Alcala Yearbook 2010

JJ Fields JJ-

We are so proud of you and the man you have become1 We are behind you all the way and very excited to see where this next phase ol your life takes you. We know you·u go far and be successful ,n all that you do.

Remember you're loved! Love, Mom. Dad & Enc

Kenneth Downey Woll.

As you bcgm the next steps ol your 1ourney. know that you have the love and support ol a fam!ly lhat 1s very proud ol you You have accomplished great thmgs. seen lore1gn lands and have embraced God's QU1dance. Use th,s knowledge to look lorwa1d. Find you path and seize ii Command your desire. conquer your lear and accomphsh the lhmgs you set lorth !or yourself Be kmd_ patient and always listen to 1he whispers of God's voice May you be blessed Love Mom. Dad. Sarah. Stephen. and David

Ashley Adams Ashley, We're proud' We're thrilled 1 We're over the top excited !or you as you graduate college and begin your next adventure! May your dreams and adventures take you lo the corners ol your smiles. to the h1ghes1 of your hopes, to the windows ol your oppor1uni11es, and to the most special places your heart has ever known Congratulat1ons 1 ! We Love You• Mom and Andrew• Pa,ge and Paige



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