Alcala Yearbook 2008-2009

The overall objective of Beta Alpha Psi is to he lp students learn abou t the various aspects of the Financial Information profession through act iviti es and involvement with professionals, faculty, and pee rs. Th e organization's mi ss ion is: To provide members with opportunities for academi c, personal and professional development so that they may cont ribute effect ive ly and ethi ca ll y to society and t hei r organizations; To se rve the community and deve lop conscient ious members of the community t hrough participation in c ivi c act iviti es; To build unity within the organizations and to establi sh fri endships and networks that extend beyond the co ll ege ca ree r; To ed ucate members about the opportunities prov ided by all sectors of the Financ ial Informat ion profess ion; To asp ire for continuous improvement in all act iviti es so that members may perform effect ively in today's business environment.


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