Alcala Yearbook 2008-2009

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k Obama defeats McCain securing pres

in U.S. history. PoU leading up to the e lec- tion ugge ted that Obama had a light lead over John Mc ain. The lead was re fl ec ted at the be- ginning of the ac tual e lection re- ults, but the numbers event uall y began leaning more and more heavily toward Obama. The turning point came when Obama took Ohio, one o f the most cru- cial battleground tates. Prior to Tuesday night , no Republican had ever won the pre ·idcncy without winning Ohio and that

trend continued with the senator from Ari zona . ·•w e have com to the end of a long journey," began a prepared , but vi ibly emotiona l McCain in hi conce ion peech. '"The American people have poken. and they have poken clearly. Thi campaign was and will remain the great honor of my life." In hi peech from Phoeni • Ariz. Mc ain prai ed Obama· l.ampaign and ongratu\ated hi . opponent on hi . de . pile

pre 1dent.

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Job Market With graduation loomir1g, students worry that the post-college job hunt will prove unfruitful .


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