Alcala Yearbook 2010

Name: Ale~ Good Slgn:Leo Favorite TV ehows: Gloe, ThoaOf'hce, ana OneTrNHoh Favor llel>and:TlleJonasBrothers Why she IOVfl; yearbook: l love cap11.1ringnndl)W1sorne -

Li sa Sabido, Betty Wong, & Katya Qu inonez Clubs & O r ga ni za t ions Seel ion

Amy Zebrowski , Christina Yee, & Miranda Denny Unhen;it) Ure & EH:nts S«l lon

"Yea rbook is such a great way to be In the loop of wha t 's going on around campus and attend fun events. • • Christina Brunlnl (Class of ' 13)


" I love our yearbook meellngs. My ] lave memory ol one Is when we got free lood from Culzno·s because the del ivery guy accldents11y went to UCSD Instead of USO! " • Amy Zebrowski (Class of ' 12)

Nam.·NockSl-1y Duties Pmfflol !he yealbook network .ivett <'ldQ,11111leWOfd0utthe••~us• Biggest rnsrketlng chlollenge re, POd)'1oresomedown Souncool Favorlle ttaff memory: The 1,m. Liu and I e,rangec1n,,,.~1o&pellOU1"Hl"ne.ttlheValley andasmlleyfaceWllrontolSLP KldspaMlng ~ by\hOughtl\Wd cooland..,....U1cilong E...eryone•ked,la•c1-pll0tlhe.clnWl1lrahon

• I never would 've met my new friend, Christina B.• If I didn't join yea rbook! We wen t to the I Panhellenic Dance together , and now we go to games together


and get lunch together! " • Lian Louie (Class of '13)


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