Alcala Yearbook 2008-2009

Sigma Tau Delta is an international English Honor Society. Members of Sigma Tau Delta have the opportunity to share the ir love of literature and linguistics with like-m inded peers, partic ipate in rewarding activities, and be recognized for their accomplishments. Being a member of this prestigious honor society in some cases instantly qualifies members, for one or more of the Society's numerous awards and scho larships. To celebrate their love of literature, members attended a literary themed party where each attendant dressed up as one of their favorite literary characters . The party was hosted by one of their newest members, Lisa Sabido, who greeted all the "characters" on the red carpeted entrance and interviewed them Academy Award style as photographers snapped their photos. Memorable characters that were seen were Tom Sawyer, Hermione Granger from "Harry Potter", Hamlet, Ophelia, Bella from "Twilight ", Mrs. Cou lter from "The Golden Compass", and the Cheshire Cat from "Alice in Wonderland. "

Sigma Tau Delta members played the ice- breaker game, "I Like M y eighbor."

The cas t o f th e ' Goss ip Girl ' pl ayed strike a pose

The party capped off the evening with games and a short pl ay adaption of the popular book-based tv show "Goss ip Girl ." Sigma Tau Delta's secretary, Alyssa Crow, played the manipul ative character o f Bl air, Beta Theta Pi 's Eri c Roberson pl ayed the rol e of ate, Bl air's boyfri end, and vi siting actors Sarah Z urell and Patri ck M acki e played th e rol es o f Serena van der Wood sen (Bl air's best fri end) and Dan Humphrey (Serena's love in te rest).


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