Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

' ARY 12, 1937



Dr. Roy Campbell a represen- tative of the San Diego Minister- ial Association, brought greetings from religious of other denomina~ tions, while Catholic men of th diocese were represented by Wil- liam Mahedy, grand knight of the K nights of Columbus. Catholc women were represented on the speakers' program by Mrs. A. H. Stuckey, county chairman of !he National Council of Ca~holic Wo- men. J udge William J. Collard was master of ceremonies for the re- ception program. B isho1> Cheered B; hop Buddy won the hearts of all in his response Sunday. Hii; ready wi• and perpetual smile en- dearrct him to all who saw and heard hnn and he was frequentl~ ntrrrupted during his talk with net of 2pplause. o ng the b"shop· response. 1 1 n of the Most Blessed ment ,vas given. with the Rev. Charles Loftus. the Rev. William Casey and the Rev. M. o·connor. who assisted Bishop Buddy at the ins,allation Mass. actmg a a·n 2.s deacon. sub-dea- con and master of ceremonies. re- spectinly. Because so many people were unable to be present Sunday in San Diego and because Sunda:i,'s rece11tion was to add t o the Diocese of San Diego a bit of history they \\ill cher;~h. fa lks ;riven Sunday aftcrncc;n will be given in this is- s~:- in their ent:rely.

Beautiful st reet in Balboa Park, along which the long procession of Catholic organizations marched Sunday in honor o f t heir new bishop.

The Pa~ce of en•ertainment was hastily made ready to take the place of the great outdoor or- gan amphitheatre. where the pro- gram was to have been hrld. The Altar was placed on the speaker's stand, with the large choir ar- ranged back of it. and the speal,- ers' seats to -the right. Because of the great crowd that packed the auditorium, standin room on!~ was afforded throughout. Se,·er- al thousand who could not get in- side heard the speaker through the local address system on the> cuts1de of the building. The Peo1Jle's Da:v The day was the people's day to welcome their new bishop and each speaker sounded the note of welcome in his speech. Thr repre- sentative of the mayor of St. Jo- seph Mo .. Bishop Buddy'!' former home, read a letter from his ma- yor bearing the good wishes of that municipal: ty: while May r Percy J. Benbough of S~n Diego extended official welcome from the City of San Diego. Papal Delegates of the United States and of Mexico. Archbishop Cicognani and Archbishop Ruiz, respectively, sent their greetings and best wishes, as did Govern01 Merriam of California, who ,\·as unable to attend. Telegrams from the three notables were read b, the R t. Rev. ?visgr. John M. He- garty. V. F .. who pre~entec1 Bishop Buddy.

RECEPTION FOR BIS P BUDDY ATTRACTS GRE TGATHERI NG; PROCESSIONOP i NS P OGRAM ·w elcome of City and State E t 'nded by Speakers : Ap- preciation expressed by Hi · E. ·cellency m Re ponse; Benediction Clo ed Program Despite the storm that d enchl'.c1 , an Diego the night before and the threatening kie on Sunday, thousand., both Catholic and non-Catholic, cromied Balboa Park to welcome His Excellency, th 1 ... ReY. ChaJ'le~ Francis Buddy, to his new dioce-=e t e public reception and procession planned in hi~ ho 1or. The Park took on the aieL\ of exposition days a six thousand or more person~ atlwred to take part in the


procession or to witness the col- orful parade of ociet1es. De p1te the flood condit.ons of the m~t before. that cut off highway h- c:lities for many out of town con- munities the gathering wa~ o he large,;t of il~ k 1 city.

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