlb ril g, the great crowd welcomed Bishop Buddy and wished him happiness in San Diego. The bishop and his guests from St. Joseph were royally entertain- ed at the Irish house with a for- mal tea following the reception. , Bishop Buddy then paid a visit to each of the other houses in the Pacific Relations gT0UP who held open house Sunday afternoon in his honor.


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