Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


last as. isted by the Rev. William P. Ca ey a deacon, the Rev. Ch rles Loftus a sub-deacon aqd the Rev. Fathers Daniel O'Donohue and he Rev. M. J. O'Connor as master. of cere- monies. Msgr. Hegarty as arch- priest and the two deacons of honor attended Bishop Buddy. st. Augustine High school stu- dents as Altar boys were perfectly trained in the intricate order of year. He was

Papal Bulls Read The Ver Rev. William P . Kelly, 0. S. A., who was selected by Bishop Buddy o read the papal bulls, bowed to the Blessed Sac- rament. the choir and profoundly genuflecting before Archbishop Cantwell, received the bull nnd its translation. Turning, he made n bow before Bishop Buddy and then mounted to the pulpit to read, fir. t in Latin and then !n English, the words from the Holy Father addressed to the people of the Diocese of San Diego and written in the Vatican October 31, 1936. Archbishop Cantwell, standing before his throne, entoned the "Te Deum", after Msgr. Hegarty at the epistle corner of the Altar sang the "Protector Noster"

When Bi hop Charles Francis Buddy mounted the pulpit '\Vednesclay morning to add1:ess for the firt time the people of his diocese it was without note or set of word that he spoke. From '1is heart he poured forth his appreciation and hi~ pledge w lead hi people in Charity,

"May God in his goodness and ml'rcy be pleased to grant us tlH' grace to assist de\'outly aL Holy Mass and to receive frequently weekly and daily the bread of Angeles, which is also for us lhe food of pilgrims. -No .i\1isgivings- "I have no false notions. no nus- givings about the future, if we arr faithful in responding lo the lov ing invitation of Jesus Christ, 'Come to me all ye that labor and are heavily burdened and I will re- fresh you.' This is the answer and the only salvation to the darken- ing horizon of materialism and the gathering shadows of Commumsm so eloquently and accurately de- scribed in the beautiful discourse we have just heard from the Arch- bishop. Soldiers of Christ the en- emies of mankind have desired to i have you that they may sift you as I wheat, but Christ says, 'I have prayed for you, that your Faith I fail not, and that you being con- verted may convert your Brethren.' "l\Iy dearest children in Christ, even amid the splendors of this glorious day, even amidst these joyful festivities, there cames to me the sobering thought that, notwithstanding Uw vigor of lwalth, nor the burnini:- desire to clo and achii~ve, t.hc very ring that encircles this fini:-er may ~oon encircle clust and ashc~. 'Let us then do goocl while we have time.' "May our Immaculate Mother, the Blessed -Vitgin Mary- Star of the Sea stand ever near to guide! her children on the Pacifio coar;t ! May that Star never fail us! May Christ enter the frail bar!{ of our lives and Himself be the strcngtl of us so that not one be lost. God grant that we may all one day join the joyful company of Saint


your zealous and apostolic labors in this section of your vineyard will now react in the devotion, fealty and affection of bishop, priests and people, of your Excel- lency's Suffragan See of San Di- "The Sacred ·office, that is mine, with all its responsibili- ties, demands courage, prudence and justice, but the only way I know how to govern is by the laws of Charity. The perfect so- ciety of the Church-both hu- man and divine, with the wis- dom of the ag-es has powerful laws to guide, to strengthen and to protect. But the greatest of all the Church's laws, like the greatest of the Commandments, is the law of Christ-Love one another. Let this be the Char- ter of our Relationship-the bi- lateral contract we enter into this day. "The Cathedral of st. Joseph in San Diego is no cold court of legislation and statutes, but the temple of Jesus Christ who died

the ceremonies and of the Mass. the only way which he knew how They were a credit t-0 their teach- to rule. Followina his words cf humble rendit!on of the Mass _under the devotion, the bishop begged that d1rect1on of Father Lam, perfectly he might be allowed to address in accompanied by an orchestra _and Spanish, "Mio amigos Mexicanos" by Royal Brown, who has presided f h 1 h . 1 d ego. , or w om e as a spec1a regar . at the console of St. Josephs or- He pledged t-0 them that he, like gan through the occupancy of four J . S d th · · I pastm·s. umpero erra_ an o er m1ss1on- l aries of centuries past, would work Flays Communism for them and their eternal salva- tion. The Italian people too, were Before the celebration of Mass not forgotten by Bishop Buddy for er, as was the large choir in its 1

