Alcala Yearbook 2008-2009

A note from the staff...

Dear all , W e hope you enjoy peru sing through thi s 08-09 editio n of USD 's A lca la Yea rbook . W e wo rked hard day and ni ght t hroughout the entire year to compil e a co ll ect ion of w hat thi s bea uti f ul uni ve rsity has to offe r: awesome stud ent organizati ons, spo rts teams, amazing facul ty, and most impo rtant of all , YOU, the stud ents. In previous yea rs, the Yea rbook had been composed of onl y an editor and a couple o f advi sors, bu t thi s yea r, th.ings changed and a team of students we re ensembl ed, equiped, and ready to get ri ght to wo rk. Each ed ito r had th e responsibility of communi ca ting with group pres idents and members to get photos of events. Th e staff attented events and meetings to gather informa ti on of the va rious o rgani zat ions USO has to offer. W e've done our bes t to capture your happi est memo ri es at USO and we ho pe you enj oy the res t of the yea rbook!

xoxo from the Yea rbook Staff


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