Alcala Yearbook 2010

Founder's Club The University o f San Diego Founders C lub , estab lished in 1979, is commi tted to p reservi ng the sp irit of service to the local community, embod ied in the un iversity's founders , Mother Rosal ie H ill , R .S.C.J. and Bi shop Charles Franc is Buddy. T his goal inspi res service p ro jects in the local and neighbori ng communities.

The USD Entrepreneurship Club is committed to bringing together students, entrepreneurs, alumni , and faculty with the hopes of building relationships and fostering an interactive learning environment to explore the world of entrepreneurship. Members of the USD E-Club come from a variety of backgrounds, industries, and educations. The USD E-Club is event driven with monthly E-Club member events mixed in with off-campus partner events. The USD E-Club is composed of current undergraduate and graduate students from various schools from the University of San Diego.

Students say hello to CONNECT Sport Innovator member and NBA Hall of Farner, Bill Walton . They're really excited to meet him!

Here the panelists and students do a little networking prior to the event.



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