Leads Bishop To Throne

Then taking the bishop by the hand, Archbishop Cantwell

led was started, Archbishop Captwell he addressed them briefly in their

Bishop Buddy to his throne, the mounted to the pulpit and preach- native tongue. bishop's chaplains following him ed the serm.on, an eloqulent warn- and taking their places on eithe1 ing to his suffragan of the trou-

Bishop Buddy's addressed his

bles that now beset the shepherd audience as follows:

side of his throne. The crozier,

"This solemn occasion so col-

bl'ought to the archbishop, was j of a flock. He traced the history

of San Diego, told of the first orful, impressive and significant, Bish.op of the Californias who fllls me with awe and gratitude. ~pent a sho_rt month in San Diego, The record of your faith and good

placed in Bishop Buddy's hand. Thus seated for the first time in I his throne, Bishop Buddy received

then a village of 150 souls, to works under Archbishop the pledges of loyalty of all his move on to Santa. Barbara, where Cantwell is well known to me and priests, young and old, who filed before him to kneel and kiss his his martyred remains were buried. speaks well for the future. It is ring. The oti~ience of the dio- Coming down to the unrest of the my ardent desire to continue with cesan priests concluded, a very present day, he excoriated Com- the grace of God, the work so impressive part of tJ1e ceremony munism wi th telling emphasis. well begun, here by others. This ensu,ed in which Bishop Buddy (See Archbishop's sermon in full). is the victory indeed, that over- here

! gave his blessing to those pres- During this time, too, his

Bishop Buddy then mounted to cometh the world-your Faith. It

ent. for love of rrian, that believing, w~ voice was heard for t~ first time his flock, first in English, then to worthy of your most cordial we!- may have in His Name. as he stood at his throne and ~ang the Mexican and Italian people in come, the kindness a nd genuine "That life is quickened by Union the "Dominus Vobi.scum" and the their nati\·e tongues. (See sermon charity lavished on me, by his with Christ, who is the Way, the prayer of St. Didacus, his tones in full-this issue). 'Excellency, the Most Rev. Arch- Truth and the Life. clear and strong. bishop of Los Angeles, down to the With the aid of the officers of most humble layman. "The center and source of all Supernatural v i t a I i t y in the the pulpit to address himself to is my ard~nt desire to prove

the Mass and his deacons of hon- or, Bishop Buddy was vested for the Solemn Pontifical Mass, which followed its usual form, Bishop Buddy as celebrant using a chalice that his mother had given him but a few months before she died Rev. William P. Casey as etaon

Church-every pledge of Eternal Happiness is the living Presence of our Saviour in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Behold the loving fulfillment of the prom- ise of The King, "the bread, which I will give is my flesh for the life of the world .... this is the living bread that cometh down from heaven.' "From the Tabernacie of Divine

"Let me take this occasion to express heartfelt appreciation to the Most Rev. Metropolitan, to the Most Rev. Bishops and Priests, sisters and laity, who honor the scared office of Bishop, by assist- ing at this history manking In- stallation by their gracious pres- ence, here, this morning. "My dear people, your very pres- ence here this morning is a pro- fession of your Faith. It stresses your belief that an Ecclesiastical authority comes to you from the successor of Saint Peter, and links you in loyalty, love and reverence, with His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, Bishop of Rome, now gloriously reigning. -Not Strangers-- "So with these thoughts in mind, we present Saint Paul's message to the Ephesians- 'now therefore we are no more strangers or for- eigners, but fellow citizens of the Saints.' Co-heirs of Christ-Chi!- I dren of our Father in Heaven. "Let me assure you, Most Rev. ) Metropolitan that the years of

Joseph, St. Didacus, my own Saint Love, from the Unbloody repetition Francis, Father Junipero Sena, of the Sacrifice of Calrnry, radi- with his valiant band of first fer- ates the divine influence that vent missionaries in San Diego. In makes heroes out of cowards and the Name of the Father and of the saints from sinners. My one great Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen."


hope for success in San Diego is not in human wisdom or even hu- man energy nor the favor of principality or powers, but in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

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