Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)
~b. JO. 1937
Approachin9the Thro
' / Catholocism's Highest Ritual Marks Induction of Bishop Buddy; Pontifical High Mass Chanted In all the solemn splendor of Catholic ages, he Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., last Wednesday was enthroned as Bishop of the newly created San Diego suffragen see, embracing the counties of San Diego, Imperial, San Bernardino and Riverside. Of kindly visage, his bright smile continually lighting his counte- nance as he walked in the procession to St. Joseph's cathedral, Bishop Buddy at once established himself in the hearts as well as the respect of the faithful.
The elaborate and awesome cere- monies were in proportion to the signifi- cance of the enthronement. It was a recognition by Holy Mother Church of San Diego's and California's growth. San Diego now becomes one of the 16 sees in the country. Bishop Buddy came lo San Diego from St. Toseph, Mo., where he long held the esteem and love of his parish. He is of a robust and vigorous appearance, and, indeed, was athletic in his younger years. Up to the time he came lo San Diego he maintained an interest in ath- letics for youths and boys in his charge in St. Joe. In his brief talk during the ceremonies. he uttered two significant remarks: "I know of only one rule of government, and that is the law of charity." Then, remind- ing his flock that even a bishop is mor- tal. he said: "Sooner or later the ring (Bishopric) that encircles this finger will encircle dust and ashes. Let us then do good while we have time." The new bishop concluded by speak- ing messages in both Spanish and Ital- ian, directed to faithful of those lan- guages resident here. Dramatic Ritual Few laymen and not even all Catho- lics know the literal translation of the ritual of the solemn high mass. Com- posed in Latin, unchanged since nearly 2,000 years ago, this ceremony comes down as still the most dramatic of all religious effects. Every move, every gesture and every word, spoken or chanted or sung, has a religious significance pertinent lo the whole worship. The commencement of the mass proper occurs when the priest bows, genullexes and approaches the altar and says: "Introit ad altarum Deum." Translated: "I will go unto the altar of God." Then follow supplications to prepare the priest for the climax that is to come, and which makes every Catholic mass, high or low, a supreme religious ges- ture. That is the elevation of the chalice, when Jesus Christ actually descends to the altar to partake of the host offered up in the hands of the priest. A bell rung by an altar attendant signifies this most solemn event, while the congregation kneels in prayer and adoration . In the high mass the priest's words are chanted, most of which, from the musical standpoint, is in monosyllabic form typi- cal of the ancient pastoral music. The responses are made by the choir in choral form. While the chants are never changed. the choir and the church have the choice of a number of beautiful musi- cal creations written for the mass. For the pontifical mass honoring Bishop Buddy, Father Matthias Lani, fa-
mous choir director. trained his JOO-voice group to sing most of the Goller music, opening with the Gregorian chant. He followed Goller's score on the "Kyrie Eleison," the "Gloria in Excelsis," the "Credo," the "Sanctus," the "Benedictus" and the "Agnus Dei." Lani's Music However the music for the "Gradual" (Os justi meditabitur) and the "Offer- torium" (In virtue tua) was written by Father Lani himself. To complete this choral masterpiece, the choir, organ with Royal Brown at the console, and orches- tral augmentation played Beethoven's recessional, "The Heavens Are Resound- ing." Bishop Buddy himself celebrated the mass. The Most Rev. J. J. Cantwell, arch- bishop of the Los Angeles see, presided. Officers of the mass were the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Hegarty, archpriesl; the Rev. William Casey as deacon; the Rev. Charles Loftus, subdeacon; the Rev. Daniel O'Donoghue and the Rev. M. J. O'Connor as masters of ceremonies, and the Rev. John Dalley, O.S.A. and the Rev. Thomas McNamara as deacons of honor. Bishops in attendance at the ceremony included the Most Rev. Joseph M. Gil- more, D.D., bishop of Helena, Mont.; the Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey, D.D., bishop of Amarillo, Tex.; the Most Rev. Philip G. Sc.her, D.D., bishop of Monterey-Fresno; the Most Rev. Gerald Shaughnessy, S.M , S.T.D., bishop of Seattle; the Most Rev. Charles Hubert Le Blond, D.D., bishop of St. Joseph, Mo.; the Most Rev. Robert J. Armstrong, D.D., bishop of Sacramento; the Most Rev. Daniel J. Gercke, D.D., bishop of Tucson, Ariz.
Taking Bishop Buddy by the hand, fi:rchbi_shop Cantwrl; Jed him to the throne of St. Didacus, installing him there as th- First Bishop of San Diego.
Aili' The bishop is shown standing at his throne chanting from the book being held by Archpriest Msgr. John ~- Hega_rty, V.F. -Cut Courtesy San Diego Union.
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