Alcala Yearbook 2006

- cng "Welcome to the University of San Diego . My name is (insert name of tour guide here) , and I will be shovving you around campus today. To your left we have a perfectly landscaped courtyard and a beautiful fountain. To your right we have a

"The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are

panoramic vievv ofMission Bay and the parkling Pacific Ocean. capable of doing new First we will head to our state-of-the-art Science and Technology things, not simply Building ... " Every student at USD remembers the first time they repeating what other visited the university. They remember the moment when they generations have realized USD was the school for them. Now that a year has done; men and women gone by, students appreciate the school even more. USD offers . wh~ are cre~tive, the rare combination of academic prestige, aesthetic beauty and inventive a nd discover- Catholic tradition. Although one cannot entirely capture the ers, who can be critical . . d f USD • d h h" b k · d .fy d t sptnt an tone o 1n wor s or p otos, t 1s year oo 1s a an ven , an no . , , . accept everything Journey through the 05- 06 academic year. We have learned , they a~e offered." we have changed, and we have grovvn. As vve leaf through this Jean Piaget compilation of memories vve vvill be reminded of people, places and events that helped form the people vve are today.

002 Opening

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